RE: Using bit in primary key not supported?

2010-10-08 Thread Thomas Fischer
In my schema.xml file I have table name=templatevalue idMethod=native column name=name primaryKey=true required=true size=255 type=VARCHAR/ column default=true name=preview primaryKey=true required=true type=BIT/ !-- Other fields removed -- /table Torque can not generate composite keys

RE: Revisited: Oracle and the empty string

2010-10-01 Thread Thomas Fischer
just a question about a best-practice. We are trying to implement an XML-to-DB-mapper service on Oracle. The (existing) XSD defines some fields which distinguish between not set (null) and empty (). How do others handle this in Oracle? Especially within Torque? In my experience, it is no

Re: Revisited: Oracle and the empty string

2010-10-01 Thread Thomas Fischer
Thomas Vandahl wrote: On 01.10.10 21:47, Thomas Fischer wrote: In my experience, it is no problem if you keep that fact in mind. It just makes the code non-portable to another database (you only query for not null and know it's also not empty in oracle, but not dor other

supported databases in Torque 4

2010-09-30 Thread Thomas Fischer
For development reasons of Torque 4, it would be good to know what databases people actually use and what they would like to see supported in Torque 4. The current development version of Torque 4 supports is tested against the following databases: Derby Microsoft SQL Server MySQL Oracle

Re: Info about Torque

2010-09-26 Thread Thomas Fischer
I'm using DDLUtils, and, I guess, to work with Torque is the next step, Not necessarily. DdlUtils can be used on its own. But of course we are happy about people using Torque :-) so, how can I help? I 'd guess the first step would be to get aquainted with the way Torque works. If you want to

Re: Info about Torque

2010-09-17 Thread Thomas Fischer
I want to use Torque, but I want to hnow: the project still alive? The project is still alive. The current production version is 3.3. There is a tutorial available on the web site (, this might help you to get started. In

RE: Excessive database queries on postgresql: village metadata queries

2010-07-07 Thread Thomas Fischer
... Has anyone encountered this before and managed to work out how to stop the metadata queries being translated into database queries? I would expect either the JDBC driver to cache these, or if not for Village to cache these. I remember dimly using a patched version of village which

RE: blocking in connection pool

2010-04-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi Will, Anyone out there with Torque use in a high volume load situation? I'm having trouble with a bottleneck in DBCP with Torque. I set my DBCP connection pool limit to 300 (in the Torque config file) and my mysql max_connections to 300, but the max_used_connections variable in MySQL

Re: [OT:Torque 4.0] Re: Criteria.or not working?

2010-02-08 Thread Thomas Fischer
Good to hear there is some movement in the Torque ecosystem I have used Torque 3.3 with good satisfaction to develop a web application from scratch and I plan, if my company can fund this activities, to port all of my company software db related under Torque. :-) Good to hear that

[IP Clearance] Db Torque Generator

2010-02-07 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have written a replacement for some DB Torque modules that I would like to donate to the ASF. The code base can be found at, the IP clearance form is available at

RE: [IP Clearance] Db Torque Generator

2010-02-07 Thread Thomas Fischer
oops, wrong list, sorry... should have gone to incubator-general... Thomas [IP Clearance] Db Torque Generator I have written a replacement for some DB Torque modules that I would like to donate to the ASF. The code base can be found at

[OT:Torque 4.0] Re: Criteria.or not working?

2010-02-05 Thread Thomas Fischer
4.0? I was fearing Torque was a dead project? Any time table? Work is under way to rebuild the generator and the templates such that it should be mich easier in the future to extend or customize the generated code. Work on this is in good progress, so one should be able to try it (at least

Antwort: Get results as ints

2010-01-04 Thread Thomas Fischer
I would like to select all ids from a table (with a certain criteria). If I use addSelectColumn on my criteria and do BasePeer.doSelect(criteria), I only get the columns that I want but they are in form of record objects. Can I get a list of ints, strings or whatever or do I need to convert

Re: Not Generating Base Classes

2009-11-23 Thread Thomas Fischer
Upgraded to Torque 3.3 and now not generating Base Classes. All other classes created. No errors generating. What am I doing wrong? In the standard setup out of the box, Torque generates base classes. So either there should be an error message in the velocity.log, or you have changed the

RE: Postgresql table aliases

2009-11-12 Thread Thomas Fischer
I cannot reproduce this. When I run the DataTest.testUpdate in the test project I see the following update statement in the save() method of an updated author: UPDATE author SET name = ? WHERE author_id = ? Could you provide more detail how the update clause is produced ? Thomas ... Now

RE: Postgresql table aliases

2009-11-12 Thread Thomas Fischer
I also wonder if this isn't a PostGres version issue. If I remember the SQL standards correctly, the query that PostGres is choking on is perfectly valid SQL. PostGres, like MySQL and the like, have all been working to follow the SQL Standard more closely. This could be a standards bug in

Re: Criteria needs write permissions?

