[osint] Re: Is There a Khilafah in Your Future?

2005-07-07 Thread David Bier
...but neither group of zealots is likely to just peacefully pray in their houses of worship. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/www/Chronicles/2005/February2005/0205Jatra s.html Is There a Khilafah in Your Future

[osint] The 28,000 victims of terrorism

2005-07-07 Thread David Bier
Christian supporters. So they bury the problem, with the FBI listing the abortion clinic attacks as just local crime. And Bush43's folks brag about doing a good job... David Bier http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-3-1684077-3,00.html July 07, 2005 The 28,000 victims of terrorism From

[osint] In the Streets of Londonistan

2005-07-08 Thread David Bier
provisions in the event of a national security emergency. The general is empowered to decide if a NSE is occurring. (Note the emergency security provisions in the UK that are outlined at the end of the article.) David Bier Tim Newburn, the director of the Mannheim Centre for the study of criminology

[osint] ‘A Long-Term Threat’

2005-07-08 Thread David Bier
. Just to beef up security for New York City alone would probably cost more than that. Ground transport is going to be vulnerable to terrorist attack for a very long time at the current rate of funding. David Bier http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8500211/site/newsweek/?rf=nwnewsletter ‘A Long-Term

[osint] Re: 'Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander

2005-07-09 Thread David Bier
identification and arrest of suspects. David Bier Background on HSBC tower: http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/HSBC_Tower,_London HSBC Tower, London From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Photo of HSBC Tower in the article show a building to right which is occuiped by Credit Suisse First Boston and Bank

[osint] Where has all the money gone?

2005-07-09 Thread David Bier
the Iraqi government for damages from torture during their imprisonment. Reason: Funds were needed for reconstruction. David Bier http://www.lrb.co.uk/v27/n13/print/harr04_.html LRB | Vol. 27 No. 13 dated 7 July 2005 | Ed Harriman Where has all the money gone? Ed Harriman follows the auditors

[osint] More Trouble for Rove in CIA Leak Case?

2005-07-09 Thread David Bier
This past weekend, Michael Isikoff of Newsweek reported that the emails and notes turned over by Time indicated that one of Cooper's sources [for Time's article that named Plame] was White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove. Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove had been

[osint] Reporter's Account Suggests Probe's Tack

2005-10-17 Thread David Bier
While public attention has focused largely on the possible role of Karl Rove, President Bush's senior political adviser, a new account by reporter Judith Miller shows that Mr. Fitzgerald has been pushing just as hard to obtain evidence concerning I. Lewis Libby, Mr. Cheney's chief of staff.

[osint] Cheney may be target of probe

2005-10-18 Thread David Bier
They have got a senior cooperating witness - someone who is giving them all of that, http://nydailynews.com/front/story/356858p-304125c.html Cheney may be target of probe BY JAMES GORDON MEEK, THOMAS M. DeFRANK and KENNETH R. BAZINET DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON - A special

[osint] Cheney aide cooperating with CIA outing probe, sources say

2005-10-18 Thread David Bier
John Hannah, a senior national security aide on loan to Vice President Dick Cheney from the offices of then-Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, John Bolton, was named as a target of Fitzgerald's probe. They say he was told in recent weeks that he could

[osint] Bush whacked Rove on CIA leak

2005-10-19 Thread David Bier
Bush did not feel misled so much by Karl and others as believing that they handled it in a ham-handed and bush-league way, the source said. A second well-placed source said some recently published reports implying Rove had deceived Bush about his involvement in the Wilson counterattack were

[osint] Dick Cheney's Covert Action

2005-10-20 Thread David Bier
...the Bush administration gladly sacrificed an undercover intelligence officer in order to keep up the pretense that the war in Iraq was all about weapons of mass destruction. ...the outing of Valerie Plame was part of a broader White House effort to mislead and manipulate U.S. public opinion as

[osint] Cheney cabal hijacked US foreign policy

2005-10-20 Thread David Bier
“What I saw was a cabal between the vice-president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made. “Now it is paying the consequences of making those decisions in

