Re: [OSM-talk-be] Geocoding met foute postcode's

2013-07-22 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 22 July 2013 22:24:09 Kurt Roeckx wrote: On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 09:22:47PM +0200, Marc Gemis wrote: The only good solution is to create post code polygons. This is stated e.g. on the nominatim FAQ page: I don't know

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Correct use of is_in tag

2013-07-31 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 31 July 2013 15:23:18 Joren wrote: As you can see for the Duffel-node, I tried to fix it by taking the is_in tags from Lier as example (instead of all those double tags like Mechelen,Mechelen,Antwerpen,Antwerpen, ...). Those double names in the is_in tag are still remnants of some

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Actieve gebruiker reageert niet op berichten/vragen

2013-09-10 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 10 September 2013 14:10:37 Ben Schalley wrote: Louis, zoals lodde1949 dus heet, gebruikt zoals we al vermoedde Bing als zijn enige (?) bron. Ik zal hem in mijn antwoord bedanken voor zijn antwoord en ook deze mailing list aanhalen. Verder denk ik dat het ook raadzaam is om hem

Re: [OSM-talk-be] (geen onderwerp)

2013-09-18 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 18 September 2013 17:58:36 Guy Vanvuchelen wrote: Daardoor wordt mijn fietspad te gemakkelijk vastgeklikt aan die landuse en dat is natuurlijk niet de bedoeling. Om te vermijden dat je nieuwe lijnen worden vastgemaakt aan bestaande lijnen, moet je control ingedrukt houden terwijl

Re: [OSM-talk-be] [Sentier disparu par cause de vegetation]

2013-09-19 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 19 September 2013 14:22:01 Jean-Louis Stanus wrote: Ik ga akkord met je glenn dus ik gebruik dat: no highway key maar alleen deze: designation=public_footpath designation=public_footpath doesn't mean anything on itself (that tag doesn't have a definition in Belgium anyway),

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Deelgemeentes en AGIV/CRAB

2013-09-27 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 27 September 2013 05:49:26 Marc Gemis wrote: On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Kurt Roeckx wrote: asBuurtwegen Thanks for the link Kurt. Sorry that I was too lazy to look it up myself. I must

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Verbodsbord C3

2013-09-30 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 30 September 2013 14:36:44 Guy Vanvuchelen wrote: Regelmatig kom ik op wandelingen het bord C3 tegen. Een rond wit bord met rode rand. “Verboden toeging in BEIDE richtingen, voor iedere bestuurder. Onderborden zijn mogelijk”. Dikwijls staat er een onderbord “Uitgezonderd fietsers

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Verbodsbord C3

2013-10-01 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 01 October 2013 10:38:41 Stijn Rombauts wrote: Hoi, 't Was redelijk amuzant maar toch ook wat schrijnend om vast te stellen dat een simpele vraag tot een heel gekakel leidt, zonder dat daar ergens iets bij zit wat op een antwoord lijkt. Guy laat zich daar misschien niet door van

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Verbodsbord C3

2013-10-01 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 01 October 2013 22:56:33 André Pirard wrote: vehicle=no alone is wrong because it allows access to horses. access=destination is wrong because it does not allow access to pedestrians and to horses, and delivery and emergency vehicles must be added. Here's the flaw in this: no-one

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Verbodsbord C3

2013-10-01 Thread Ben Laenen
Trying to reply to an HTML message is going to be fun, but here goes... On Tuesday 01 October 2013 23:00:33 André Pirard wrote: I agree with you that, in contrast with what OSM seems to want to do (on the wiki and on the tagging list), we cannot map everything down to the slightest detail.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] fietspad of niet

2013-10-02 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 02 October 2013 12:26:27 Marc Gemis wrote: 2013/10/2 Stijn Rombauts,5.185422spn=0.023 082,0.066047sll=51.09623,4.227975sspn=1.474765,4.22699hnear=Lummen,+Lim