2009-11-12 Thread Thomas Fischer
Ok, I apologize for the traffic. No reason to apologize for anything. This is a perfectly valid question. Here goes, when you build the database objects, it hardcodes in the database name that exists in your schema.xml. The code is in the doBuild() method of the ${Table}

Re: Criteria needs write permissions?

2009-11-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
The null ointer exception seems to come from reading the table or column map. Can you put a breakpoint in and see whether the table or the column cannot be found (and why it is not found)? Thomas Ok so I was trying to make our site a little safer from sql injections, so

RE: [torrque-maven-plugin] Colliding parameters for different goals.

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have encountered a problem running the M2 plugin for torque. The goals I run are basically om, sql and sqlExec. There are a lot of parameters that can be specified for these goals so I do it in my projects pom.xml. However, all these three goals have some parameters that have the same name,

RE: [torrque-maven-plugin] Colliding parameters for different goals.

2009-11-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
? Are there any documentation on what phases there are in torque? I can't find it on the plugin page. /Ludwig -Original Message- From: Thomas Fischer [] Sent: den 10 november 2009 11:06 To: Apache Torque Users List Subject: RE: [torrque-maven-plugin] Colliding

RE: QueryDataSet constructing takes forever

2009-10-22 Thread Thomas Fischer
The following code produces some interesting results in my system. connection = Torque.getConnection(Torque.getDefaultDB()); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(dynamicQuery); ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery();

Antwort: Update stalls

2009-10-09 Thread Thomas Fischer
Is there a way to log peer updates, I'm trying to figure out why a save is failing. People have used p6spy for this. It wraps your db driver and logs all sql. Thomas - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

RE: Transactioning with MySQL

2009-10-07 Thread Thomas Fischer
Can someone explain why my transaction is being committed on when it should be rolled back? ... - Check that you use a mysql engine that supports transactions (the default engine MyISAM does NOT support transactions) - check that autocommit is set false in your database

RE: Primary key is set to the foreign key value

2009-09-04 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have very simple DB schema, where the 1st table (Person) has PK 'id' and the 2nd table (Person_SSN) has FK 'person_id' referring to the 'id' field of the 'Person' table. .. When I create 'PersonSsn' object, I set SSN to '123456789', but the DB record shows that SSN value is the same

Antwort: Check Constraints

2009-05-25 Thread Thomas Fischer
No, this is not implemented. For such features, I'd use the automatically generated sql and run a custom sql script containing alter table... scripts on top. Thomas - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

RE: Problems while switching torque from mysql to oracle

2009-05-19 Thread Thomas Fischer
But now I am facing the next problem: When I try to start a new workflow in swamp I get the error message: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00923: Schlüsselwort FROM nicht an erwarteter Stelle gefunden The following possible reasons come to my mind - Swamp produces its own SQL (this is possible

RE: Problems while switching torque from mysql to oracle

2009-05-18 Thread Thomas Fischer
A shot into the dark: Is there a validationQuery in the Torque properties ? If yes, did you change it to select 1 from dual? Thomas Bullwinkel Axel schrieb am 18.05.2009 15:34:57: Von: Bullwinkel Axel An:

RE: Linux and case sensitivity

2009-04-24 Thread Thomas Fischer
Right, but does torque handle that? It's strange that I define my table lower case but torque asks for it in upper case. I changed the definition of my turbine tables to upper case and it works now. All my other tables are lower case and working properly... Which torque version are we

RE: Multiple addJoin with OR

2009-03-02 Thread Thomas Fischer
I want to create an SQLQuery that combines data from three tables. Right now, my javacode looks like this: Criteria.addJoin(,; Criteria.addJoin(,; This results in this SQL query: WHERE = AND =

RE: Multiple addJoin with OR

2009-03-02 Thread Thomas Fischer
I want to create an SQLQuery that combines data from three tables. Right now, my javacode looks like this: Criteria.addJoin(,; Criteria.addJoin(,; This results in this SQL query: WHERE = AND =

Antwort: Correct way to getRelatedObjects with each relatedObject reference to this object?