[osint] Case Against Cheney

2005-10-20 Thread David Bier
No top office within the administration was better positioned than Cheney's to gather the information that was used to attack Wilson and his wife and to peddle that information to the press. http://www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat?bid=1pid=29442 | Posted 10/18/2005 @ 1:08pm Case Against Cheney

[osint] Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics

2005-10-20 Thread David Bier
They were funneling information to [New York Times reporter] Judy Miller. Judy was a charter member, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/wn_report/v-pfriendly/story/357082p-304302c.html New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics BY JAMES GORDON

[osint] Navy, Marines block commercial e-mail sites

2005-10-20 Thread David Bier
On Tuesday, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps blocked all access to commercial e-mail services, such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, America Online and Google, from overseas government computers. And not just at office workstations. The block includes access to e-mail services from computers at base libraries

[osint] Re: Leak Case Involves Intelligence War Against WH; Cites Charge of Covert Oper

2005-10-21 Thread David Bier
retaliation for Wilson exposing the Niger forgeries. If the special prosecutor wishes to ALSO bring indictments against CIA officials for possible violations of Federal law (NONE were cited in the press release), so much the better for the rule of law in the U.S. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com

[osint] DeLay in Court; Lawyers Request New Judge

2005-10-21 Thread David Bier
the judge AND move the venue somewhere with a conservative jury pool. Worst case for Delay: Judge replacement but venue stays in Austin and trial starts with a judge not pleased to be there and a jury pool fresh from reading about DeGuerin's antics. David Bier washingtonpost.com DeLay in Court

[osint] Fitzgerald Launches Web Site

2005-10-21 Thread David Bier
Mr. Rove and Mr. Libby have been advised that they may be in serious legal jeopardy, the lawyers said. If sufficiently high level officials are indicted, his son, President George W. Bush, may also be vulnerable to be called as a witness and placed under oath. The most obvious way to avoid that

[osint] East Asia allies doubt U.S. could win war with China

2005-11-24 Thread David Bier
The governor said the U.S. military could not counter a wave of millions of Chinese soldiers prepared to die in any onslaught against U.S. forces. After 2,000 casualties, he said, the U.S. military would be forced to withdraw. Therefore, we need to consider other means to counter China, he said.

[osint] In Terror Cases, Administration Sets Own Rules

2005-11-26 Thread David Bier
Among the factors the government considers, Ms. Scolinos said, are national security interests, the need to gather intelligence and the best and quickest way to obtain it, the concern about protecting intelligence sources and methods and ongoing information gathering, the ability to use

[osint] Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
The White House is considering expanding the power of a little-known Pentagon agency called the Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, which was created three years ago. The proposal, made by a presidential commission, would transform CIFA from an office that coordinates Pentagon security

[osint] Shiite Urges U.S. to Give Iraqis Leeway In Rebel Fight

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
...Hakim asserted in a rare interview late last week, the United States is tying Iraq's hands in the fight against insurgents. One of Iraq's biggest problems is the mistaken or wrong policies practiced by the Americans, he said. In more than an hour of conversation at his Baghdad home and office,

[osint] Shiite Cleric Increases His Power in Iraq

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
enough oil rights to convince the Sunni Turks to protect their enclave from both the Shiite Iraqis and Iran. Not a pretty victory for Democracy that we are crafting in Iraq. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/27/international/middleeast/27sadr.html November 27, 2005 Shiite Cleric Increases

[osint] Border Security an Issue for GOP

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
being able to enter with ease and just as easily carry pilfered national security data and even equipment out of the U.S. David Bier http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-immig27nov27,0,130284.story?coll=la-home-headlines Border Security an Issue for GOP Bush will lay out his plan

[osint] Putin Pulls Assad’s Chestnuts out of the Fire

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
...Syrian president Bashar Assad has managed to hold back his strongman brother-in-law Gen. Assef Shawqat from interrogation at UN headquarters in Vienna as a suspect in the Hariri assassination. ...he persuaded Russian president Valdimir Putin to underwrite Mehlis’ pledge to comply with his

[osint] US criticized over alleged Kosovo prison camp

2005-11-27 Thread David Bier
might now get very interesting if a Muslim jihad explodes in the Balkans, Europe's underbelly. David Bier http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?id=13638 US criticized over alleged Kosovo prison camp ISN SECURITY WATCH (26/11/05)-The US has been accused of running a secret military

[osint] Dishonest, Reprehensible, Corrupt ...