Re: [OSM-talk-be] fietspad of niet

2013-10-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 03 October 2013 05:47:10 Marc Gemis wrote: From the page mentioned by Gilbert, I discovered #Belgium. It states e.g. that the key designated is useless in Belgium: There's no reason for a designated

Re: [OSM-talk-be] fietspad of niet

2013-10-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 03 October 2013 12:53:20 Guy Vanvuchelen wrote: Groot gelijk. Zo zijn oude tram- of spoorwegen volgens mij fietspaden (cycleway) of er nu een bord staat D7 of C3 (met of zonder onderschrift) of helemaal niets maar met een paal in het midden van de weg. 't is één ding van dat te

Re: [OSM-talk-be] toegangsbeperkingen

2013-10-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 03 October 2013 13:53:16 Marc Gemis wrote: hoe tag je Uitgezonderd diensten Uitgezonderd aangelanden Uitgezonderd bewoners Die laatste lijkt me strenger dan access=destination. Ik weet ook niet hoe die mensen daar ooit een verhuiswagen of zo voor hun deur kunnen krijgen.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] fietspad of niet

2013-10-05 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 04 October 2013 15:39:15 Wouter Hamelinck wrote: Ik geef toe dat rendering een deel van de oorzaak is, maar het daartoe herleiden is wat te simpel. Naar mijn mening (warning: just an opinion) ligt de nadruk nu te veel op toegangsrestricties. Dit is perfect logisch in Engeland (waar

Re: [OSM-talk-be] road signs plugin customization

2013-10-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Sunday 06 October 2013 17:48:05 Glenn Plas wrote: I'm in the process of creating a Belgian settings file for this great plug-in. It would be a perfect tool to distil the common knowledge and tagging habits in our little country. I've done this in the past already (but half-assed ) but

Re: [OSM-talk-be] road signs plugin customization

2013-10-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Sunday 06 October 2013 19:31:47 Glenn Plas wrote: What plugin ? I know of none that do what this does. I know none exists right now, but if you start making some controversial decisions other plugins can appear. I once tried making a webpage once though where you could just click the signs

Re: [OSM-talk-be] your advice please about corrections to tagging instructions

2013-10-07 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 07 October 2013 14:00:36 Dennis Bollyn wrote: For example, I'm tending towards xx=designated where it is a F99x sign and xx=yes when a sign indicates a additional right that is not normally present (eg. uitgezonderd .../excepte ...), but this is not consistently used throughout the

Re: [OSM-talk-be] CRAB Import Tool

2013-10-14 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 14 October 2013 22:13:09 Kurt Roeckx wrote: On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 09:59:29PM +0200, Ben Abelshausen wrote: The source is wrong obviously and I guess we should also add postalcode and commune name?? Adding postal code and commune name doesn't make sense to me in most cases.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] CRAB Import Tool

2013-10-19 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 19 October 2013 14:00:12 Ben Abelshausen wrote: Hallo, Wat zeg ik nu om de adressen te importeren? Het is het één of het ander: - Alles op de node. - Alles op relatie behalve nummer. relatie +1 Ben ___ Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] driving way

2013-10-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 26 October 2013 17:45:04 Jo wrote: Tag the part of the street until the first crossing (or the first garage door/driveway) as oneway=yes. The rest of the street as oneway=no explicitely. And, of course, if it doesn't apply to bicycles or buses oneway:bicycle=no and/or

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be mailing list

2013-10-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 26 October 2013 17:31:08 Gilbert Hersschens wrote: Ik krijg er een punthoofd van om de mail threads proberen te volgen met al die voorgaande mails die er telkens weer in verweven zitten. Op den duur zie je niet meer wie wat waarop geantwoord heeft. Heeft er al iemand aan gedacht om

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Brussels

2013-11-13 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 13 November 2013 16:27:11 André Pirard wrote: The issue seems clear to me, especially in French. We have 3 kinds of persons according to the official language they speak, but we have *4 territories* one of which is bilingual in the sense that their people can choose between two