2009-02-12 Thread Thomas Fischer
The only way to achieve this in general would be modifying the object.vm template which generatates the get${relCol} method. I would believe that the behaviour you describe would make sense generally. Any opinions on that from other people ? By doing this one would increase coupling between

Re: jdbc task put username instead of db name in schema file

2009-01-29 Thread Thomas Fischer
Sorry to come back on this issue: I have updated the TORQUE-39 issue on jira but I have seen no answer to the observations I have added to the initial ones. I report here the link to the issue for whoever is interested: Hey, this is no commercial product where we meet deadlines. It will

Antwort: Re: newbie question about postgres: nextval

2009-01-27 Thread Thomas Fischer
My personal opinion is that there are two reasons: 1) documentation is _MUCH_ better for hibernate 2) The concept for hibernate seems to be easy: Give an object to Hibernate and Hibernate does all the persistence work. I'd like to add that I tend to disagree with the point easy

RE: jdbc task put username instead of db name in schema file

2009-01-27 Thread Thomas Fischer
When we tried at first to generate the schema file using the jdbc task, we found that the database name put in the schema file was wrong. Instead of the db name there was the username used to connect to the db. We worked around it changing the username. We use Torque 3.3 The DB server is

Re: jdbc task put username instead of db name in schema file

2009-01-27 Thread Thomas Fischer
h, but then why make the torque user able to specify the property in ? correct, I overlooked that back then. Please create a jira issue. Thomas Thomas Fischer ha scritto: When we tried at first to generate the schema file using the jdbc

Antwort: generate omn classes only for a subset of tables

2009-01-27 Thread Thomas Fischer
Is there a way to configure Torque generator so that it generates om classes only for a subset of the tables in a db ? I will use the ability of torque tu support multiple database to import some data from a secondary db, but I need to use only a small subset of tables (5 out of 40+) of the

RE: newbie question about postgres: nextval

2009-01-26 Thread Thomas Fischer
I'm using postgres to generate torque classes but the automatic generation seems to make a few mistakes. In the base class I found this java statement private int pkAnagrafica = nextval('anagrafica_pk_anagrafica_seq'::regclass); which is marked as wrong by the compiler. The same

Re: newbie question about postgres: nextval

2009-01-26 Thread Thomas Fischer
In my prev message I didn't said that , I have defined the db using the server , then I have generated the schema using the jdbc ant task and the classes using the om ant task. I don't want to define myself the shema file because I'm more famliar with SQL and then I don't want to make Torque

Re: newbie question about postgres: nextval

2009-01-26 Thread Thomas Fischer
Can you explaim why is so overwhelmed by Hibernate ? Is there some performance related isssue ? My personal opinion is that there are two reasons: 1) documentation is _MUCH_ better for hibernate 2) The concept for hibernate seems to be easy: Give an object to Hibernate and Hibernate does all

Antwort: Torque 3.3-RC3 possible bug ?

2009-01-07 Thread Thomas Fischer
Please send questions to the Torque user list, not to the developers. Thanks. Torque 3.3-RC3 possible bug ? Yannick Richard an: fischer 06.01.2009 15:25 Hi Thomas, I am using Torque for a project at my company and we are upgrading from 3.3-RC2 to 3.3-RC3. I am facing some

Re: Unsigned integers

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Fischer
That said, the best bet would be to manually define the column type to be an UNSIGNED INTEGER in the DB and then use BIGINT as the type in the schema. This will make the Record object use the long type and avoid having large binary int values become negative. That sound like a

Re: Unsigned integers

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Fischer
IMHO torque:jdbc is no good as a totally automatic way to create a schema.xml. It is good as a first guess, but nothing more, because the informations from the jdbc driver are not complete enough to extract a good schema. If it worked for you so far, you were lucky. Or maybe

RE: Project status

2008-12-03 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi, I'm a Java developer from Argentina and I use Torque in many projects. Since I don't see any new release of this framework since February 2008 I was wondering if it's still active or not. Since the release of 3.3 the main developers had a lot ow other work and were not able to put

RE: More than one database

2008-11-14 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi there, i'm new to Torque and i'm making some tests to see if Torque fits my needs. Untll now, i'm finding torque amazingly simple and perfect for what i need, i tried hibernate and i dint like it. I have 2 doubts. The first doubt: Can i use more than one database at the same time ?

