Re: What is command reject trying to tell me?

2007-01-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: What is command reject trying to tell me? and just for the fun of it ... another post mentioning contingent connection How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days? as i mentioned before

Re: Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules .

2007-01-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
R.S. writes: Additional security also raises the price. Almost always. Additional complexity doesn't always mean additional security, sometimes the opposite. any add-on features increase complexity ... complexity increases costs ... complexity also tends to make infrastructures more vulnerable

Re: Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules .

2007-01-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Howard Brazee writes: One of the tough choices programmers come up with is when a 30 year old program that has been modified every year - should be replaced. This type of decision becomes more difficult with people who design operating systems and systems that interface with other systems.

Re: special characters in passwords

2007-01-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Arthur T. wrote: also didn't list some minor ones (like the code to the push-button locks on the doors). I also didn't list all of the passwords and PINs needed in my personal life. Note that in about a quarter of the above, I could not be sure that the password was end-to-end encrypted,

Re: Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules.

2007-01-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur T.) writes: You pick ease over security. At my old shop, we had several RACF-protected systems plus one VM system that held the password unencrypted. Most people used the same password on all, making them none of them secure. Many people also used the same

Re: Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules.

2007-01-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Rick Fochtman wrote: The nature of our business was such that we handled large amounts of other people's money on a daily, and even hourly, basis. When I started there, in 1981, I was told that we processed enough money in a week to pay the National Debt. Needless to say, security and employee

Re: Mainframe vs. Server (Was Just another example of mainframe costs.)

2007-01-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Charles Mills wrote: Pet peeve. Saying mainframes versus servers is like saying Fords versus cars. A mainframe typically IS a server (often among other roles). The first definition Google comes up with for server is A computer that delivers information and software to other computers linked by

Re: Just another example of mainframe costs.

2007-01-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Ed Gould wrote: Never heard of it so I guess it, that doesn't mean it never existed just an extremely small audience. I don't recall ever hearing anything about VF . I would expect if it were popular that there would be a current model, no? I am guessing that VF stands for vector facility

Re: Just another example of mainframe costs.

2007-01-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Fochtman) writes: No argument here. But the hardware evolution in terms of RAS has made the MF KING in this area. MF had a poor record to start, but it's improved immeasurably over the last 40+ years, with the evolution of microcode and things like automatic recovery and

Re: How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?

2007-01-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Binyamin Dissen wrote: By CP, I was referring to VM CP. Not TSO CP. VM CP is a hypervisor which runs MVS as a client. from long ago and far away, I had done IPCS superset written in rexx (when it was still called rex and hadn't been release as a product) ... which was initially line-mode

Re: Remote Tape drives

2006-12-31 Thread Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gould) writes: I have been exposed to two different channel extenders over the years. Of the two each had its own weaknesses. I won't talk about brand names other than to say they were from different parts of the US. The first (and second) seemed to drive IOS nuts and

Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones

2006-12-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Nigel Hadfield wrote: And a wonderful company called Enterprise Computer Services made a very good living for a number of years upgrading, downgrading, and crossgrading 3090s, by doing just that with IBM's engines. Made much easier once a good late friend and colleague had essentially hacked the

Re: IBM ATM machines

2006-12-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That reminds me. The first ATMs in Canada I saw at my bank were made by IBM - and they used a formed-character printer to print the information about the transaction on card stock media. It was apparent to me that what they were using was exactly the right size to be a

Re: S0C1 with ILC 6

2006-12-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Edward Jaffe wrote: Untrue! There are no Program Exceptions whatsoever listed for the LA instruction in PoOp. In fact, it specifically states: No storage references for operands take place, and the address is not inspected for access exceptions. you can get instruction fetch program

IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones

2006-12-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones;jsessionid=BKMIXSNECXW0OQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=196601610 from above: In its second

Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones

2006-12-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thompson, Steve , SCI TW) writes: The PCMs from a prior life all had to license patents from IBM and others. AMDAHL actually has/had patents that IBM had to as I

Re: MB to Cyl Conversion

2006-11-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Fochtman) writes: There are similar references for all the newer DASD since that time, as well. But they're hard to find. i would be happy to update gcard

Re: Z/Os Storage Mgmt products

2006-11-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Cecilio) writes: I don't know if IBM's Tivoli suite does similar tasks?? some recent threads discussing history of TSM (tivoli storage manager);

Re: What's a mainframe?