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Brussels and Belgium

2013-11-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 25 November 2013 23:37:41 Kurt Roeckx wrote: There should be a hole in the language area (which we don't have) and the region (, which seems to be the case, and you can argue about the communitie

Re: [OSM-talk-be] My first attempt at a boundary

2013-12-04 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 04 December 2013 13:49:56 Marc Gemis wrote: Today, I did my first attempt add adding a boundary. The boundary is for the deelgemeente Muizen near Mechelen. The changeset is I used to export a jpg file

Re: [OSM-talk-be] My first attempt at a boundary

2013-12-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 06 December 2013 09:09:12 Wouter Hamelinck wrote: OK, I'll bite. - If it is not in the Moniteur/Staatsblad it is definitely not a law. (reaction to the use of e.g. and normally) - Yes, you can use the Staatsblad/Moniteur to map things. Not sure how you would do that. - I am

Re: [OSM-talk-be] My first attempt at a boundary

2013-12-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 06 December 2013 13:26:25 Wouter Hamelinck wrote: I know, but I was mainly interested in the way the borders were defined in 1830. Say I take a certain point. Which law defines it to be a part of community X? Is there such a law? It is more curiosity from my side, than practical use

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Problemen met AGIV WMS

2014-02-25 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 25 February 2014 20:47:59 Gilbert Hersschens wrote: Ik krijg alleen nog error tiles. Als ik de oorspronkelijke WMS link (* *opnieuw wil installeren krijg ik foutmeldingen en als ik rechtstreeks op de AGIV site ga werkt

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Humbeeksesteenweg tertiary or secondary road ?

2014-03-10 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 10 March 2014 13:57:44 Andre Engels wrote: Primary/secondary/tertiary/unclassified distinctions are not absolute for Belgium, there is some degree of subjective judgement in that. Having said that, N-roads are usually secondary (or primary), so I'd say that one should have a good

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Road status width (was: Humbeeksesteenweg tertiary or secondary road ?)

2014-03-10 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 10 March 2014 17:48:06 André Pirard wrote: According to IGN/NGI and the reasoning below, Benedestraat N211a is (officially) a secondary road. The first question is; what is a primary/secondary/tertiary road?. And why is it useful to know? To make better GPS routing? The current

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Knooppunten Limburg

2014-03-14 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 14 March 2014 11:26:51 Stijn Rombauts wrote: Ik ben al een paar nieuwe en verplaatste knoopunten tegengekomen. De fietsers onder ons gaan weer weten wat doen. Ook in de provincie Antwerpen worden er deze maanden heel wat routes aangepast, dus nog meer werk :-) Ben

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Jaagpad definitie

2014-05-30 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 30 May 2014 12:29:54 Glenn Plas wrote: Stukje proza : definitie van jaagpad in het nederlands: Jaagpaden zijn de verharde of onverharde trekwegen langs weerszijden van de kanalen. Het gebruik van het jaagpad is geregeld

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Jaagpad definitie

2014-06-02 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 02 June 2014 11:22:46 Marc Gemis wrote: lijkt me inderdaad goed. de yes @ permit_holder had ik nog niet eerder gezien. Ik gebruik dan access = permissive. Is er veel verschil tussen beiden ? access=permissive is eerder voor privéwegen die door de eigenaar zijn opengesteld voor het

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wallonia hiking route schema

2014-07-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 04 July 2014 01:59:26 André Pirard wrote: So, apparently personal hiking routes which are not signposted shouldn't be added to OSM... OK, but does that really mean that in regions where no one cares to signpost hikes and where those WL people find very nice ones, OSM would be

[OSM-talk-be] OSM 10 year anniversary

2014-08-05 Thread Ben Laenen
You may not realise it but Openstreetmap is 10 years old next weekend, and to let all you newbies know what the map looked like when everything was still new and fresh, they released a map to compare the situation in the end of March 2007 with now, about a month after I got into the project

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Invisible castles

2014-08-18 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 18 August 2014 14:58:22 Erik Beerten wrote: I was looking on some OSM based maps for a precise location of a castle but I couldn't find it. I checked another one that couldn't be found either. Both are the type of castles surrounded by water but the map only shows the water not the