Re: Torque/MySQL connection hung after a week

2008-11-01 Thread Thomas Fischer
This is probably the old mysql problem: Mysql shuts down connections after 8 hours of inactivity (this is configurable but 8 hours is the standard setting). Depending on your pool configuration, it may not notice that the connections are dead, and may fail to evict them. In this case Martin's

RE: How to Update multiple rows

2008-10-31 Thread Thomas Fischer
I want to update multiple rows based on a given condition. Is there a way to do it in torque? In principle, there should be a way to do it _with_ torque. Torque has no built-in trigger mechanism, except that one can intercept saves and selects on tables which are acessed by torque. The

RE: Will migrating from 3.0 to 3.3 help me?

2008-09-30 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi, I am just starting maintenance work on a project built with Torque 3.0 on top of PostgreSQL. I'm considering migrating to 3.3 but thought I would check a couple of things here first. The first thing I noticed was the huge difference in performance using different versions of JDBC

RE: Torque and JTA

2008-09-30 Thread Thomas Fischer
Is there a way for torque and jta to play well together? I would like jta to handle the transactions, which I understand requires making sure that a DataSource is used for the database, which doesn't seem to be a problem. The generated torque code however uses a JDBC transaction

Re: Torque and JTA

2008-09-30 Thread Thomas Fischer
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Graham Leggett wrote: Thomas Fischer wrote: I am not really qualified to answer this, because I do not know how JTA works internally. So use healthy scepticism with the answer below. With all external transaction frameworks, the problem is that at the moment, Torque

RE: init question

2008-09-16 Thread Thomas Fischer
I'm using torque 3.1.1 in combination with turbine. ... I proceeded with the following code: String confFile = config.getServletContext().getRealPath( WEB-INF/conf/; PropertiesConfiguration torqueConf =

RE: Programatically set torque.dsfactory.MY_BASE.connection.url

2008-08-28 Thread Thomas Fischer
Did you try to use the method Torque.init(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration conf) instead of Torque.init(java.lang.String) ? By the way: there was a big discussion about keeping the db password secure half a year or a year ago in the torque lists. You might be interested.

RE: Criteria.addSelectColumn problem

2008-08-22 Thread Thomas Fischer
crit.add (c2, ) crit.addSelectColumn (c3) crit.setDistinct(); Iterator results = t3Peer.doSelect(crit).iterator() would throw Exception at doSelect() because during the populateObject(), it found only 1 column instead of all columns as default to populate the data into it.

RE: how can i Insert data into multiple table at a time

2008-08-20 Thread Thomas Fischer
i am new to apache torque. How can i insert data in to multiple table at one time hit. Hm, I do not know what you mean by that. Please make yourself familiar with the appropriate Database concepts (update/insert and transaction). These are supported by Torque. Actually i have a form

RE: Subselects in Torque 3.3rc2

2008-08-19 Thread Thomas Fischer
Markus Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 19.08.2008 14:45:06: I am looking for a possibility to make a subselect like: select name from resource where id in (select id from resource_postalcode_rel where postalcode_id in (select id from postalcode where postalcode.city_name

Re: Log4J + Torque ... gonna drive me mad.

2008-08-01 Thread Thomas Fischer
I agree with that. But as it's Torque (or commons-logging) which OUTPUT the log messages on the classes and packages it wants, it should ensure that something could be done with the Log4j configuration, or guess, or whatever, or at least the Torque website should have a FAQ which says that

Re: Log4J + Torque ... gonna drive me mad.

2008-07-31 Thread Thomas Fischer
... I just added this to : log4j.category.rootCategory = ALL, org.apache.torque = ALL, org.apache.torque THIS IS WORKING ! But it still think that's a Torque/commons-logging bug, whih is not correctly handling Log4j config. I have a

Antwort: Re: Log4J + Torque ... gonna drive me mad.

2008-07-30 Thread Thomas Fischer
Ok, logging Torque has worked for a number of people but not for you. You need to find out why. This is how I would proceed: - I believe one can ask log4j whetzer it is initialized. Do that. - make sure the correct configuration file is used. I am not completely sure how this can be done, maybe

Re: Exception after my program sleep for 2 hours.

2008-06-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have a java program that uses Torque and it is working fine with one exception. My program might need to sleep for 2 hours, using Thread.sleep() but after it wake up again, torque always throws an exception when I try to call doSelect(). Is there anyway to avoid this?. This program

RE: Exception after my program sleep for 2 hours.

