Regex: fail if ... present

2014-05-30 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear Perl6istes, How does one express in a perl6 match pattern that if a certain subpattern is present the match fails. I had expected something like: $txt ~~ s/... -[ unwanted \s+ pattern ] .../ .../; but its not that. Can't find it in S05. Thank you, Peter Schwenn

Re: match's replacement name?

2014-05-23 Thread Peter Schwenn
) [[RMA\.]? OpenNURBS\.]? I? On ([2..4]) dPoint /$0Rhino.Geometry.Point$1d/; and have a more perl6-built-in way of getting hold of the /replacement/ and the count. Peter Schwenn On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 9:58 PM, wrote: [ Sorry for not replying to the whole list earlier, I hope

Re: match's replacement name?

2014-05-23 Thread Peter Schwenn
. Thank you, Peter Schwenn On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Patrick R. Michaud pmich...@pobox.comwrote: On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 03:08:38PM -0400, Peter Schwenn wrote: Still it would be more straightforward to have something like $layn ~~ s:g/ (\W) [[RMA\.]? OpenNURBS\.]? I? On ([2..4

Re: [perl #121903] Using a predefined pattern

2014-05-22 Thread Peter Schwenn
program.) Any ideas? Peter Schwenn P.S. In future I will use the IRC or the perl6-user mailing list for non- bugs. On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:33 PM, David Warring via RT wrote: Hi Peter, I've tried the following on rakudo: $ perl6 -e'my $x=/bb|dd/; my $s

match's replacement name?

2014-05-22 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear Perl6-users, I'd like to print out the string value of the replacement after a match from a statement like: s/pattern/replacement/; or its .subst version. (I'm able to print out the /pattern/ (match) string simply by printing $/ ). Does the /replacement/ have a name so I can

Re: match's replacement name?

2014-05-22 Thread Peter Schwenn
Schwenn p.s. by the way $res = ($text ~~ s:g/ using \s+ RMA.Rhino (\W) /using Rhino$0/;) simply sets $res to True or False as you probably knew On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Timo Paulssen wrote: On 05/23/2014 01:57 AM, Peter Schwenn wrote: Dear Perl6-users, I'd

Error on parrot build: gmake: *** [runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc] Error -1073741819

2011-01-15 Thread Peter Schwenn
Perl 6'rs I'm gmake'ing parrot under Windows 7 64-bit, preparatory to building rakudo. I'm using the latest parrot and rakudo via git. My perl is latest stawberry/vanilla perl. parrot: perl Configure.plruns fine, but parrot: gmake runs on quite awhile without problems but finishes with:

Building Perl6 on Windows (7) -- gmake finds ...... empty

2010-12-11 Thread Peter Schwenn
and git, and am running under Windows 7. Any ideas? Thank you, Peter Schwenn

Re: Building Perl6 on Windows (7) -- gmake finds ...... empty

2010-12-11 Thread Peter Schwenn
To answer my own question: I found I could get passed this error by building in a Cygwin context. (The problem may have been a mixup [on the part of cmd.exe] about whether the filesystem separator is / or \ ) Thank you Peter Schwenn -- Forwarded message -- From: Peter Schwenn

Error right at the end of a Rakudo Star build

2010-12-11 Thread Peter Schwenn
:\rakudo\parrot\runtime\parrot\dynext\os.dll to same address as parent: 0x32 != 0x34 Any ideas? Thank you, Peter Schwenn

Re: [perl #70277] Failure to build rakudo: parrot_pcc_constants not in libparrot.dll (?)

2010-04-04 Thread Peter Schwenn
libparrot.dll. Any ideas? Peter Schwenn p.s. I have my rakudo directly under C:\, ditto for parrot. So my configure for rakudo make looks like: c:\rakudo perl --parrot-config=../parrot/parrot_config which runs fine with no errors. Does this problem still persist

Perl6 won't compile on Cygwin/Win ( won't run)

2009-05-18 Thread Peter Schwenn
in the parrot home directory is written 1.1.0 - but SVN reports the revision 38910 correctly. I have been successfully compiling parrot and rakudo for several months without any significant problem, and started to encounter this about 2 days ago May 16. Peter Schwenn [Is it possible

Re: Perl6 won't compile on Cygwin/Win ( won't run)

2009-05-18 Thread Peter Schwenn
:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe), then rakudo builds properly. So perhaps its a parrot_config problem. Peter Schwenn On 5/18/09, chromatic wrote: On Monday 18 May 2009 12:20:47 Patrick R. Michaud wrote: I'm more likely to suspect that something in your Parrot build

Fwd: Multi-Dimensional arrays

2009-04-05 Thread Peter Schwenn
-- Forwarded message -- From: Peter Schwenn Date: Apr 4, 2009 3:14 PM Subject: Re: Multi-Dimensional arrays To: Carl Mäsak I've had inconsistent/incorrect results, once having created an array of array of arrays, both while addressing elements

Multi-Dimensional arrays

2009-04-04 Thread Peter Schwenn
Am I right that multi-dimensional arrays do not yet work fully in Rakudo?