2005-11-28 Thread David Bier
...each day brings slam-dunk evidence that the doomsday threats marshaled by the administration to sell the war weren't, in Cheney-speak, just dishonest and reprehensible but also corrupt and shameless. The more the president and vice president tell us that their mistakes were merely innocent

[osint] King Abdullah: The War in Iraq Served Iran

2005-11-28 Thread David Bier
http://www.almendhar.com/english_8004/news.aspx 29/11/2005 04:28:55 News from Al-Mendhar - www.almendhar.com King Abdullah: The War in Iraq Served Iran Riyadh †King Abdullah has expressed his comfort for the relations with President Bush, in person, and his administration.

[osint] Where is the Iraq war headed next?

2005-11-28 Thread David Bier
they were Palestinian terrorists or not. The risks of special forces operations in Syria are obvious but may be the only way to cause significant damage to al Qaeda and Baathist insurgents operating cross-border. David Bier http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/051205fa_fact UP

[osint] Afghans Confront Surge in Violence

2005-11-28 Thread David Bier
went for training with them to Iraq) are back and educating local Taliban forces in the insurgency techniques perfected in Iraq. The results will probably be a rising U.S./U.N./Kabul forces casualty list. Iraqi trained al Qaeda may have indeed become an exportable item. David Bier http

[osint] Border Activists Draw Line in Suburbs

2005-11-28 Thread David Bier
The Minuteman Project, controversial for its border patrols, is trying something new: looking to fight illegal immigration in the nation's interior by targeting employers. The group is organizing in communities including Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Indianapolis and Charlotte, N.C.,

[osint] Hooray, I've Been Indicted

2005-11-29 Thread David Bier
. David Bier http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1134767,00.html Monday, Nov. 28, 2005 Hooray, I've Been Indicted By VIVECA NOVAK (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1134772,00.html) Being charged with conspiring to aid overseas jihadists normally wouldn't be good news

[osint] Realists Tighten Grip as Talks Open with Iran

2005-11-29 Thread David Bier
groups have agreed that attacks against foreign forces are permitted as long as Iraqis and their infrastructure are not destroyed. David Bier http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=31217 Realists Tighten Grip as Talks Open with Iran Jim Lobe WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (IPS) - In a new indication

[osint] Kurds keep the peace in their own 'nation'

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
If Kirkuk does not come to the Kurds after the referendum, there will be fighting. Documents dating back hundreds of years, he said, show that Kurds represented about 65 percent of the Kirkuk's population. Saddam pushed Iraqi Arabs into the city and Kurds out in an effort to put Kirkuk firmly

[osint] Now What? Dayton 10 Years Later.

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
In Serbia today, 'extremism means promoting the ideals of a normal life,' says Jovanovic. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10218347/site/newsweek/ Now What? Dayton 10 Years Later. In Serbia today, 'extremism means promoting the ideals of a normal life,' says Jovanovic. By Zoran Cirjakovic and Rod

[osint] Al Barzani and Allawi Discuss the General Conditions and Preparing for the Elect

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
Mas'ud Barzani, president of Kurdistan region and the Former Iraqi Prime Minister have discussed the general conditions in Iraq and coordination between the Kurdish and Iraqi National Slates in preparation for the elections next December 15. http://www.almendhar.com/english_8057/news.aspx

[osint] Turkish premier’s remarks stir debate

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
facilitating EU entry and establishing a formal working relationship with Iraqi Kurdistan which would greatly profit Turkey both with pipeline revenues and oil supplies. David Bier http://www.kurdmedia.com/news.asp?id=10733 Turkish premier’s remarks stir debate 11/30/2005 AP By SELCAN

