[Goanet] Citizenship and National Anthem of IRC

2002-08-31 Thread santoshhelekar
Recently we have had many inquiries about the rules of acquiring citizenship of the Independent Republic of Chimbel. We have so far been lax about granting citizenship. But with the new terrorist threat, we have determined that those who do not know our national anthem will not be given citize

[Goanet] re: Beyond colonialism

2002-08-17 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Those who checked the reference I gave realize that I >did not alter anything at all in quoting Dinesh >D'Souza. My motives are less sinister than some make >out. > Thanks Joel for letting us know that your motives are not so s

[Goanet] re: Beyond colonialism

2002-08-17 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Yawn. > Joel, sorry I did not know you were asleep. Sorry to wake you up. > >Please check the reference given here. > Venantius, Margaret and I were referring to the following article published in the San Francisco Chronicl

Re: [Goanet] Beyond colonialism

2002-08-17 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >No wonder Gandhi was unenthusiastic, as Mr. D'Souza >himself points out: > >'It is impossible to measure, or overlook, the pain >and humiliation that the British inflicted during >their long period of occupation. Understandably,

[Goanet] Gandhi on Western Civilization

2002-08-16 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Venantius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >With due respect to Western Civilization; Gandhi's >response, simple as it may seem to the prig Dinesh -- was an acerbic >(as in biting) criticism of western civilization from the man of >Swadeshi. > ...

Re: [Goanet] ...and you thought journalists were not human

2002-08-16 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I've forwarded Dr Helecar's comments to the editor-in-chief. > Hi Frederick: Thanks for forwarding my comments to the editor. I appreciate the concern you and Rene have shown with regard to this issue. It is important tha

[Goanet] Coconut Oil Information is FALSE

2002-08-15 Thread santoshhelekar
> > 'Coconut oil healthiest oil on earth' > > By Vasantha Arora, Indo-Asian News Service > The health-related information contained in the above article is FALSE. This article is full of gross distortion and misrepresentation of facts. I give below a point-by-point refutation of the statements

Re: [Goanet] Undeveloped Language - What Nonsense!

2002-08-13 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >Well said Santosh and I do hope that you have found a cure for AIDS. > >Edgar Martins > Hi Edgar: Thanks for your comments. Finding a cure for AIDS is not my cup of coffee. I am busy with less ambitious ventures. Cheers, Santosh Orlando F

[Goanet] Undeveloped Language - What Nonsense!

2002-08-11 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >KONKANI AND PANDORA'S BOX: "A developed language is a pre-requisite >for a developed society. It is therefore absurd to search for Goa's >Asmitai or identity in Konkani, which is nothing but an undeveloped >form of Marathi, ac

[Goanet] An Interesting Business Trip to India

2002-08-08 Thread santoshhelekar
I am posting below a very nicely written description of a business trip to India by a Californian named G. G. Carl. It is always enlightening to learn about the experiences of others. This description was posted on the internet forum of the James Randi Educational Foundation. I post it here with t

Re: [Goanet] Newspaper of Expatriates Goans.

2002-07-22 Thread santoshhelekar
Venantius Pinto had some good critical comments to make in response to my post on the above subject. They did not show up on Goanet even though he tried to copy them to it. So here they are: "A. Veronica, Perhaps what you wrote below is what you have experienced (and if yes, you must see yoursel

Re: [Goanet] Newspaper of Expatriates Goans.

2002-07-21 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > But Malyali Menon was a Malyali Menon and these > Malyalis will never give us peaceful life anywhere > they may be. Krishna Menon wanted to create > employment facilities for Malyalis who were suffering > from ram

[Goanet] Biased History of Ideas

2002-07-13 Thread santoshhelekar
People often let their ideological, nationalistic and/or religious biases affect what they believe to be true, and what they prefer to post on internet forums such as this one. This leads to a lot of misrepresentation and sloppy presentation of facts for public consumption. Two recent posts on

[Goanet] Is Old Unquestionably Gold?

2002-07-12 Thread santoshhelekar
Paddy wrote: > >Old is Gold. > Subhash Paradkar wrote: > >Intelligence of our forefathers should not be undermined and >measured by Western scientists. > When I see or hear statements such as the ones made above, I ask an obvious question. Why? Why is old gold? Why should knowledge of our

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?