2008-06-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have a java program that uses Torque and it is working fine with one exception. My program might need to sleep for 2 hours, using Thread.sleep() but after it wake up again, torque always throws an exception when I try to call doSelect(). Is there anyway to avoid this?. This program don't do

RE: use batch execution for PreparedStatement

2008-05-15 Thread Thomas Fischer
I must insert many rows(e.g. 2.000-5.000) in a table. If I do this with save funktion from torque it is not perfomant. Is it much worse than plain SQL ? Did you aquire a connection beforehand and use the same connection for all saves to avoid connection overhead (think about the transaction

Re: oracle connection pool issue

2008-04-21 Thread Thomas Fischer
It turned out that there were a couple of other hidden connections being made in the loop and making those also use the one connection did the trick. This is certainly a good solution. That said, I am wondering why the connection pool is not replenished or at least not fast enough so. Is there a

RE: oracle connection pool issue

2008-04-17 Thread Thomas Fischer
From your description, I do not know where the problem is. You might want to try the following: - Check that you are using a current dbcp version (1.2.2) - Try to debug into the save() code and check where Torque opens a new connection. The Data source used in SharedPoolDataSourceFactory,

RE: use temporary table in select

2008-04-15 Thread Thomas Fischer
I have looked through the Criteria methods, but I have not found anything to produce this exact query. Maybe you could use a Subselect instead ? This is possible in Torque 3.3 If not, you would have to compose the query manually. Thomas i need a temporary table in my select. It is possible

RE: Joined Delete

2008-04-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi Carl, Thanks for the jira issue. The best thing that came into my mind as a quick solution is to select all objects you want to delete and to pass them one by one to XXXPeer.doDelete. This looks like a big performance issue but in fact it is not as Torque does this anyway internally :-(

RE: Column names with spaces

2008-04-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
This is going to be hard. Even if renaming the columns ist trouble, it is probably less trouble than getting torque to work with these column names. If you cannot change thecolumn names at all, all you can do is runnung your application and modifying all problematic parts you run into in the

RE: Joined Delete

2008-04-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
Two things come to my mind - A criteria can be changed when a select is made. You use the same criteria to count and to delete. This is typically not a good idea. - Unfortunately, select and delete sql is composed differently. Have you tried to debug the sql code which is used for the delete ?

Re: MSSQL JDBC2XML Task generates no XML

2008-04-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
What Torque does is it opens a connection to the db, goes for the metadata of the connection and makes the call tableNames = dbMeta.getTables(null, dbSchema, %, types); Maybe you can try to do this manually and play around to see what goes wrong ? It may also be that you have a permission

AW: MSSQL JDBC2XML Task generates no XML

2008-04-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
Did you try to use the configured schema name instead of % ? Maybe a case sensitivity issue ? Sorry, just wild guesses, Thomas Thoralf Rickert [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 10.04.2008 18:05:45: What Torque does is it opens a connection to the db, goes for the metadata of the

Re: Multiple Primary-keys - many-to-many (Again?)

2008-04-09 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi Mario, About my situation with personComittee mapping, unfortunatly I realized that I was still working with 3.3RC2 release. I'm not sure if was a BUG on that release, but with final-release 3.3RC3 that mapping worked perfect. I get right SQL CREATE TABLE statements, and complete

RE: Limit selected columns

2008-04-09 Thread Thomas Fischer
Andre Steinmetzger [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 09.04.2008 16:02:19: how can I limit the selected columns in the resultlist. When I create a criteria an call BasePeer.doSelect(criteria) torque generate a SQL like select * from but I need something to create a SQL like select column1,

Re: Multiple Primary-keys - many-to-many (Again?)

2008-04-08 Thread Thomas Fischer
table name=personCommittee column name=IdComite required=true primaryKey=true type=INTEGER/ column name=IdPerson required=true primaryKey=true type=INTEGER/ /table In that mapping above, I can make it work, but only for retrieving objects. It works perfectly hidrating

RE: Uppercase column names throwing a null pointer access in addAscendingOrderByColumn()

2008-03-28 Thread Thomas Fischer
a) Please use the constants defined in the generated Peer classes whereever possible. Using the constants is considered good style. b) I do not remember in detail, but it may be that case preserving policy from schema.xml to db and/or Templates hase changed. Check the constants for column names