[osint] In Iraq, even sectarian unity can be deadly

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
They tortured him and put a bullet in his head. I am 99 percent sure it was Shi'ite militiamen connected to the government, he said, looking over photographs of his brother Abu Akeel's corpse in the morgue. They drilled his face. One of his eyes is missing. Part of his head was crushed, probably

[osint] Nechirvan Barzani: Oil Revenue to be Used for the Good of Kurds

2005-11-30 Thread David Bier
economic connections between Turkey and Kurdistan. David Bier http://www.kurdmedia.com/articles.asp?id=10732 Nechirvan Barzani: Oil Revenue to be Used for the Good of Kurds 11/30/2005 Zaman.com Nechirvan Barzani zaman.com By Cetiner Cetin Najirvan Barzani, the prime minister of the “local

[osint] Kurdish Oil Deal Shocks Iraq's Political Leaders

2005-12-01 Thread David Bier
Turks and Kurds, with the side benefit of protection in Kurdistan for the Turkomen, Turkish cousins. Would not be surprised to see U.S. bases there also to protect against Iran and provide air support to the Pesh Merga until they build their own air force. David Bier http://www.latimes.com/news

[osint] President Outlines Strategy for Victory in Iraq

2005-12-02 Thread David Bier
. Text: http://thinkprogress.org/2005/12/01/embedded-time-reporter/ Video: http://streaming.americanprogress.org/ThinkProgress/2005/ware.320.240.mov.html Senator Warner, also on the program did not dispute the veracity of the reporter's statement. David Bier http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases

[osint] Bird Flu Killed 300 in China, Says Unofficial Report

2005-12-02 Thread David Bier
reproduction to ward of colds which I used to get frequently. But I am going to keep a weather eye on China and if things get bad there, I may be increasing the dosage. Even if it doesn't kill the virus, at least the virus won't spread if it can't reproduce. David Bier http://english.epochtimes.com

[osint] Noted Immunologist Explains How China Is Mishandling Bird Flu

2005-12-02 Thread David Bier
limited human transmission has already taken place when this interview was done. Anyway, good background intelligence on the bird flu situation and its potential in comparison with the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 caused by a much weaker virus. David Bier http://english.epochtimes.com/news/5-11-24

[osint] Four Months’ Grace before Iran Takes up Its Nuclear Military Option

2005-12-03 Thread David Bier
A more serious statement came from AMAN commander Brig. Aharon Zeevi Wednesday Nov. 30 in his briefing to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee. He warned that if international pressure on Iran fails to bring forth results by March 2006, the world powers might as well give up, because

[osint] Iraq Sinks into the Gap between US Strategy and Reality

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
for independence and peace with both the Turks and Iranians. As for the migration of al-Qaeda into Gaza, how will that fit into Bush43's vow to attack al-Qaeda everywhere in the global war on terror? U.S. troops to Gaza? Hooee! That would really set off the Arab world. David Bier http://www.debka.com

[osint] Report Finds Cover-Up in an FBI Terror Case

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
Mr. German would alert F.B.I. officials that the Orlando agent handling the case had so seriously mishandled the investigation that a prime opportunity to expose a terrorist financing plot had been wasted. He said agents had not adequately pursued leads, had failed to document important meetings

[osint] FBI Is Taking Another Look at Forged Prewar Intelligence

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
The documents inspired intense U.S. interest in the buildup to the war †and they led the CIA to send a former ambassador to the African nation of Niger to investigate whether Iraq had sought the materials there. The ambassador, Joseph C. Wilson IV, found little evidence to support such a claim,

[osint] Wrongful Imprisonment: Anatomy of a CIA Mistake

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
went to Afghanistan. A German court could file criminal or war crimes charges under German law because a German citizen was the victim of the situation. That would be very bad news for the CIA. David Bier http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/03/AR200512030= 1476_pf.html

[osint] Rice rejects EU protests over secret terror prisons

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
America does not break international law, Secretary of State insists Andrew Tyrie, the Conservative MP who will be chairing a Commons committee of MPs along with Menzies Campbell, Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, has said Rice needs to make a clear statement. She 'does not seem to