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspad - even verifieren

2014-09-08 Thread Ben Laenen
Voor mij is het even goed om het hier apart te tekenen. Al was het maar om het geen ratjetoe te maken met bijvoorbeeld de bushaltes een beetje verder naar het noordwesten waar dan wel weer scheiding moet zijn, en dan de kruispunten waar het ook apart van de weg is. Laat het er gewoon opstaan nu

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspad - even verifieren

2014-09-09 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 09 September 2014 07:06:46 Marc Gemis wrote: Een afzonderlijk fietspad is voor mij ok, als alle verbindingen met de zijstraten en opritten opstaan en bicycle=no of use_sidepath op de hoofdbaan. Geen bicycle=no, daar hebben we al vaak genoeg over gediscussieerd dat dat niet correct

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fietspad - even verifieren

2014-09-09 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 09 September 2014 14:32:25 Glenn Plas wrote: hangt aan: Yup, een highway aan admin level 7 ... die de weg volgt. Persoonlijk geef ik dit soort miskleumen de voorkeur. Ben nog steeds bezig met

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Destination tagging on motorways

2014-09-09 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 09 September 2014 22:14:25 Johan C wrote: In Nederland heb ik de snelwegen op veel plaatsen voorzien van bestemmingen. Als bijrijder ben ik in de gelegenheid geweest om afgelopen maand de bebording op de route Breda-Antwerpen-Gent-Kortrijk-Lille vice versa te fotograferen. Die wil

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Destination tagging on motorways

2014-09-10 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 10 September 2014 23:30:44 André Pirard wrote: Shouldn't the same ref=* as of the motorway be used on allhighway

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Destination tagging on motorways

2014-09-25 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 25 September 2014 07:05:29 Marc Gemis wrote: On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 2:08 AM, André Pirard wrote: I added destination:ref=E25 on a link and Osmand kept silent while going onto it. I added ref=E25 on the next link and Osmand said turn right onto E25.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Destination tagging on motorways

2014-09-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 26 September 2014 13:16:35 André Pirard wrote: On 2014-09-25 12:00, Ben Laenen wrote : Yeah, I object. Again, it's not the ref of the link, which is usually in the form of A.001.123, which we don't map currently. You seem to be really the only person to use that kind of id

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Destination tagging on motorways

2014-09-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 26 September 2014 13:16:35 André Pirard wrote: Yourself wrote that they should be tagged as admin_ref=A.001.123, which is a number for motorway maintenance personal and certainly not the general public. Sure, but it doesn't mean it's not available to us, the signs are there, like

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Export database

2014-10-01 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 01 October 2014 12:30:24 Glenn Plas wrote: Ik kom ook soms interessante tags tegen van openGeoDB, bv op Deurne.. openGeoDB:auto_update=population,is_in openGeoDB:is_in=Antwerpen,Antwerpen,Antwerpen,Antwerpen,Antwerpen,Antwerpen, Vlaanderen,Vlaanderen,Belgique,Belgique,Europe

Re: [OSM-talk-be] LEZ

2014-10-25 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 25 October 2014 17:12:01 Marc Gemis wrote: Er is onlangs even wat discussie geweest over dit topic op de Engelse mailing list. De vraag was of ze met punten of gebieden moesten werken. Gebieden is het enige correcte, maar dat kan je niet ter plaatse controleren. De enige source die

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Jachtpaden are not cycleway Highway (path along the rivers)

2014-12-08 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 08 December 2014 10:58:58 Kurt Roeckx wrote: access=private foot=yes bicycle=yes If we go this way, I'd prefer to stay closer to the signs and have it vehicle=private + bicycle=yes For the paved roads I guess it would then become highway=service, should we add a service=towpath

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Belgian_road_sign

2014-12-20 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 20 December 2014 15:33:35 Jakka wrote: Is there a demand for Belgian_road_sign_ in .png or .??? for use in osm plug-ins. Like road-sign restriction relations selector or place them near the highway as node icon (like give_way, stop) for better overview in a second layer, ???