2006-11-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Payne) writes: There used to be a rule: a) If you push it and it doesn't move, it's a mainframe. b) If you push it and it moves, it's midrange. c) If you

Re: Where can you get a Minor in Mainframe?

2006-11-17 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Due to a little interruption called Viet Nam didn't actually start twiddling bits until December 73. in the early 80s, i sponsored a

Re: Assembler question

2006-11-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Marchant) writes: Macrocode was coded in assembler. It was very similar to millicode on z/Architecture. re:

Re: Friday fun - Discovery on the pad and the software's not done

2006-11-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Smith III) writes: This is fairly OT, but the key graf is: When the shuttle's flight control software was developed in the 1970s, NASA

Re: remote support questions - curiousity

2006-11-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. the other viewpoint was that the software was designed as dedicated, disconnected tabletop operation ... and allowed numerous applications (games, etc) to take over the whole machine. a

Re: Assembler question

2006-11-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Altmark) writes: Since we, as a group, are unable to agree that XEDIT is the Best Mainframe Editor Ever (just bait - don't take it), I

Re: Storage Philosophy Question

2006-10-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Fochtman) writes: He may also have been thinking about the Great Chicago Flood of a few years ago, when several prominent Chicago banks learned the folly of

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever

2006-10-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,bit.listserv.vmesa-l,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Is it necessary to round to a page boundary, or only to a cache line boundary? (Either is subject to

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?

2006-10-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: for some trivia ... one of the people in the following meeting claimed to have been primary person handling sql/ds

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?

2006-10-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward Jaffe) writes: Write-protected subpools?! No such thing! I mentioned the CsvRentSp252 DIAG trap earlier in this thread.. What that

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?

2006-10-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Gilmartin) writes: Some non-IBM systems can mark segments as I-fetch only and D-fetch only. Does z/Series have this capability? It instantly traps on

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?

2006-10-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John P Baker) writes: Reentrancy may be preferred, but it is not always reasonable or even possible. Each situation must be evaluated on its own merits. so

Re: Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?

2006-10-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: A.6 Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing Examples

Re: Storage Philosophy Question

2006-10-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R.S.) writes: 1. DASD mirroring does not prevent you against errors in data. Errors made by human, software bug, etc. 2. Campus area seems to be too small to talk about serious DR centre. Too short distance. Numerous disaster types could spread both locations. 3. There is

Re: Google launches search engine for finding source code

2006-10-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chase, John) writes: STM R14,R12 will get you 50 or so but STM 14,12,12(13) returns nothing. see recent thread posting in comp.arch

Re: THE on USS?

2006-10-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. Dan Espen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Yes, I should have been clearer. I prefer ISPFs exclude even though xemacs has multiple ways to hide text, the simpler whole line approach and the

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-10-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: 8 bits of ECC for 64 bits of data. At one point the trade press was talking about low cost block oriented

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: in the early 80s ... big pages were implemented for both VM and MVS. this didn't change the virtual page size

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gould) writes: It would be interesting, I would think to have the old timers compare the code that was used in the old days against what is

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. Brian Inglis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Had to be reduced to 9 pages (36KB) because the 3880/3380 would miss the start of the next track (RPS miss) on a chained

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Schmidt) writes: Have the presenter review ancient history in the S/360 line -- the 360 line generally supported differing page sizes (2K

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Schmidt) writes: For zSeries to do it you would either be looking at creative use of MIDAW to read/write the 1M pages from/to existing

Re: REAL memory column in SDSF

2006-09-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Schmidt) writes: When I lived in POK I was told that a part of the reason for extended storage also had to do with its lack of

Re: SHARE attendance

2006-09-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: I hate to argue with furniture (and hate even more when it argues back) but I'm pretty sure there was a SHARE in eithr L.A. or San Francisco


2006-09-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
tony babonas wrote: Whatever their site is I'm deeply envious of how comprehensive its contents are. The design must be such that: 1. It's readily update-able. 2. It's readily search-able, in that a reference to the 1978 version of the ABC Frammis get quoted rather instantly. 3. Seeming


2006-09-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: oh, and the e-server magazine article

Re: Is no one reading the article?

2006-09-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: part of the issue had been that HP had acquired Convex. Convex had done the scalable Examplar using 64-port sci

Re: Linux More Secure on System z?