2002-07-11 Thread santoshhelekar
Subhash Paradkar wrote: > >Let us not see everything evil in fellow Indians. > Dear Mr. Paradkar: Please don't mistake my criticism of the cow urine patent and its publicization by the Indian Government, as an attempt to see evil in fellow Indians. I was merely attempting to let people know tha

Re: [Goanet] Houston Goan Convention - A Blast!

2002-07-10 Thread santoshhelekar
I am sorry my description of the Goan Convention in Houston was not thorough and exhaustive. For instance, I did not mention that Alfred Braganza was a keynote speaker at the convention, and contributed a nice article on Goan culture to the convention souvenir. His article will shortly be put

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?

2002-07-10 Thread santoshhelekar
Here's a nice rebuttal to my post by Subhash Paradkar, which for some reason did not show up on Goanet even though he had copied it to it. I will post my response to it when I can find some time. Cheers, Santosh SUBHASH PARADKAR'S POST Dear Santosh: (1) I am here in the US for the past 34

Re: [Goanet] NEWS: Who's ready for cow's urine?

2002-07-10 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >The ancient Vedic medicine, which bagged a U.S. patent last week, is >touted as the miracle cure for ailments ranging from skin disease, >liver problems and obesity to cancer. > >The Council of Scientific and Industrial Rese

[Goanet] Houston Goan Convention - A Blast!

2002-07-09 Thread santoshhelekar
The Sixth Biennial Convention of the Goan Organization in America, which was attended by 219 Goan progeny and kindred at the Marriott- Galleria in Houston, concluded last Sunday with a great sense of joy and accomplishment. As expected, we had a good time and great fun, met wonderful people,

Re: [Goanet] Timing, tact and joy

2002-06-28 Thread santoshhelekar
Dear Joel: I disagree completely with what you have written. I have no time to explain now. But in one complex sentence, I think all analogies you use are inappropriate, and I submit to you that there is no more tactful and opportune time to express your disagreement or alternative view about

[Goanet] Re: Reproach and Accusation

2002-06-26 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Dear Santosh: > > Let me state this upfront: It has not been my intention to either >blemish your reputation or tarnish your image, or ridicule you and >your field of work. The respect I have for you (as a fellow human >being

Re: [Goanet] 10 Questions- Cecil Pinto on 'Child Naming Patterns among Goan Ca

2002-06-24 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 10 Questions by Ree Coh > > Firstly, let us examine the legend of the 'creation' of Goa. >According to the Vedas, Lord Saptoshwar threw a trident into the >Arabian Sea, hoping to catch the equally mythical Goan Crabs. The >trident

[Goanet] Mr. Joe Vaz's Reproach and Accusation

2002-06-22 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Mr. Santosh Helekar: > >I feel sorry for you and sad, to note the way you responded to my >last post, and to those before me who tried to exact an explanation >on how you arrived at your spurious conclusions, on the subject >matter

Re: [Goanet] Freedom of Thought v/s Imposed Views

2002-06-21 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > >But that should not give anyone the right to impose their views (be >it scientific or diabolical) on the faith-filled who believe and >trust in God's omnipotence. Can we live and let live? There is ample >room for all of us to attain their

[Goanet] Milagrino's Fake Appeal for a Foul

2002-06-21 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I want you to understand that I was trying to put the "Miracle" >concept into context, so that misconceptions, posited in Santosh's >posts, may be exposed to clarity. > My legs are tired. I cannot go on in over time. I am also af

[Goanet] Miracle is an appeal to ignorance

2002-06-20 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Quote:"I am frankly tired of this argument now, because I think I >have failed miserably in explaining to Mr. VazÂ…" Unquote. > I am rapidly becoming tired of this argument this time around as well, and continue to fail miserably

[Goanet] Re: A Skeptical View on the Padre Pio Hysteria

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Joe Vaz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >In the canonization process there is a role known as (or previously >called) the ?Devil?s Advocate? this role freely allows for refutation >of a miracle claim through (scientific) demonstration. > >.