2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
that toppling Assad could be “transformative” and dismissed concerns about an Islamist regime taking his place. The Bush43 folks just don't get it. Not surprising when you consider that the State Department official with responsibility for Israel, Lebanon and Syria is Dick Cheney's daughter. David

[osint] Israel We prefer Assad

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
daughter. David Bier http://jta.org/page_view_breaking_story.asp?intid=270 Israel: We prefer Assad Israel told the United States it fears the outcome of regime change in Syria. At a strategic-dialogue meeting this week among senior officials, Israel laid out for the United States three scenarios

[osint] Death or democracy: Iraqis offered an unsubtle choice

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
Iraqis face a choice between the violence of the past and a democratic, if uncertain, future. But with just two weeks to go before the milestone Dec. 15 elections, the tide of violence is swelling as insurgents try to disrupt the vote. The daily list of bombings and killings, allegations of

[osint] Shiite leader gives the faithful a guideline for voting

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
Sistani said Shiites are obligated to vote in the Dec. 15 election. He also specified that they should favor lists of candidates who are religiously inclined and that they should not vote for weak ones. The only group that fits that description is the United Iraqi Alliance, the heavyweight Shiite

[osint] In Basra, threats stalk elections

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
religious framework and culture. The only really free vote will be the first one in December. And it won't be very free in South Iraq with all those bullets in the mail. After that, it is almost certain that elections will follow the Iranian model with only acceptable candidates allowed. David

[osint] The Revolt of the Generals

2005-12-04 Thread David Bier
Broken, Worn Out and Living Hand to Mouth http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn12032005.html December 3/4, 2005 Broken, Worn Out and Living Hand to Mouth The Revolt of the Generals By ALEXANDER COCKBURN The immense significance of Rep John Murtha's November 17 speech calling for immediate

[osint] How the Bush Administration Legalized Intelligence Deceptions, Assassinations,

2005-12-07 Thread David Bier
President Bush was briefed by the CIA on September 21, 2001 -- less than two weeks after 9/11 -- that there was scant evidence of collaboration between Iraq and Al Qaeda. But the Intelligence Committee didn't learn about the briefing until the summer of 2004. The Bush administration is still

[osint] The Ira Bagman and Kim Jong Il's hot dollars

2005-12-08 Thread David Bier
The American case is that Garland and the others have been involved in a multimillion-dollar counterfeiting operation, run by the government of North Korea and encompassing more than a dozen countries worldwide. Travelling as president of the Workers Party, he is said by the US to have used the


2005-12-08 Thread David Bier
This agreement [on opening U.S. military bases] places Romania within the global security system -- with an important contribution. After the signing of this agreement and its validation by the [Romanian] parliament, Romania will become a pillar of stability in the region,

[osint] Lords reject torture evidence use

2005-12-08 Thread David Bier
We have always made clear that we do not intend to rely on or present evidence in SIAC, which we know or believe to have been obtained by torture. So this issue is hypothetical. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4509530.stm Lords reject torture evidence use Secret evidence that might have

[osint] Six charged with ecoterror crimes

2005-12-09 Thread David Bier
publicized, but very few actual acts of Muslim Salafist terrorists on U.S. soil would seem to indicate that the average American citizen is much more likely to be a victim of a domestic terrorist attack than one from a Muslim terrorist group. David Bier http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10396638/ Six

[osint] Intel blasts '$100 laptop' as mere 'gadget'

2005-12-09 Thread David Bier
rather than Intel chips which, at best estimate, cost in the $40 dollar range to make. Microsoft not too happy either, as the laptops use Linux, an open source operating system, instead of Windows. Visions of a world of Linux users does not thrill Bill Gates. David Bier http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id

[osint] Re: How the law and UN define torture

2005-12-10 Thread David Bier
time. v/r David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When you post as many articles with (or without) URLs as others do, you may have a point. You don't...you're just looking for someone to do your work for you. -Original Message- From: osint