2006-09-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy Sipples) writes: The first thing to say is that Linux is Linux, so for anyone who still thinks that Linux is somehow emulated on

Re: Is no one reading the article?

2006-09-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Payne) writes: READ what the article says - 7,000 zSeries MIPS have been replaced by just TWO HP Superdomes. This is not in any way a

Re: Another BIG Mainframe Bites the Dust

2006-09-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I think a lot of it boils back down to what is needed. I'm not a huge fan of server technology (20,000 chickens pulling a plow) but

Re: what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?

2006-09-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tsai Laurence) writes: I am confused that the difference between LF NL ? It seems both will get the printer prints the document on next line . Can anybody advise

Re: what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?

2006-09-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In half-duplex, where, unlike on a 2741, you can't lock the terminal, if the user wants to type a character while the carriage is

Re: OT - hand-held security

2006-08-31 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Altmark) writes: And, more importantly, change. I know of a large multinational IT company that has a 90-day password change policy,

Re: 19,000 Accounts Compromised

2006-08-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Staller, Allan) writes: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Hackers broke into one of ATT Inc.'s computer networks and stole credit card data and other personal information

Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig Mullins) writes: Perhaps this site is helpful in narrowing down what an OS is? re:

Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Altmark) writes: LOL. Simplest terms. No kidding there! I suggest Madnick Donovan's Operating Systems textbook (McGraw-Hill, 1974),

Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Alan Altmark writes: It depends on your definition of of operating system. The classical definition is the chunk of software that manages the real system resources, allocating them to application programs. That is, the gatekeeper for access to the CPU, memory, and I/O devices. That would

Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler wrote: the result was that w/o stringently enforced microkernel standards ... the micro-kernel tended to become extremely bloated, starting to resemble the kernels of more traditionally implemented operating systems ... becoming more and more bloating and much more difficult

Re: New airline security measures in Europe

2006-08-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Phil Payne wrote: These days the threat's on the network, and the bearded nutter is sitting safe in some cave somewhere. He doesn't necessarily have to get to your system - he can also attack a system that your system trusts. i think there was the vehicle plowing into the lobby of a

Re: DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)

2006-08-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?) part of this is global cache/lru vis-a-vis local cache/lru. i had been doing global cache management nearly 40 years ago in cp67 ... at the time when at least some of the academic literature was focused on

Re: The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???

2006-08-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Mickey wrote: My opinion of VM has been essentially the same as yours. For lack of a better term, I have always thought of both VM and Rexx as being elegant. part of the issue was that CMS (under cp67 and then vm370) was mainstay personal computer offering of the late 60s and through-out the

Re: The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???

2006-08-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Tom Marchant wrote: Is IBM really giving up on VM? They tryed that once before... Once? I think the first time was about 1970. pretty much all during cp67 ... at least tss/360 group was trying to cancel it ... since the 360/67 (w/virtual memory was supposed to be a tss/360 machine). i

Re: The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???

2006-08-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Mickey wrote: HONE? Ew I remember I took the Skills Tracking System off of home and converted it to run on VM at the Atlanta ED cenrter way back in 1990. What a monumental task that was, but the resultant system was 2/3 the size of the original and had about 20% more functionality.

Re: The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???

2006-08-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS??? The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS??? The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS??? email from long ago and far away To: wheeler

Re: the personal data theft pandemic continues

2006-08-13 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
ref: the personal data theft pandemic continues the personal data theft pandemic continues for some additional drift related to being able to harvest personal information and whether or not it represents a

Re: Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS

2006-08-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
ref: SEQUENCE NUMBERS Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS for some additional drift, old history about requiring

Re: the personal data theft pandemic continues

2006-08-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Maybe they'll add it to SOX.%-) recent sox thread: Sarbanes-Oxley is what you get when you don't do FC Sarbanes-Oxley is what you get when you don't do FC

Re: Strobe equivalents

2006-08-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Gilbert Saint-Flour wrote: I keep a list here: for some drift ... in the early 70s, the science center had done a lot of work on performance monitoring and measurement technologies ...

Re: Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS

2006-07-31 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clark Morris) writes: How do the various source maintenance packages for other platforms such as Unix handle the problem. I'm thinking of CVS and the various Itegrated Development Environments. There are differential upgrades and other techniques. I am not familiar with

Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler wrote: Google runs on hundreds of thousands of servers—by one estimate, in excess of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data centers around the world. re: Google Architecture ... in somewhat similar vein Grid

Re: MD5 for z/OS?