[Goanet] re: Matteo Colella

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Please be objective. Unlike the Medical Board which >assessed the prognosis on the basis of the full >medical records and other relevant evidence, I write >only the little that I know. > >Let's assume that the best known convent

[Goanet] Deceit and Fraud

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >However, whatever I know seems to be free from fraud or deceit. All >of the facts above can be objectively evaluated. If anyone has >specific evidence of fraud or deceit, why remain silent? > Deceit and fraud can be acts of comm

Re: [Goanet] Matteo Colella

2002-06-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Over the following week his health >improved, with blood chemistry tests showing steady >improvement. He regained full health eventually. > >I am not a paediatrician. I have not seen the medical >records. However, whatever I kno

[Goanet] Press Release from the Dhovi Khopti

2002-06-16 Thread santoshhelekar
The hearing about the qestao between Goanet and Shri Cecil Pinto was held this Sunday morning. It had to be derrenpently dismissed because nobody appeared before the Chimbel Supreme Court in the Tambdi Khopti at Morombim. Vodlo Ghaadi Loximon was furios and declared this a contempt of court. H

[Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?

2002-05-28 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >False. The word you are looking for is "reverse", not >converse. Here are the logically correct statements. > >Statement: Life is confined to earth >Re-statement: Life cannot be found outside earth > >Those are logically equivale


2002-05-27 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], gLoBaL~E~LINKED <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >But which brand of Hep B Vaccine are we talking about? The one >presently peddled in Goa? The last one hawked by Lions Club >International-Shanta Biotechnics? Who has certified that these >brands are safe? Certainly not

Re: [Goanet] Is water is found only on Earth?

2002-05-27 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >True. They are trying to falsify the dogma that life >is found ONLY on Earth. That is the significance of >their effort. > >Imagine an application for funds that reads something >like this: > >This project will confirm that life

[Goanet] re: Induction & Confirmation (Santosh)

2002-05-27 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >You are right, many of my statements are false: probably because I >am merely human. I must say, in fairness, that your statements are >NOT invariably false. If I take a little light-hearted tone in the >following text it is n


2002-05-23 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >BEWARE OF HEPATITIS "B" VACCINE. > >Hepatitis 'B' Vaccine has the following adverse effects. >* Arthritis >* Sudden Infant deat

[Goanet] Induction and Confirmation

2002-05-21 Thread santoshhelekar
Joel has repeatedly stated in this forum that good Science proceeds by refutation rather than by induction. This statement is as false as many of his other statements. The idea of falsification in Science was made popular by Sir Karl Popper, an eccentric British philosopher of Science. Most scient

Re: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc

2002-05-21 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >But one of the reasons I asked is to show you how illogical your >approach is. Just because you haven't read it and don't know more >about it does not mean it does not exist. :-) > Sunila, you have covered a lot of ground

[Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc

2002-05-21 Thread santoshhelekar
Sunila Muzawar wrote on the Scientific Method thread: > >Actually the VHP only parrots what others say. Nobel prize winners >like Romain Rolland have said a lot about the Vedas and whatever. > Romain Rolland got a Nobel prize in literature. He was not a scientist. As far as I know, he said not

[Goanet] re: Scientific Method

2002-05-20 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Give as many examples as you like to those concerned, >I have no objection. What has all that got to do with >my religious belief? I do object to being tarred with >the same brush you use for them. > Dear Joel: It is not my in

Re: [Goanet] Scientific method

2002-05-20 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >You write of religious belief: > >"something to cling to in spite >of contrary evidence" > >As far as my own religious belief goes, I suggest that >you first present some contrary evidence, then decide >whether I cling or not. U

Re:[Goanet] Scientific Method

2002-05-19 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Dear Santosh, > >As a scientist I am interested in refutation of error. >Either a conjecture is refuted or it is not. If you >can unequivocally refute the factual claims relating >to the death of the historical Jesus, then I urge

Re: [Goanet] Mere assertions

2002-05-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Prejudice, or a closed mind, forms no part of >Scientific Method. > Yes, but skepticism is an integral part of the scientific method, and gullibility has no place in it, even though the former is often mistaken for prejudice

[Goanet] Evidence or Mere Assertions

2002-05-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >That seems to be your heartfelt opinion, perhaps your >"deeply felt intuition". It also happens to be false. > As I said, I think deeply felt intuition is a good thing to have. It would make me happy if others thought I possess

[Goanet] Evidence-Based Religion

2002-05-17 Thread santoshhelekar
Joel wrote: > >I can look around and, once I find them, suggest one or more books >relating to the religion I know best (Christianity). > Dan wrote: > >In response to Santosh's enquiry about a book that deals with >apologetics. > Sidney wrote: > >I agree fully with you that religion can never

