Re: [QUAD-L] Amazon Echo

2016-07-19 Thread greg
So it looks like you need an Amazon Fire TV for Echo to run a TV? Greg > here's an example video  > > voice-control-version-1-0-features > > > On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Jim Lubin <>

[QUAD-L] Echo?

2016-07-14 Thread greg
.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Phone / Tablet Games

2016-07-13 Thread greg
Monument Valley Nintail Super Stickman Golf     Greg

[QUAD-L] Tabet holder?

2016-07-13 Thread greg
?   I've seen great brackets, but way too much money for what it is. I'd love a swing down out of the way kind. But just an adjustible possiton tablet holder would be great. Attached to my armrest.   Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] Night Cold Shaking

2016-07-10 Thread greg
on Amazon for $15, are on Ebay for $1-$2, free shipping.   Can't find the kind I had, mine have a thinner center strap, but look like this.     Greg

[QUAD-L] Dentist

2016-07-02 Thread greg
, antibiotics, had an infection started. Not sure if it's his fixing it, or the meds, but I can at least breath now without pain. I never had pain that bad anywhere... Greg

[QUAD-L] Print Web

2016-07-02 Thread greg
it didn't cut pics in half. Tried saving as html and loading in Word, but didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] My Dog is a Star Now

2016-07-01 Thread greg
Dog Today Magazine did web story on my dog... So Cool   Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] greg

2016-06-27 Thread greg
Very cool, but almost $200 for a cup... though usefull. Thar motorized arm would be great, but I brt it's $5,ooo min.   Greg > Found a couple things at the abilities expo Chicago this weekend to > complete your inspector gadget look. > >

[QUAD-L] TV Show

2016-06-26 Thread greg
propellers under the seat. A small, clear, batwing type wing to keep it going straight. She could fly flat, straight, mid water, do front and back loops. Really looked fun.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Night

2016-06-20 Thread greg
. And use mot of it with my mouth.   Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Weather

2016-06-06 Thread greg
They usully say that, but it actually seems a bit more humid than usual. The Mosquito have been out in force. I came in early because they were eating me alive. Greg > But it's a dry heat so only feels like 110°, right? :-) > > On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 6:12 PM, greg <g...@eskim

[QUAD-L] Cox Cable

2016-05-18 Thread greg
If anyone is in a Cox Cable area, the new Contour 2 System, comes with full voice remote control. Run the enire system, listings, search, VOD, etc. Looks real cool. I have Contour 1, no extra fee, but $100 instalation fee. I might do it. Greg

[QUAD-L] Can You Guys Do Me a Favor?

2016-05-01 Thread greg
tried a few big name athletes, but very few replied. Too many just assume scams now.   Anyway, always open to new ideas. Thanks so much,   Greg

[QUAD-L] Sleep Cold

2016-04-28 Thread greg
that is hiper sensitive to cold stays warm. So I don't have to constantly pull the blankets tight to my chest. Now I hope it continues to work. Greg

[QUAD-L] Freezing, yet it's 90

2016-04-27 Thread greg
it comes on it blows just as cold. The hotter it is outside, the warmer I dress inside. It's just worse than normal.   Maybe I'll go get a UTI test tomorrow.   Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Donate a power chair

2016-04-25 Thread greg
I wanted to donate  chair for a tax deduction. It was real hard to find a place. It was hard enough finding a place to just give it away. If you don't want a deduction, try like Craigs List, or often local papers have free classifieds for donation stuff. Greg   > Does anybody know where or ho

Re: [QUAD-L] Insurance

2016-04-23 Thread greg
with contracts.   That's another thing I hate, these contracts. In their contract, I can not buy something from Preferred with my own money, until my insurance turns me down. How stupid. The insurance should love me buying stuff not using the insurance.   Greg > Hi Greg, > > > It sounds like exact

[QUAD-L] Keep Cool Towel

2016-04-23 Thread greg
it can be cooler. But, they are cheap, I might try one.   I saw  chair with a battery power mister. Hit a switch and it mists you. Cool idea for AZ.   Greg  

Re: [QUAD-L] just another day in quadadise

2016-04-23 Thread greg
to cover my co-pays, etc. $10 for doc, $40 specialist, 20% for equipment.   Greg > You hit the nail on the head Dave! Things out there are just > getting worse and worse. I can't even find a doctor after moving to > Arizona and because the one doctor got tired of trying to find a > home h