2006-07-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OK. I can't read. The OP asked about MD5 (which is somewhat deprecated nowadays); I answered about SHA (which is somewhat less deprecated, so far). C source code for MD5 appears in RFC 1321. two years ago, in the middle of a crypto 2004 talk on MD5 attacks ...

Re: Why is zSeries so CPU poor?

2006-07-19 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
McKown, John wrote: Since we are recalling the past, IIRC there was some CPU designed and manufactured to natively execute p-code. It didn't really make a very good showing in the market. To be totally off topic: I really liked what I read about the Intel iAPX 432. Built from the ground up to

Re: Old IBM protocol IBM 1006

2006-07-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Charles Mills wrote: Here's a good start: note in the above referenced archive ... it mentions transmission as reverse inverted • ALC is transmitted reverse inverted. For example, capital A is 0x31, but it's transmitted as

Re: Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron

2006-07-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Rostyslaw J. Lewyckyj [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Well I had exposure, access, to an IBM MVT product called TESTTRAN which was sort of available on our system with assembler F and , if I remember correctly, Fortran G, both in batch and TSO. One had to compile/assemble with the TEST option,

Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Inside the Google-Plex,1540,1985040,00.asp from above: Google runs on hundreds of thousands of servers—by one estimate, in excess of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data centers around

Re: Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron

2006-07-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Dave Jones wrote: While z/VM isn't explicitly mentioned in the blog entry, I do suspect that the Linux images the gamers are using are VM hosted. Who was it that first ran StarTrek on VM or TSO? I guess

Re: Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron

2006-07-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Dave Jones wrote: While z/VM isn't explicitly mentioned in the blog entry, I do suspect that the Linux images the gamers are using are VM hosted. Who was it that first ran StarTrek on VM or TSO? I guess

Re: Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron

2006-07-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Ed Finnell wrote: There were the 9370's as node machines. We had one for our supercomputer node for a little while before the big-I got commercial. Then we got a 3090-400e and darned if it didn't have four of the buggers inside the 9032... re:

Re: TCP/IP and connecting z to alternate platforms

2006-07-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Roy Hewitt wrote: Prob not if you've got Gbit OSA. Escon CTC type connections existed before OSA. In the days of 10Mb Ethernet, Escon was was a lot faster, even with 100Mb it was a viable choice, but can't see why you'd want to these days.. escon technology had been laying around pok since the

Re: Musings on a holiday weekend

2006-07-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
McKown, John wrote: From what I've been told, that compatability problem is why FS (Future System) did not take off as a replacement for the S/370. It eventually, again from what I am told, became the AS/400 (iSeries). The i5/OS that runs on the iSeries is simply amazing to me. We looked at it

Re: Using different storage key's

2006-06-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Tom Marchant wrote: The Amdahl 580 series had the same sort of thing, but they called it macrocode. It made it easy to implement new instructions. An interrupt would cause a switch to System state and macrocode would decide what to do with it. Macrocode, combined with increased addressability

Re: Curiosity

2006-06-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Jim Mulder wrote: O(n) - searching a list of n elements O(n ** 2) - bubble sort of n elements O(n * log(n)) - heap sort of n elements there are many cases of searching list of n elements ... which can result in non-linear overhead increases. this typically happens when the

Re: Mainframe Limericks...

2006-06-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Joe Morris wrote: Anne Lynn Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: os/360 ... pcp. i don't remember that you could sysgen mvt until release 12. That agrees with my recollections. And one other event at release 12 was that the sources were all resequenced...which wasn't really that much

Re: Old Hashing Routine

2006-06-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Jim Mulder wrote: The architecture scavenged two PTE bits to allow for 64mbytes of real storage. I don't think the 3033 ever supported more than 32mbytes, and I am not sure about the 3081, but there were customers running MVS/370 on the 3090 with 64mbytes of real storage. re:

Re: Mainframe Limericks...

2006-06-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Hunkeler Peter , KIUB 34 wrote: Depends on what release and corresponding name you talk about. If you go the the roots, both OSs were born in the mid 60s: OS/360 came out in 1964. MULTICS came out around 1965, which then became UNICS, then UNIX. multics started about then. lots of early 545

Re: Mainframe Limericks...