[osint] At FBI, Frustration Over Limits on an Antiterror Law

2005-12-10 Thread David Bier
An earlier collection of F.B.I. documents, released by the group in October, showed numerous violations of internal procedure and sometimes federal law by the bureau in its handling of surveillance and investigative matters. In some cases, for instance, agents had extended surveillance operations

[osint] Al Qaeda’s Passage to China

2005-12-10 Thread David Bier
The skirmishing between Washington, Moscow and Beijing over who should tackle the al Qaeda menace †if anyone †had the result of opening the door for al Qaeda to move a force across half the globe from Iraq to the Far East unhindered and plant it in western China and eastern Uzbekistan.

[osint] Re: How the law and UN define torture

2005-12-11 Thread David Bier
I do my own work...and complete yours too on occasion. David Bier --- In osint@yahoogroups.com, Bruce Tefft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When I have the URL it gets posted... Stop whining and do your own work. -Original Message- From: osint@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL

[osint] Iraqi Leaders Call for Pullout Timetable

2005-12-11 Thread David Bier
if their operations do not target innocent civilians or institutions designed to provide for the welfare of Iraqi citizens. It is of interest that both the Kurds and Shiites at the conference signed off on that communique. David Bier http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-5431131,00.html Iraqi

[osint] Top FY05 DHS Accomplishments: FEMA

2005-12-11 Thread David Bier
The top FY05 FEMA accomplishments included: * Hurricane Katrina... Astounding! David Bier http://www.fema.gov/pao/dhs/update-112105.htm#eleven 11. Top FY05 DHS Accomplishments: FEMA DHS Today will highlight FY05 Accomplishments in this column over the next several weeks. This week's

[osint] Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

2005-12-11 Thread David Bier
“We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.” http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2089-1920074,00.html The Sunday TimesDecember 11, 2005 Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran Uzi Mahnaimi,

[osint] French Told CIA of Bogus Intelligence

2005-12-12 Thread David Bier
More than a year before President Bush declared in his 2003 State of the Union speech that Iraq had tried to buy nuclear weapons material in Africa, the French spy service began repeatedly warning the CIA in secret communications that there was no evidence to support the allegation. It was not the

[osint] 2 Years After Invasion, Poll Data Mixed

2005-03-17 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37812-2005Mar15.html washingtonpost.com 2 Years After Invasion, Poll Data Mixed Doubts About War, Optimism for Iraqis By Dan Balz and Richard Morin Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, March 16, 2005; Page A01 Two years after President Bush

[osint] Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

2005-03-17 Thread David Bier
be trying very hard to discredit or bury this story. Notice the BBC is breaking it, not the U.S. mainstream media, even though Harpers was one of the litigants. David Bier http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/4354269.stm Secret US plans for Iraq's oil By Greg Palast

[osint] The Central Bank Wants to Cancel Diamond Exports

2005-03-17 Thread David Bier
http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=555218 The Central Bank Wants to Cancel Diamond Exports // Interoffice Debate Kommersant has learned that the Ministry of Justice has turned down a project prepared by presidential order by the Ministry of Finance to cancel quotas on the export of platinum

[osint] United States Intercepts Russian Missiles

2005-03-17 Thread David Bier
the only port in an Arab nation to join the U.S. cargo container verification and tracking program. David Bier http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=555189 United States Intercepts Russian Missiles // Arms smuggling A huge scandal has flared up in the United States over illegal shipments of Russian

[osint] Iran Joins Only Two World Powers with Strategic Cruise Missiles

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
This changes the equation concerning whether Israel will strike Iranian nuclear facilities. Probably there will be no strike unless Israel can destroy the Iranian X-55 missiles first. Post 51757 and URL http://www.kctv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3095253 provide additional data. David Bier http

[osint] Un-Volunteering: Troops Improvise to Find Way Out

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/18/national/18soldiers.html? March 18, 2005 Un-Volunteering: Troops Improvise to Find Way Out By MONICA DAVEY The night before his Army unit was to meet to fly to Iraq, Pvt. Brandon Hughey, 19, simply left. He drove all night from Texas to Indiana, and on from