[QUAD-L] Uber

2016-04-18 Thread greg
Just saw an ad for Uber saying they will give $150 to anyone who signs up in AZ to drive with an Accessible wheelchair van. I'f I had a van I could drive, I might do it. Greg

[QUAD-L] Google Car

2016-04-16 Thread greg
Saw a Google self driving car today. Then saw in the paper that my town (Chandler, AZ) is the 4th town they are testing in. Cool idea for those that can't drive. It did have a guy in it though... Greg

[QUAD-L] Tooth

2016-04-13 Thread greg
.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Tooth

2016-04-07 Thread greg
, 3rd back. Getting a fake post is like $3000. I'm hoping there is a cheaper option. That's not one you pop in and out. I saw the regular dentist, but he is sending me to a specialist to pull it and get options. Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] regarding UTIs and suprapubic catheters

2016-04-06 Thread greg
Have you tied the Bard Foley IC, Stands for Infection Controlled. They have a silver coating that is supposed to help prevent UTIs. Greg > I have had a suprapubic catheter for over eight years, and overall > things have worked well. > > > At first, I was on a schedule to chan

[QUAD-L] Squish

2016-04-05 Thread greg
the pets.   Greg


2016-04-05 Thread greg
last UTI, I've been forcing myself to drink. Everyone says to drink cranberry juice, I try, but saw they did a study and it said it didn't help. Who knows, can't hurt.   Good luck, Greg       >> My wife SCI C5 is back in the hospital with AD very high BP and a >> UTI. >> >>

[QUAD-L] Batteries

2016-03-28 Thread greg
parts arrive, make repair appointment (1-2 weeks)   Thank God for backup chairs, mattresses, etc.   Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] One More ?

2016-03-28 Thread greg
That's the problem with "Experts". All the “experts” say something different. My chair repair shop said not to let it get all the way down, but to let it get at least half way. But I never know what my plans are and I want a full charge. So I charge every night. Greg > They t

[QUAD-L] Hands Free Phone

2016-03-20 Thread greg
Just watched the news, had a story about a hands free phone. Uses voice and head/eye movement. Looked cool, but I think they said $700. Only caught part of the story. Looked like it was a program for a smart phone, not a phone itself. But I might be wrong.   Greg

[QUAD-L] itching

2016-03-18 Thread greg
it on before you shower, let set. Over The Counter, but you have to get the pharmacy to order it usually. Hopefully it helps, Greg

[QUAD-L] In Bed

2016-03-07 Thread greg
anxiety creep in. Last night I'd wake up thinkig it's had to be at lease a hour since last time, but it was like 5 minutes later. I've tried sleep meds, melatonin, herbal tea, etc   Greg

[QUAD-L] Malware

2016-03-06 Thread greg
with what I'm doing. They should be able to find more of these A$$e$. Greg

[QUAD-L] New Chair Cost

2016-03-03 Thread greg
I know it's a wide rage, but what's a new power chair, tilt, recline, seat raise, foot raise, go for now adays?   I need a new one soon and have to pay a 20% co-pay.   Thanks, Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Cell Phone Suggestions

2016-02-24 Thread greg
Your local ATT store or even online should give you a choice of free phones. You might need to extend a contract, but if you like them. Verison gives you a free phone every 2 years, or a big discount on a smart phone. If you only use it for police/fire, I don't think you need a service anymore. I

[QUAD-L] Body Temp

2016-02-24 Thread greg
, but when that happens my arms, hands, etc. are cold to the touch. This morning my body felt warm, but I was shaking uncontrolably. Wez iz sum wierd peeps.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Chest Cold

2016-02-22 Thread greg
I live with mom, sis, helper, all 3 have fevers, heavy  chests, flu, etc. So far I'm the only one without it... Lets hope it stays that way. Greg

[QUAD-L] Twitter

2016-02-22 Thread greg
follows me. But gets no other notifications. Settings are exactly the same. Does same thing on different Twitter platforms, Chrome, Explorer, Kindle. Thanks Greg

[QUAD-L] Insurance

2016-02-20 Thread greg
for finding reasons to say no. Or just say no even though it's covered, knowing the elderly or even most people will not file an appeal.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Temp

2016-02-16 Thread greg
What's your averge body temp? Mine ranges between 95.7 and 96.5 On good days. Greg

[QUAD-L] Shoulders

2016-02-16 Thread greg
it. Touching most of it feels like a bad bruise, but the center is very sensitive. It has to be the nerve ending of the removed mole. I have lots of shoulder pain from wear and tear, week muscles, no triceps, etc. I can only type a few minutes before I wear out now.   Greg

[QUAD-L] AZ Weather

2016-02-12 Thread greg
Poor us in Arizona, Phoenix is between 85-90 all week long. Then drops all the was to the looow 80s.