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Trunk road?

2014-12-30 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 30 December 2014 11:09:12 Maarten Deen wrote: I drove across the N60e near Peruwelz [1] which has a autoweg (route pour automobile) sign. According to the wiki [2] this should be mapped as trunk. Currently it is a secondary road. What is the best option here? Make it trunk or add a

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle junction networks (was Unsurfaced road and Byway?)

2007-12-20 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 19 December 2007, Dave Stubbs wrote: OK, so doing a few tests with doing: Nodes: ncn_ref -- render red number rcn_ref -- render cyan number lcn_ref -- render blue number Ways: as before I find that as long as the ways don't have refs of their own it works pretty

[OSM-talk] Part-municipalities and more place issues

2007-12-29 Thread Ben Laenen
Hi all, We're trying to find some way to tag some oddities for places in Belgium, so I hope if some of you could give some insight in how best to tag these. Some little history: In the 1960's till the 1980's a lot of municipalities merged with other municipalities. Many were subsumed into

Re: [OSM-talk] re-using segments

2008-01-02 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 01 January 2008, Alex S. wrote: Maning Sambale wrote: But no option for selection one or series of segments in way? Using josm 486 version. There are no more segments as of API v0.5. You reuse nodes, instead. Am I btw correct in thinking that with the new three-layered way of

Re: [OSM-talk] implementation of relations in josm

2008-01-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 03 January 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, Also the other problem with splitting and merging of roads needs attention. Rather urgently I would say. I agree. It is however again one of the problems where different relations will need different actions - when a way in a route

Re: [OSM-talk] First OpenGeoDB Import is done

2008-01-21 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 21 January 2008, Johan Huysmans wrote: I checked this out on 01165795zoom=12layers=B000F000F but no extra placenames showed up, even not after a rerender. I investigated it with josm and it shows that the place= tag

[OSM-talk] Cycle route improvements

2008-02-05 Thread Ben Laenen
Hi all, and Andy in particular, as the past weeks went by while entering cycle routes for Belgium into OSM, I've come across several issues. It's a big mash-up of needed tags and improvements, so here goes... * Tagging of alternate routes: Some routes have shortcuts, or in general alternate

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle route improvements

2008-02-05 Thread Ben Laenen
find any info about that on the wiki. And if it's possible, can the rendering rules for the cycle map be downloaded somewhere to use as a starting point? Greetings Ben On Tuesday 05 February 2008, you wrote: On Feb 5, 2008 4:43 PM, Ben Laenen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All the better if there's

[OSM-talk] Mapnik rendering problem (was: Cycle route improvements)

2008-02-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Chris Jones wrote: For mapnik see For sections of the planet see Thanks, it was also possible by just downloading an area with JOSM. Anyway, my Mapnik

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik rendering problem (was: Cycle route improvements)

2008-02-06 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 06 February 2008, Artem Pavlenko wrote: Are you using template ? You should have replaced all occurrences of %params% with real things I don't have to do that manually, do I? I just enter the variables in set-mapnik-env, call customize-mapnik-map which replaces all %param% in

Re: [OSM-talk] relations in order not to fragment roads (was: correctly mapping avenues)

2008-02-11 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 11 February 2008, Karl Newman wrote: That seems like a reasonable approach--see my reply to Bernd's email in another forked thread. The way should be long, but not unreasonably so, and if the name or highway type changes, that seems like a logical place to split it. I thought with

Re: [OSM-talk] Japanese place names not rendered in Mapnik

2008-02-12 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Artem Pavlenko wrote: Anyone know what to do about this? Yes - Talk to Artem about adding support to mapnik for fallback fonts, or find us a font we can use instead of DejaVu which is known to support every possible glyph for every character set. Yes, talk

Re: [OSM-talk] relations in order not to fragment roads (was: correctly mapping avenues)