[osint] Questions Are Left by C.I.A. Chief on the Use of Torture (Re-post of 51778)

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/18/politics/18intel.html March 18, 2005 Questions Are Left by C.I.A. Chief on the Use of Torture By DOUGLAS JEHL WASHINGTON, March 17 - Porter J. Goss, the director of central intelligence, said Thursday that he could not assure Congress that the Central

[osint] Letterman Thankful Kidnap Plot Foiled

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050318/D88TISRG0.html Letterman Thankful Kidnap Plot Foiled Mar 18, 2:39 PM (ET) By JOHN MacDONALD HELENA, Mont. (AP) - David Letterman and his girlfriend thanked law enforcement officials for uncovering a plot to kidnap their 16-month-old son from their

[osint] A Known Unknown Person Tries to Blow up Anatoly Chubais

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
See post 51802 for the later Reuters take on this story. http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=61 A Known Unknown Person Tries to Blow up Anatoly Chubais // Retired GRU colonel suspected in the murder attempt on the head of RAO UES Ambush Yesterday, just outside Moscow, there was a murder

[osint] ACLU Seeks Records on Use of Patriot Act to Deny U.S. Entry to Prominent Foreign

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=17741c=206 ACLU Seeks Records on Use of Patriot Act to Deny U.S. Entry to Prominent Foreign Scholars March 16, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEW YORK -- Citing a serious and growing threat to academic freedom,

[osint] In Schiavo Feeding-Tube Case, Notoriety Finds Unlikely Judge

2005-03-18 Thread David Bier
would have seen The Hand Maid's Tale become living reality. But for how much longer? Now the Taliban syndrome is alive, well and increasing its fervent disciples in the United States; encouraged by the actions of Congress and the Florida Legislature. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03

[osint] New ID standard is just the first of two-part plan

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.gcn.com/24_5/news/35262-1.html 03/07/05; Vol. 24 No. 5 New ID standard is just the first of two-part plan By Jason Miller and William Jackson GCN Staff New ID standard is just the first of two-part plan The debate over specifications for federal and contractor employee

[osint] FATS wins Marine Corps virtual training work

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtontechnology.com/news/1_1/daily_news/25788-1.html 03/16/05 FATS wins Marine Corps virtual training work By William Welsh Senior Writer Firearms Training Systems Inc. has won a $4 million contract from the Marine Corps to provide virtual training systems to improve

[osint] On the Loose

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7212049/site/newsweek/?rf=nwnewsletter On the Loose As Europe faces a growing terror threat, security officials say that they have neither the resources nor the legal authority to monitor suspected militants WEB EXCLUSIVE By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball

[osint] US not finished with Pakistan yet

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/GC19Df03.html Mar 19, 2005 US not finished with Pakistan yet By Syed Saleem Shahzad KARACHI - The United States is exerting maximum pressure on Pakistan to provide a detailed and authentic list of all of its nuclear cooperation with

[osint] Attacking the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://english.daralhayat.com/opinion/commentators/03-2005/Article-20050317-b2048219-c0a8-10ed-0078-529dce62b55e/story.html Attacking the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis Patrick Seale Al-Hayat 2005/03/18 Ever since the United States invaded Iraq two years ago -- toppling Saddam Hussein,

[osint] Tending an Oasis of Uprising

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-camp19mar19,1,2739028.story?coll=la-headlines-worldctrack=1cset=true Tending an Oasis of Uprising Exiled Iranians, fenced in by the U.S. Army in Iraq, harbor a dream of overthrowing Tehran. In the meantime, their yards need watering. By Ashraf

[osint] Is there an enemy within?