Re: [QUAD-L] Imitations

2016-02-12 Thread greg
I've had very small children wave back the way I waved. > Has anybody ever had someone imitate you as a quad? Like, I wave to > my brother and he waves back with his hand in a fist. Pete inmates > how I hold a mug and drink or working a remote for TV. I always end > up laughing so hard I cry.

[QUAD-L] MRI Xray Results

2016-02-12 Thread greg
.   I really thought the Syrinx (sp?) I had back then would be worse. I feel more sore, weeker, spasm more, etc.   But good news I guess,   Greg


2016-02-11 Thread greg
out the back end a little. Not so cloustrophobic. For the first time they gave me glasses with a mirror angled 45 degrees. So I could see out the bottom into a window they were behind. Helped quite a bit. Greg

[QUAD-L] Shoulders

2016-02-11 Thread greg
a numb nerve going down my arm out my middle finger. Like I banged my elbow really hard on something.   I have weird shoulder blades, but doc said not sure that would cause my issues. From years in a chair, and sitting back with shoulders back, my shoulder blades touch. Sometimes even over lap.   Greg

[QUAD-L] Manuel Wheelchair Skills

2016-02-04 Thread greg
The U of Washington hospital has a big rehab department. They put up a manuel wheelchair skills Youtube channel.   They also have lots of info / newsletter on-line, with those videos and others at

[QUAD-L] Copy Paste

2016-02-01 Thread greg
Anyone know of a progrm for a Windows, PC, Laptop, that will stay in the front, that you can set f-keys or some key combo to paste preset text?   That could be useful for me. Thanks, Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Protein

2016-01-29 Thread greg
I got a huge can of peanut butter flavored, protein powder. Used it instead of flour to make cookies.Or Smoothies. Hated it by itself. Greg > What do you guys eat for protein when you have a wound? > > I have a stage 3 between my A-hole and  vagina ... strange place. > On me it

[QUAD-L] Insurence?

2016-01-13 Thread greg
I'm on Medicare but switched to a Medicare Replacement Program. They just cover a bit more. But I still have 20% co-pay on durable goods, Wheelchairs, etc. Does anyone know of a supplemental insurance that can cover the extra 20%? That's a lot when getting a new chair. Greg

[QUAD-L] Lotto

2016-01-10 Thread greg
of people a little? Or a little amount of people a lot? Greg

[QUAD-L] Para Race Driver

2016-01-08 Thread greg This is a para who races cars. Very cool. I bet it's hard to do with hand controls and g-forces. I bet the hand controls are paddles on the wheel. Only way I can see doing it. Cool for him. Greg

[QUAD-L] New Doc

2016-01-05 Thread greg
Just got back from my first visit to a SCI rehab doc in like 10 years. They are going to schedule: Shoulder x-ray Shoulder MRI Neck MRI Some nerve test in my back... They said Sorry, but it hurts :-( Seating specialist And some test on my shoulder blades Sounds like a busy month. Greg

[QUAD-L] Alergies

2016-01-04 Thread greg
stuff, but not even a little help. I guess it's time to do that prick testing. Anyone try that? My one doc said it's not great for that kind of thing, but something has to help. My nose is plugged all day log. Greg

[QUAD-L] Pain

2016-01-04 Thread greg
I think I figured out why I was so ^#$2# sore the last few days. My right lateral support was bent out a bit. So I was sitting slightly tilted over, right shoulder dipping down. Once I got it fixed I feel much better. Still have my regular pain issue, but lots better. Greg

[QUAD-L] Neurontin

2016-01-02 Thread greg
I did and Lyrica, didn't help much. My only relief is sun or sun lamp. Not the sun box for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's got to be the heat lamp kind. Only relief I get. Greg What will I be doing? Continuing my search for relief from my neuropathic pain. In my case, an intense

[QUAD-L] Syrinx Cyst?