2008-02-12 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 11 February 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, If we add a thing like segment relations as is proposed, we'll effectively end up with another level next to points, segments and relations (since things like route relations will again have these segment relations contained in them),

[OSM-talk] planet extracts out of sync

2008-02-19 Thread Ben Laenen
If the person who's in charge of the planet extracts at is reading this: they're not in sync anymore with the current OSM data since yesterday (well, at least those of Belgium are out of sync, haven't tested the other ones). It looks like the data

Re: [OSM-talk] planet extracts out of sync

2008-02-19 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 19 February 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote: Can this be fixed please? It's by far the easiest method to download big areas at once. There's osmxapi if you really need it? osmxapi isn't an option for me, as it doesn't return the relations, and that's exactly what I'm playing

Re: [OSM-talk] displayed width of roads

2008-02-20 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 20 February 2008, Steve Chilton wrote: For mapnik rendering I was thinking of moving tram and light_rail to a new rendering layer which would be placed just after roads and thus draw them after roads - which is probably the norm. Cheers STEVE Wouldn't that mean that when a tram

[OSM-talk] Relation history

2008-02-22 Thread Ben Laenen
Can someone tell me if this is the correct url to get the complete history of a relation from the OSM API: since it only returns Application errors to me. Thanks, Ben ___ talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Relation 412 errors

2008-03-20 Thread Ben Laenen
Hi all, I keep having 412 errors when trying to modify a certain route relation (id=3964, runs from Antwerp to the Netherlands in Belgium). It's quite a long route relation so I don't immediately see where the problem is, just the 412 error on the terminal (which JOSM doesn't detect btw, it

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle lanes

2008-03-24 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 24 March 2008, Andy Allan wrote: I think a lot of the physical cycleway tagging is ambiguous at the moment, especially with the cycleway= tag. I think cycleway=track was intended only for adding to highway=* (not highway=cycleway), but I would advise that all off-road cycle paths,

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle lanes

2008-03-24 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 24 March 2008, Alex Mauer wrote: Cartinus wrote: The first won't fly because everytime anybody mentions namespaces it gets boo-ed away as being too complex. The second one is absolutely no fun to write stylesheets for (or the renderer needs a preprocessor to split them). Neither

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle lanes

2008-03-24 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 24 March 2008, Dave Stubbs wrote: Personally I'd start to way tracks separately when they have a clear separation. That's deliberately ambiguous because I think it varies. But yeah a 10m gap would certainly do it, but even a 1m gap if it's made of something very solid. OK, I've

Re: [OSM-talk] Cycle lanes

2008-03-28 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 28 March 2008, Andy Allan wrote: I'd tag every one of those as highway=cycleway on a separate way, if I had the time and the patience. If I was busy, I would see cycleway=track as being a stop-gap, and someone else could model them as separate ways when they had the time (in the same

[OSM-talk] Geofabrik planet extracts

2008-03-30 Thread Ben Laenen
A question to the person who's in charge of the extracts at : is it possible to add an extra 10km wide strip outside the country borders? The borders data which is now used is apparently quite low resolution, so it cuts off some big pieces of the

[OSM-talk] Namespaces (was: Tagging climbing routes and scrambles)

2008-04-17 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 17 April 2008, Chris Hill wrote: namespaces: -1 I see a good use for the kind of namespaces as mentioned in A restriction which often occurs here is for example: no goods vehicles with mass over 3.5 tons

Re: [OSM-talk] tagging and rendering highways in the USA and elsewhere

2008-04-18 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 18 April 2008, Tom Hughes wrote: If we can agree on the rendering rules and get both Mapnik and osmarender sorted out for the USA then people will be incentivised to tag appropriately. The moto 'render and they will come' probably applies here as elsewhere. Agreeing on the

Re: [OSM-talk] Too many nodes?