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
The British peer's comments are no less applicable to the U.S. And still germaine, though posting was delayed from 050227 til now. David Bier http://politics.guardian.co.uk/attacks/story/0,1320,1426529,00.html Is there an enemy within? Behind laws aimed at perceived threats from British

[osint] Study Criticizes Government on Cybersecurity Research

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
below will most likely languish in limbo for some time; especially in view of the high turnover of IT leadership in DHS. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/19/technology/19computer.html? March 19, 2005 Study Criticizes Government on Cybersecurity Research By JOHN MARKOFF SAN FRANCISCO

[osint] Bremer labels Zarqawi cells hard to crack

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtontimes.com/functions/print.php?StoryID=20040702-122640-7721r Bremer labels Zarqawi cells hard to crack By Rowan Scarborough and Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published July 2, 2004 Abu Musab Zarqawi has set up a network so well organized in Iraq it deployed a Yemeni

[osint] New photofit 'evolves' a suspect's face

2005-03-19 Thread David Bier
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7143 New photofit 'evolves' a suspect's face * 10:00 19 March 2005 * Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition * Paul Marks Half an hour after being mugged, the victim is again staring her attacker in the face. But the assailant has not

[osint] Americans Recover Arafat’s plundered hoard

2005-03-20 Thread David Bier
http://www.debka.com/article.php?aid=1002 Americans Recover Arafat's plundered hoard From DEBKA-Net-Weekly - March 11 March 20, 2005, 9:01 PM (GMT+02:00) A part of Yasser Arafat's secret hoard - $4 bn - has been documented and accounted for in a painstaking project undertaken by

[osint] Pensioner Gets Ten Days for Attempted Murder of Anatoly Chubais

2005-03-20 Thread David Bier
http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?id=556109 Pensioner Gets Ten Days for Attempted Murder of Anatoly Chubais // Suspect arrested in attempt to blow up the head of RAO UES The Investigation The Meshchansky Court of Moscow has approved the arrest for ten days of Vladimir Kvachkov, a retired

[osint] Anatomy of an IT disaster: How the FBI blew it

2005-03-21 Thread David Bier
http://www.infoworld.com/article/05/03/21/12FEfbi_1.html Anatomy of an IT disaster: How the FBI blew it The Bureau's foiled plan for a modern IT infrastructure is a tragic case of project mismanagement By Eric Knorr March 21, 2005 Some FBI agents ruefully refer to the trilogy project, a

[osint] Troubled Iraq Attracts Terror Recruits

2005-03-21 Thread David Bier
http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?F=728451C=mideast Posted 03/21/05 09:04 Troubled Iraq Attracts Terror Recruits By RIAD KAHWAJI, KUWAIT CITY, Kuwait Iraq has become a breeding ground for al-Qaida-like terrorists recruited from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, according to Arabian Gulf experts

[osint] In Hong Kong, China Prefers Power to Law

2005-03-21 Thread David Bier
China is not the only large nation that prefers power to law. David Bier http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/20/weekinreview/20brad.html March 20, 2005 In Hong Kong, China Prefers Power to Law By KEITH BRADSHER HONG KONG — From purchases of handheld toys to charters of supertankers, contracts

[osint] Transfer of Guantanamo Detainees on Hold

2005-03-22 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58126-2005Mar22.html washingtonpost.com Transfer of Guantanamo Detainees on Hold Federal Judge Considers Authority of Courts, Need to Notify Lawyers By Carol D. Leonnig Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, March 23, 2005; Page A02 A federal

[osint] Economists: Federal deficit a bigger risk than terrorism

2005-03-22 Thread David Bier
Another in a series of posts about U.S. economic problems downstream. http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/survey/2005-03-21-deficit-threat-nabe_x.htm?POE=NEWISVA Economists: Federal deficit a bigger risk than terrorism WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The budget deficit has overtaken terrorism as

[osint] Fake Cable Labeled Writer a Spy for Iraq

2005-03-22 Thread David Bier
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A45614-2005Mar17.html washingtonpost.com Fake Cable Labeled Writer a Spy for Iraq By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, March 18, 2005; Page C01 Someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to produce a document accusing journalist

[osint] Pull the plug on pandering

2005-03-23 Thread David Bier
Congress is busy in this case trampling on the separation of powers doctrine (and States Rights; a conservative mantra) by dictating to the courts what cases they will hear and at what level. It is no surprise that the Federal courts have reacted by rejecting the parents motions. It is likely

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