2016-01-02 Thread greg
getting old. More pain, spasm, feel weaker, etc. Is draining a cyst fairly safe? Out patient or admitted over night? Thanks much, Greg

[QUAD-L] Not Feeling Good

2015-12-31 Thread greg
there for hours, Then dozing on and off in the morning. I'm just wearing out. I can deal with it all, but the pain gets to me. Greg

[QUAD-L] Twitter

2015-12-29 Thread greg
Off topic, but hopped you can help. I never used Twitter, but had an account just to read a few. I started using it, but not sure how this works. If I just send a twt, not addressed, it goes to everyone following me... and shows on my page. right but if I send a twt to @john. I thought only

[QUAD-L] Newspaper Article

2015-12-29 Thread greg Check me out, man he is good looking! Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Itchig Head

2015-12-26 Thread greg
Benadryl, no help. It's on my face now too. Have doc app next week, hopefully he has an idea. Dematologist jut gave me shampoo samples. Greg > Greg, I also suffer from itchy scalp. I went to the dermatologist > and he gave me a shampoo to use three times a week, but it does not > stop my head f

Re: [QUAD-L] Itchig Head

2015-12-26 Thread greg
years into taking it. Greg > I took Nexium for a short time until I found out it was making me > itchy. > Everything When that I could feel itched...even my eyebrows. > Maybe your problem is as simple as a new drug that is causing the > problem. > > > In a message dated

Re: [QUAD-L] Falling Forward

2015-12-24 Thread greg
laughing > when they got a look at my face just covered with mashed potatoes, > gravy & peas. I wish someone had some kind of camera. Bobbie > > Smile Everyday > >> On Dec 24, 2015, at 11:20 AM, greg <> wrote: >> >> I hate wearing my che

[QUAD-L] Falling Forward

2015-12-24 Thread greg
crashing into everything that bad. Greg

[QUAD-L] Itchig Head

2015-12-21 Thread greg
gets crusty, goopy, and feels like I may have scratched it rubbing it so much. Sounds like another doc check up, Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] bowel program

2015-12-17 Thread greg
. Never mentioned if it was longer. Greg > When do you do your bowel program?  I mean time of day.  How often? > What things do you use to help move your bowels like senecot, > miralax, metamucil?  Any simple things like all bran cereals or > activia yogurt. I ask because I recently

[QUAD-L] Cold Out

2015-12-13 Thread greg
you guys leave the house. Greg

RE: [QUAD-L] Cold Out

2015-12-13 Thread greg
. I have to put egg crate foam under part of my shoulder to keep it off the bed.   I'm hoping the rehab doc can find and fix something. Though I'm 51 (Wow, I can't believe that) I feel I'm a 25 year old in a 100 year old body.   Old man Greg > Greg if you're freezing and chilling in Ariz


2015-12-11 Thread greg
them put someone in a tub of water and use sound waves to bust them up. Sounds like a hassle.   Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Bowel Problems

2015-12-04 Thread greg
Mine got so bad, 2+ hours of non stop sweating, constant worries about it, I finely "Just bagged it". I wish I'd done it from the beginning. Sooo much easier, faster, less worries, no accidents. reg > I have hated BM days for yrs due to the sweats, nausea etc. Milk of > Magnesia or sennekot is

[QUAD-L] Update

2015-12-04 Thread greg
pads and an electric blanket. I was just freezing.   At least I feel lots better even if wron meds, Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Not Again

2015-12-03 Thread greg
all > I'm wondering if they could order some some iV fluids through the > pic line if you explained that drinking liquids makes you feel sick > right now? > > Sent from my iPhone > > On Dec 2, 2015, at 10:38 AM, greg <> wrote: > > >> The worst

[QUAD-L] Not Again

2015-12-02 Thread greg
hours. I'm just worn out. Not sleeping. Worse time of the year, to cold to sit in the sun. I know I have to drink more, but I just feel sick when I do. Thanks for all the concern, Greg  


2015-11-27 Thread greg
, uncontrolible shaking feeling cold. Neck and shoulders hurt from clinching jaw so tight. No fun, Greg

[QUAD-L] wallet holder

2015-11-25 Thread greg
a zipper on the outside for cash. Nice and small. It has loops the armrest bar slipps through Not just velcro loops that can come undone. Thanks Greg

RE: [QUAD-L] SP Cath size

2015-11-25 Thread greg
from bladder stuff real easy. So if this was plugged enough to force leaking, why no sweating. I did not even know about it until mornig when everything was wet. Usually when my bladder fills up a bit, I sweat. Greg    

[QUAD-L] Facebook

2015-11-25 Thread greg
someone who runs large disabity blog or Newsletter that might post it. Any help spreadig the word could really help a lot.   Thanks so much for any help spreading the word, Greg


2015-11-24 Thread greg
. Then my head pounds. Then something in my abdomen area groans, relieving pressure, and my headache starts going away. What's groaning. I understand pain causing AD headaches. But why my intestines groaning. Same thing when I hurt my toe.   Greg  

[QUAD-L] SP Cath size

2015-11-24 Thread greg
, no junk in it, no sweating. In the morning everything is wet, night bag 1/4 full. So it's draing some, but not backing up causing AD or anything. I don't want to keep going up in size. How often do you go up in size?   Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] Motorcycle?