2006-06-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Shmuel Metz , Seymour J. wrote: What did they use for a test machine before the 3081 was available? There was a micro-order on the 3168 that was highly suggestive. re: Mainframe Limericks refers to posting The

Re: Old Hashing Routine

2006-06-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Shmuel Metz , Seymour J. wrote: I don't know, but it certainly shocked me, given that there were already machines with a million words of memory. It didn't take a crystal ball to forsee growing memory demand. I wouldn't call that the biggest mistake, however. When the S/360 came out virtually

Re: Mainframe Limericks...

2006-06-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: UNIX was officially named in 1970. MVS was released in 1974. However MVS was preceded by MVT which was released in 1964. os/360 ... pcp. i don't remember that you could sysgen mvt until release 12. boeing huntsville had custom modified mvt version 13 with virtual

Re: Old Hashing Routine

2006-06-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Shmuel Metz , Seymour J. wrote: Indeed, but they forgot the need to adjust address constants and variables when moving things around. They should have given the software types more say in the design. os/360 relocatable address constants are a real pain. tss/360 (the real operating system that

Re: Track capacity?

2006-06-17 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
James F Smith wrote: That doesn't look right, but please consider my bad memory. But wasn't the track capacity for a 3380 - 47476??? you are talking about the largest formated record w/o key. if you look at the calculation, a keyless record required adding 12 bytes and rounded up to

Re: Track capacity?

2006-06-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Charles Mills wrote: all disks since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Heck, it's got the 2311 and 2305. (That should be enough start up another one of those darned mainframe nostalgia threads.) i've done qd conversion of the old gcard ios3270 to html. it has

Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Tom Schmidt wrote: Read a little about John Nagle's observations on network performance here: That particular link hyperlinks to a Microsoft page that gives you a clue how to change your registery settings to alter the

Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Paul Gilmartin wrote: Can you envision running the Internet on SNA? o 8-character flat namespace? o No DNS? Or am I mistaking attributes of VTAM for SNA? (But still, where's SNA's DNS?) SNA isn't networking ... at least in the sense used by most of the rest of the world. SNA is quite good

Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Ed Gould wrote: I don't think SNA has anything like a DNS (warning my info is old). The last time I did a 3745 gen you had to hardcode a lot of subareas. Although I do think they have updated it since then (hope so anyway). There were some route tables that could get hairy. I had access to the

Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Ted MacNEIL wrote: NOT in this case! The packets are dropped! They are not re-sent and the app is blown off the air. It works under SNA; it bellies up under TCP/IP. Every time! Repeatable! there were some amount of dirty tricks ... not all that can be repeated in polite company. with

Re: One or two CPUs - the pros cons

2006-06-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Gerhard Adam wrote: What are you losing? It isn't as if these processors are off playing solitaire. They're paying the cost of communication to allow more simultaneous operations for YOUR workload. The primary benefit of this approach is to reduce the queueing impacts of multiple units of

Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
oh and late breaking topic drift: Bank admits flaws in chip and PIN security Millions at risk from chip and Pin

Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later

2006-06-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler wrote: as more environments changed from terminal emulation paradigm to client/server paradigm ... you were starting to have server asymmetric bandwidth requirements with individual (server) adapter card thruput equivalent to aggregate lan thruput ... i.e. servers needed

Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later

2006-06-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Gilbert Saint-Flour wrote: The last three examples were sponsored (or developed) by IBM, and many IBM competitors supported the non-IBM solution precisely because it was that, non-IBM. In the case of Micro-channel and OS/2, licensing issues didn't help with PC companies like Compaq and HP.

Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Marian Gasparovic wrote: Why are mainframe people so reluctant to change ? I know cases where mainframe people refused to implement new applications, so they were implemented on different platform, old applications were removed as well as mainframe. I witnessed this situation personaly at one

Re: One or two CPUs - the pros cons

2006-06-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Charles Mills wrote: Are you sure? That's totally contrary to my impression. There are three states for the above machine: - both tasks waiting for I/O - one task waiting for I/O and the other task computing - either both tasks computing, or if a single CPU, one computing and the other

Re: Google Architecture

2006-06-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Craddock, Chris wrote: Pat Helland (formerly with Tandem and MS, now with Amazon) has written some very lucid and entertaining discussions about how economics are changing their system design points. He was one of the originators of the Tandem Non-Stop transaction system and a life-long

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