RE: saving the state of a object collection

2008-03-28 Thread Thomas Fischer
Greg Monroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 28.03.2008 17:54:31: Only things that come to mind quickly are: Use a custom Criteria to build a NOT IN clause that with an expression to combine your keys. E.g. build the following sort of Custom criteria: CONCAT(CAST(Book.ID1 AS

RE: Torque 3.3 as Maven 2 dependency

2008-03-20 Thread Thomas Fischer
Florian Hopf [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 17.03.2008 13:30:45: I just wanted to update our project from 3.3-RC2 to 3.3 but ran into some problems with dependencies. jamon and fulcrum-testcontainer can't be found. If you do not need avalon, you can just disable the dependencies on

alias attribute on table in schema.xml

2008-03-16 Thread Thomas Fischer
Does anyone know what the alias attribute on the table tag in the schema.xml is good for ? If it is set the base class and peer class of the dbObject class are different, and a lot of code is not generated, but I could not make any sense out of which code is still generated and which is not. If

RE: Duplicate references in the foreign-key

2008-03-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
Could you please give a short description of what you do ? I don't have a clue. Thomas Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 06.03.2008 19:22:32: Hi, I started running into a duplicate reference in the foreign-key issue several months ago in the ant generated schema.xml file. We are still

RE: Can LargeSelect use prepared statements?

2008-03-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
It looks like Torque's LargeSelect does not use prepared statements in its queries. Is there a way to make it do that? You would have to modify the Torque code. The problem with using prepared statements is that the Code for creating prepared statements and the code which produces normal

RE: Duplicate references in the foreign-key

2008-03-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
. But that is not the issue. I suspect something is different on the DB2 side but the dba's say no. And that's probably where the issue is and I'm hoping someone ran into the same issue and can give me a clue as to what I can look for to find the issue. Jim --- Thomas Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

RE: Possible incorrect unique.vm in mysql

2008-03-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
As far as I know, you CAN define and index name, but you need not. For example, I have thested the following works with mysql 5.0 CREATE TABLE `test` (`test` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL , UNIQUE (test)) So in my eyes, the SQL generated by Torque is perfectly valid. Or did I miss something ?

RE: Possible incorrect unique.vm in mysql

2008-03-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
. The name attribut from unique name=... is ignored totally. In my opinion, torque should treat this like the following: if (unique name is specified) { unique $ ('column') } else { unique ('column') } Thx Peter Am Donnerstag, den 13.03.2008, 14:36 +0100 schrieb Thomas Fischer

Re: Limit to

2008-02-21 Thread Thomas Fischer
Owen B. Mehegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 20.02.2008 18:48:29: Aha, there was a rumor around the office that Torque could only handle 100 datasources. Guess you're saying that's not the case :) Cool. I was saying that I do not know of limitations inside of Torque. If the guys in your office

RE: Fwd: Columnmap only support one foreingkey

2008-02-20 Thread Thomas Fischer
Greg Monroe [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 19.02.2008 23:07:13: Thomas Fischer said: On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Fran Ferri wrote: Why the columnmap only supports one related column? Is an update pending? It seems that this particular information in ColumnMap does not support multiple

RE: Limit to

2008-02-20 Thread Thomas Fischer
Owen B. Mehegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 20.02.2008 00:59:12: Is there any limit to the number of unique datasources I can have in my Well, the file needs to fit on the hard drive of your computer and into the jvm memory, and I'm not sure if you can open more than 65536

Re: Disabling generation of org.apache.torque.linkage.MyDBMapInit

2008-02-19 Thread Thomas Fischer
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Florian Hopf wrote: Hi, we are using Torque to generate our OM-classes for several submodules in a Maven2 multiproject structure. Everything works fine so far, but as we keep the schema code for the domain classes in the different submodules, several instances of

Re: Fwd: Columnmap only support one foreingkey

2008-02-19 Thread Thomas Fischer
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Fran Ferri wrote: i think that a simple manual to configure and use multiple databases is very interesting. Yes, but we do not have enough manpower to write and maintain one. Why the columnmap only supports one related column? Is an update pending? It seems that this

Re: How do I control the join type of doSelectJoin?