2008-04-19 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 19 April 2008, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote: IIRC, Mapnik supports bezier hinting for quite a while now, just no-one has gone and updated the stylesheet to use it. Well, before using it, I'd like to ask to have a way to disable the curves as well (and I'd even prefer to see nice

[OSM-talk] psv definition

2008-04-19 Thread Ben Laenen
Hi all, Could someone give a proper definition of what vehicles are included with psv (public service vehicle). I always thought it was all kinds of public transport (including trams, taxis, trolleys, buses -- but no coaches for example), while some pages on the wiki seem to suggest it's a

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Stops

2008-04-24 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 24 April 2008, Lester Caine wrote: It is the same problem where the tram way and the road share the same way, but isn't it more normal to find that there is a way for the tram track in the same way as the separate carriage ways of a two carriage way road? I've certainly been

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Stops

2008-04-24 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 24 April 2008, Lester Caine wrote: I just look at the Relations page and see lots of 'Proposed' ... At the end of the day 'is_in' IS a relation so we are probably actually talking about the same thing, but there is a lot of 'talk' but no practical examples of actually using

Re: [OSM-talk] Background-only on potlatch?

2008-05-02 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 02 May 2008, Richard Fairhurst wrote: OJ W wrote: Is there a way to turn off map data on potlatch, for when you want to zoom-out and look at something on the satellite photos, but don't want to trouble OSM with downloading an entire town's data that you're not planning to use?

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Road crossings proposal - status?

2008-05-12 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 12 May 2008, Andy Allan wrote: Oh, I can think of a way. Yep, I can definitely think of some shorthand tags for the most common crossing types. Trouble is, as soon as I mention it, everyone starts uncontrollably ranting. But that's the problem right? That no-one outside the UK

Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering of tracktype

2008-06-12 Thread Ben Laenen and the map features mentioned track is only for unpaved/unsealed roads. To me it looks like it was approved like that, so please don't fix approved descriptions before having a discussion and a vote first... Greetings Ben On

Re: [OSM-talk] Ways on bus route relations

2008-06-16 Thread Ben Laenen
On Monday 16 June 2008, Jo wrote: What is a bit problematic with how it is done now, is that when one splits a road that is already part of a relation. This other relation becomes broken, so one should be careful to fix it/them as well. If you split a way which is a member of a relation in

Re: [OSM-talk] Proper tagging of multi-admin_level borders (Was: National borders in the British Islands)

2008-06-18 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 18 June 2008, Dylan Semler wrote: On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Martijn van Oosterhout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: - admin_levels nest, so that the area covered by an admin_level=X is also covered by areas with admin_level X I just want to verify that I interpret this

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (PSV_directions)

2008-06-26 Thread Ben Laenen
There's still this proposal which will solve your problem with access:psv:oneway=no Ben On Thursday 26 June 2008, Charlie Echo wrote: Hello, When mapping, I noticed numerous one-way streets for cars have a

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (PSV_directions)

2008-06-26 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 26 June 2008, Charlie Echo wrote: The proposal you mention is a radical change in the way we would tag. We would move from tag=value to tag:subtag:subtag=value. Sure, it's very different to current tagging, but we need to think about more complex access restrictions. The proposal

[OSM-talk] Access restrictions (was: Feature Proposal - RFC - (PSV_directions))

2008-06-26 Thread Ben Laenen
: Ben Laenen [EMAIL PROTECTED] À: Cc: Charlie Echo [EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé: Jeudi 26 Juin 2008 16:08:36 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne Objet: Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (PSV_directions) On Thursday 26 June 2008

Re: [OSM-talk] Walking routes and OSM (again)

2008-06-27 Thread Ben Laenen
On Friday 27 June 2008, Nick Whitelegg wrote: a) Get the user to click each way in turn on the slippy map. Each way then gets highlighted (possible via OpenLayers Vector layer). When finished, user clicks Done and can add any further comments. This should be fairly easy to implement - and some

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (PSV_directions)

2008-06-27 Thread Ben Laenen
On my brainstorming page to improve the access restrictions scheme at I was more thinking about a access=twoway or similar tag, so what you want to do becomes: oneway=yes; psv=twoway Greetings Ben On Friday 27