2015-11-18 Thread greg
Can they add the joysick drive system from a van, onto a 3 wheel motorcycle? I've seen some cool looking wheelchair accessible motorcycles, but they still use hands to drive from manual chair. lt looks like it should be easier than setting up a van. I think that would be cool. Greg

[QUAD-L] More Issues Today

2015-11-16 Thread greg
. It looks bad. I'll have to get it looked at. Greg

[QUAD-L] Uber

2015-11-14 Thread greg
Any of you driving quad ever think about driving for Uber? I think it's a cool idea, you could drive not just abled bodies, but others in chairs too. Though I guess they would need someone to tie them down. Though I rarely get tied down, but as a job I'm sure it's a law. Greg

[QUAD-L] Weather

2015-11-13 Thread greg
, today I ran out and got a space heater with a remote control so I can turn it on at night. Greg

[QUAD-L] No Fun Getting Older

2015-11-12 Thread greg
head feel like it's going to explode. Hopefully 24 houses on meds and cream will take some tenderness away tonight. Greg

[QUAD-L] Quad Gut?

2015-11-08 Thread greg
thought they should be able to push everything back in place then tighten it up. Greg

[QUAD-L] Medicaid?

2015-11-05 Thread greg
to be an agency? Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] Mole Nerve Endings

2015-11-05 Thread greg
this? Greg

[QUAD-L] Doc Referral

2015-11-05 Thread greg
. It too 3 more days before they finely got the correct referral sent in. Greg

[QUAD-L] Newslerters SCI

2015-11-04 Thread greg
Cord Injury: Greg

[QUAD-L] Ditroplan

2015-11-01 Thread greg
I took Ditropan for awhile, but it gave me very weird dreams, almost panic dreams. I'd wake up startled out of breath. I had to stop. Plus a very dry mouth. Greg > I take 20 mg ditropan in the morning, then cath at about 7am and 10 > pm. I try to balance fluid intake with that routine.

[QUAD-L] B-Day

2015-10-26 Thread greg
Happy B-Day Jim... (B as in birth) not a nomal Monday :-) Greg

[QUAD-L] Medicare

2015-10-26 Thread greg
out of pocket went from $6000 to $3000. Outpatient things went from 20% to $150. Though chairs and equipment stayed at 20%. Only issue is it's newer so not as many docs in it yet. My primary was not, though he is old and I need a new one soon. Greg

[QUAD-L] Drive From Chair?

2015-10-23 Thread greg
Other than a mini van or Honda Element, what other cars/trucks can you drive from a power chair? I saw a big 4x4 pickup, but it had a big lift system, instead of a drive-up ramp that I'd prefer. Are there any SUVs? Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] Real Sports HBO

2015-10-23 Thread greg
The Miami Project's founder Mark Buoniconi was on HBO's Real Sports this week. It was pretty interesting. Greg

[QUAD-L] Van Cost

2015-10-21 Thread greg
I was wondering about how much a van costs, the kind that can drive by joystick? I drove the kind that had 1 lever fo gas/brake, and a mini wheel on the other hand, but thouht a joystick kind would be better. Thanks, Greg

[QUAD-L] Weather

2015-10-20 Thread greg
giving myself a fever by bedtime. Greg


2015-10-20 Thread greg
anymore. Greg


2015-10-20 Thread greg
feelig better soon.The Ampicillin made me feel worse than the UTI/ Greg > Ive been there before. What are you on? Cipro works well for me.

Re: [QUAD-L] Phoenix SCI Doc

2015-10-09 Thread greg
/ > > > Don P. Tempe, AZ > > > From: greg <> To: Sent: > Wednesday, October 7, 2015 7:50 PM Subject: [QUAD-L] Phoenix SCI > Doc > > > Anyone know of a good SCI doctor in the Phoenix a

[QUAD-L] Meds for tingling?

2015-10-07 Thread greg
I use to take a med for the buning tingling in my arms, but I can't recall the name. My insurance stopped covering it so I switched to Lyrica. What other meds do they use? Lyrica just does not work for me... Thanks, Greg

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