[Goanet] re: Kashmir killings

2002-05-17 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >That is why many thinking people and >scientists become religious after carefully weighing >the logic and evidence. > I would love to know what logic and evidence leads one to believe that there is heaven and hell, that there i

Re: [Goanet] Kashmir killings

2002-05-16 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Death Toll Cause >50 million Second World War >47 million Mao Zedong >40 million Mongol Conquests >25 million Manchu Conquest >20 million Taiping Rebellion >20 million Anihilation of the American Indians >20 million Iosif

Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D'Souza

2002-05-09 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >The question is, would we have really been better off? How do we >reach that conclusion? > >Santosh's question therefore, is a double-edged sword, where the >opposite in both cases is a matter of speculation. > While Tariq

Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D'Souza

2002-05-09 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > ?So here they are: two cheers for colonialism!? GEORGE: ZERO CHEERS > > I have not much time right now to respond substantively to the shameless defense of colonialism by Dinesh D?Souza, but I cannot let an apologetic for

[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 3)

2002-05-02 Thread santoshhelekar
The last chapter in this saga began abruptly and ended even more quickly, before the bull could sense what hit him. Like the terrorist attacks that befell this great nation of Chimbel, the events that transpired at the top secret private meeting between the bull, the sentient being, and the Presid

[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 2)

2002-05-02 Thread santoshhelekar
I apologize for inadvertently posting the first chapter twice. Here is Chapter 2. THE MARRIAGE OF THE PETS (continuation) President Pandurang was not very thrilled about meeting another special interest couple who did not have money to buy a single plate at a fund-raising dinner. He would rathe

[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 1)

2002-05-02 Thread santoshhelekar
I present below the second part of the Post-Marriage Story that resulted from George Pinto's elaboration of a Bambino Martins riddle involving a Goan Bhatcar, his two sons, and three pets, on the Goan Forum. This part deals with what happened after the cow married the goat in George's elabora

[Goanet] The Marriage of the Pets (Chapter 1)

2002-05-02 Thread santoshhelekar
I present below the second part of the Post-Marriage Story that resulted from George Pinto's elaboration of a Bambino Martins riddle involving a Goan Bhatcar, his two sons, and three pets, on the Goan Forum. This part deals with what happened after the cow married the goat in George's elabora

Re: [Goanet] Ancestral Home Remedies

2002-04-24 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > and we can make a fortune selling these remedies when the world's >scientists reach the acme of the antibiotic and the germs continue to >build resistance to these antibiotics -- we started with >penicillin, then tetrc

Re:[Goanet] Ancestral Home Remedies

2002-04-24 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], bernadine decosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Yeahwe need to compile all these remedies so that >our future generations can always put them to use - >these are far less harmful than modern day medicines, >antibiotics etc., > Not if you count the careful and caring

[Goanet] re: Ancestral remedies & Santosh

2002-04-23 Thread santoshhelekar
Jose wrote: > Dear Santosh, > > do you remember a "treatment" for childhood asthma > which as doing its rounds in Goai.e. The hapless > child was made to drink blood of a chameleon? > It's not a chameleon Jose. It is some kind of a monitor lizard. In Konkani I believe it is called gaar. Y

Re: [Goanet] Ancestral Home Remedies

2002-04-23 Thread santoshhelekar
Sunila wrote: > >Boil water with a handful of coriander and cummin (jeera) seeds. >Strain and cool down. > >No time to write the book, but if anybody is really interested in >doing so, Good Luck. > Paddy wrote: > >I am curious if anyone has similar or other experiences and if there >is any as

Fwd: [Goanet] Chemistry Problem

2002-04-18 Thread santoshhelekar
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >"A solution containing 30 gms of non volatile solube in 90 gms of >water has a vapour pressure of 21.85mm of mercury at 25 degrees >centigrade. Further 18 gms of water is then added to the solution the >resulting solution has a vapour

Re: [Goanet] Siddhis, Sudras & Slavery!

2002-04-12 Thread santoshhelekar
Sunila wrote: > >The caste system started as a flexible professional recognition >system. Four main professions namely kshatriya (kings), vani >(merchants), brahmin (scholars), shudras(other services) were >recognised. It was flexible and a person could >change his/her profession without a problem