Sigils in Classes after initial has

2009-02-22 Thread Peter Schwenn
If a class attribute declaration has a . or ! twigil, e.g. has @!items, do all the ensuing references to @items in the class's methods have to include the twigil or can the variable be written thereafter simply @items without the twigil? Thank you, Peter Schwenn

Re: [perl #60678] manifest problem on Win32

2009-02-01 Thread Peter Schwenn
yes On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 7:45 PM, James Keenan via RT wrote: Are we happy enough with the issues raised in this ticket in order to resolve it? Thank you very much. kid51

Re: [perl #60678] manifest problem on Win32

2008-11-20 Thread Peter Schwenn
in the build process error that it would affect anyone building with Windows. Thank you On 11/20/08, Will Coleda via RT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:09 PM, via RT Peter Schwenn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: # New Ticket Created by Peter Schwenn # Please include the string

Re: [perl #60678] manifest problem on Win32

2008-11-20 Thread Peter Schwenn
-0.8.0 Peter Schwenn On 11/20/08, Will Coleda via RT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:09 PM, via RT Peter Schwenn [EMAIL

Re: [perl #60678] manifest problem on Win32

2008-11-20 Thread Peter Schwenn
: On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:09 PM, via RT Peter Schwenn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: # New Ticket Created by Peter Schwenn # Please include the string: [perl #60678] # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # URL:

Re: pugs link error

2006-02-17 Thread Peter Schwenn
aware of Parrot's presence? Sincerely, Peter Schwenn [p.s. I have successfully built pugs-6.2.11 with Ghc-4.11 w/ hs-plugins support, and parrot-0.4.1 (with built source tree) both under FedoraC4 linux, but Pugs does not see Parrot when I try, e.g., pugs -Bparrot src.p6 (or -BPIR ...). Same

Documentation for Pugs / Parrot interaction

2006-01-10 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear Internists, Could someone post two or three pointers to documentation that gives an overview (and more) of how to use Pugs with embedded Parrot, use Parrot external to Pugs, and other means of interaction of Pugs and Parrot: PGE, ... ? PeterS

Re: Most Perl6 developers running linux on i386?

2005-12-30 Thread Peter Schwenn
Perl6ers, What is the most commonly used development platform (os and machine) by folks on this group? PeterS Steve Peters wrote: On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 09:50:49PM -0500, Peter Schwenn wrote: I've spent a couple of days trying out Cygwin, MinGW, PXPerl, and other Windows based contexts

Most Perl6 developers running linux on i386?

2005-12-29 Thread Peter Schwenn
more pointer, an elaboration, (a general one to documentation one relation of Pugs to embedded Parrot even better): if Pugs doesn't have a feature yet, like much of Rules, does it ship it off to embedded Parrot for potential help? Thanks again Luke Palmer wrote: On 12/23/05, Peter Schwenn [EMAIL

Re: External Parrot as opposed to embedded

2005-12-28 Thread Peter Schwenn
And then ... ? Does Pugs see and invoke that Parrot available in PATH without some explicit command or parameter when running PUGS? Gaal Yahas wrote: On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 11:24:54PM -0500, Peter Schwenn wrote: How does Pugs use Parrot external as opposed to embedded? Have the parrot

Re: Cygwin versun plain XP (for working with Pugs+Parrot together)

2005-12-27 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear Nick thanks. by the way how does one signal Pugs that Parrot is to be used Externally.? Nick Glencross wrote: On 12/26/05, jerry gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: cygwin *should* compile parrot just fine. the last report i see on for i386-cygwin-gcc is

Re: Good Perl6 environment

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
for potential help? Thanks again Luke Palmer wrote: On 12/23/05, Peter Schwenn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Perl6'ers Is the best (most complete as to Perl6 Language) current setup (for experimenting with Perl6 source code) currently a hybrid: Pugs with embedded Parrot, or is it Perl5 with a large set

External Parrot as opposed to embedded

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
How does Pugs use Parrot external as opposed to embedded? (e.g. as expressed in: CAVEATS FOR ALL USERS - Parrot is used to provide Perl6-style regular expressions. Perl5-style regular expressions (eg, rx:perl5/foo/) can be used without any parrot at all. Pugs can be built

Re: *** Cannot find a runnable 'ghc' from path from Pugs Makefile.PL under Cygwin

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear self, I've since discovered the prior discussion of Pugs under Cygwin so I know there's probably not yet a simple answer but enough of a work around to go forward (building and using Pugs+Parrot+... under Cygwin.) Peter Schwenn Peter Schwenn wrote: Perl6'ers Under Cygwin (bash

Cygwin versun plain XP (for working with Pugs+Parrot together)

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
Dear 6Compilers, Cygwin isn't entirely happy with Parrot (don't know about Pugs). Is the best approach on plain windows for setting up perl5+pugs+parrot to: 1. set up a gcc environment 2. get the tar.gz sources involved 3. use gcc's make tomake, make test, make install each

GHC Environment for Pugs compilation

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
In order to Makefile.PL Pugs, what is the environment variable that points to GHC?

*** Cannot find a runnable 'ghc' from path from Pugs Makefile.PL under Cygwin

2005-12-26 Thread Peter Schwenn
Perl6'ers Under Cygwin (bash), while building PUGS, Pugs' Makefile.PL (one of its henchmen) needs an environment setting to say where a runnable 'ghc' can be found. I have GHC installed (in its .msi incarnation as required) in c:/cygwin/home/me/ghc I tried: setenv GHC=/home/me/ghc/bin

Good Perl6 environment

2005-12-23 Thread Peter Schwenn
Perl6'ers Is the best (most complete as to Perl6 Language) current setup (for experimenting with Perl6 source code) currently a hybrid: Pugs with embedded Parrot, or is it Perl5 with a large set of Perl6'ish modules. Or something else that I've missed. For the former case (Pugs+Parrot)

Perl grammar for Perl5 - Perl6

2005-12-08 Thread Peter Schwenn
out in informal (not regex) rules such as $array[idx] - @array[idx] Is there such a Perl5-Perl6 translator underway? Sincerely, Peter Schwenn p.s. I'm not yet up to originating a good one, but believe I could make contributions in extending and checking it. p.s. A Perl5