[OSM-talk] [tagging] Current access rules

2008-06-28 Thread Ben Laenen
of the namespaces like bicycle:oneway=* Greetings Ben On Saturday 28 June 2008, Jo wrote: Ben Laenen schreef: On my brainstorming page to improve the access restrictions scheme at strictions I was more thinking about a access

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Current access rules

2008-06-28 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 28 June 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 02:10:54PM +0200, Ben Laenen wrote: * without making use of the namespaces like bicycle:oneway=* This is slightly tangential to your question but I take exception to the way people use the term namespace over

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Current access rules

2008-06-28 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 28 June 2008, Dave Stubbs wrote: On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Ben Laenen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm getting issues with the fact that access rules are never formally defined. For example, does this make a oneway road accessible for bicycles in two directions

Re: [OSM-talk] Tag:highway=cycleway inconsistency

2008-07-03 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 03 July 2008, Andy Allan wrote: On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Michael Collinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I certainly agree that the default for foot access should be one or the other for highway=cycleway. My own preference is for default foot=yes. I disagree - I think the

Re: [OSM-talk] superways as relations ?

2008-08-05 Thread Ben Laenen
On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Karl Newman wrote: Sounds like you're looking for this: Tag Segmented tags doesn't solve data duplication for dual carriage ways, or a set of roads with lots of cul-de-sacs with the same name, and

[OSM-talk] Downloading compressed data from API

2008-08-10 Thread Ben Laenen
Hi all, I was wondering if it's possible to download data from the API in a (bz2/g)zipped format? This would be much more kind to bandwidth since a 10MB file for the plain data can be easily compressed to under 1MB. Greetings Ben ___ talk mailing

Re: [OSM-talk] Downloading compressed data from API

2008-08-10 Thread Ben Laenen
On Sunday 10 August 2008, Tom Hughes wrote: Ben Laenen wrote: I was wondering if it's possible to download data from the API in a (bz2/g)zipped format? This would be much more kind to bandwidth since a 10MB file for the plain data can be easily compressed to under 1MB. It is compressed

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM relations workshop: results

2008-08-21 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 20 August 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote: Multipolygons - [...] The no segmentation rule is important because there are renderers already which use different colours for an area boundary than for the area itself, and such segments will then show up on the maps.

Re: [OSM-talk] SOTM relations workshop: results

2008-08-21 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 20 August 2008, Frederik Ramm wrote: Routes -- Routes are most prominently used for cycle routes which are rendered on Andy Allan's cyclemap. Generally ways which are part of a route don't have a role, they're just part of it. But sometimes you have ways in the roles

Re: [OSM-talk] Left and Right - a proposal

2008-08-30 Thread Ben Laenen
On Saturday 30 August 2008, Hugh Barnes wrote: So, just to clarify, if I want apply more properties to the bus stop, is it like this: left:highway=bus_stop left:name=Park Road … etc? Have I missed something? Since this shows that we need an entity to put all data on which wouldn't

Re: [OSM-talk] Zonal restrictions.

2009-05-13 Thread Ben Laenen
On Wednesday 13 May 2009, Dave Stubbs wrote: Where zone is a known geographic area? A bounding way with tags like: zone = restriction maxspeed = 20kph parking = no seems like the best way to do it to me if you don't want to just replicate the tags on everything (and I can understand why

Re: [OSM-talk] Zonal restrictions.

2009-05-14 Thread Ben Laenen
On Thursday 14 May 2009, MP wrote: Except it's not a geographic area, but rather a set of streets with that restriction. If a bridge or tunnel without the restriction goes over/under a street with the restriction you'll have a problem. In that case, that bridge can have differen speed

Re: [OSM-talk] zones for motorway/in town/outof town?

2009-05-21 Thread Ben Laenen
So while it seems to be a polygon vs tags on ways discussion: I wonder what people have against using relations to combine all roads in one built-up area, or one maxspeed zone, or some other kind of zone. It's really the cleanest option and allows for additional tags like a name, and it

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