2008-02-18 Thread Thomas Fischer
btw: I have newer understood the reason to use field joins at all. Can anyone enlighten me on in which cases one would use a field join instead of a inner join? Hm, in most databases (e.g. mysql, oracle, postgresql) the thing you call field join is an inner join (just a different syntax) so

RE: Torque Runtime errors:-Invalid object name ID_Table

2007-12-17 Thread Thomas Fischer
It seems that you forgot to execute the command maven torque:id-table-init-sql from Thomas pyaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 17.12.2007 12:04:19: Hi all i am using mssql server 2000,torque 3.2.I am trying to execute

RE: Torque Runtime errors:-ID_TABLE

2007-12-17 Thread Thomas Fischer
Pyaar. Before sending a message to the the mailing list, would you please try and execute the steps AS DESCRIBED IN THE TUTORIAL ? Thanks a lot in advance. Thomas pyaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 17.12.2007 14:20:56: HI ALL i am executing the bookstore application using mssql

RE: Torque Runtime errors:-NoClassDefFoundError Exception

2007-12-13 Thread Thomas Fischer
I am trying to execute the bookstore application which is given in ... As far as i know my classpath has been set properly Definitely not. Make sure the Torque runtime jar and the jar it depends on is in your classpath. This

Re: Echo not Implemented

2007-12-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
True. The message that echo is not implemented and failing to create the db might be different errors. However, even if they are different errors, the question remains why the echo message appears, and for this Alvaro's answer remains valid. Sorry I do not have an exhaustive list of for which

RE: datadtd goal for m2 plugin

2007-12-04 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hello. I've been using the m2 plugin for a while now (3.3-RC2) and just recently noticed it does not currently support the datadtd goal (as far as I can tell). I did notice somewhere that Thomas Fischer had possibly checked in some code to add in the datadtd goal, but when I tried

Re: Torque connection error

2007-10-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
The error message says that the database webmodel cannot be accessed. However, your database key is mydb. You did not define any connection properties for the database webmodel. Try syncing the two database names. If this sill does not work, can you post the stack trace of the exception you

Re: problem with om classes

2007-10-11 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hm, you have defined the foreign key twice: foreign-key foreignTable=autori onUpdate=none onDelete=none reference foreign=autore_id local=autore_id/ reference foreign=autore_id local=autore_id/ /foreign-key perhaps removing one of the references helps ? It should not be necessary to define

RE: ISNULL with Criterion?

2007-10-10 Thread Thomas Fischer
Just a shot into the dark: Criterion c1 = crit.getNewCriterion(b, null, Criteria.ISNULL); does not work ? (probably you have to cast the null) Thomas Brendan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 09.10.2007 19:05:22: There doesn't seem to be a getNewCriterion(String column, SqlEnum

Re: Torque/Village issues selects without bind variables on MyPeer.doDelete(criteria)?

2007-09-25 Thread Thomas Fischer
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Brendan Miller wrote: ... Anyone have any ideas on how to delete the row/object without incurring this SELECT without bind variables query? Knowing this is the worst statement for a OR layer: If it is just this single table, I'd recommend using pure jdbc for creating a

RE: m2 torque plugin

2007-09-24 Thread Thomas Fischer
a) There is no maven2 plugin for Torque 3.1.1. The current m2 plugin uses the 3.3.RCx generator. I'd not recommend using it with a 3.1.1 runtime. Consider upgrading; otherwise consider building a m2 plugin yourself which uses the 3.1.1 generator. b) I'm afraid there is no example in the website.

Re: m2 torque plugin

2007-09-22 Thread Thomas Fischer
There is some documentation available, unfortunately it is hidden well. The url is Hope this helps, Thomas On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, jill han wrote: I just moved from m1 to m2, but could not get torque plugin

RE: Torque Maven2 Plugin and idBroker

2007-09-14 Thread Thomas Fischer
The goal id-table-init-sql does not exist in the maven2 plugin; I'd consider it a missing feature (please add a feature request to jira). If I understand you correctly, the sql file gets created, and the problem is to execute it ? If this is the case, then the sqlExec goal would be the correct

RE: Torque Maven2 Plugin and idBroker

2007-09-14 Thread Thomas Fischer
Marc Kannegiesser [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 14.09.2007 14:40:02: Hi. Thanks in advance for your fast answer, Thomas. The goal id-table-init-sql does not exist in the maven2 plugin; I'd consider it a missing feature (please add a feature request to jira). If I understand you

RE: Problems with sdk 5/6 and ojb blank

2007-08-29 Thread Thomas Fischer
Hi, you sent your mail to the wrong list (torque users). Please use the ojb users mailing list. Regards, Thomas Hans Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 29.08.2007 14:52:02: Hi, i need help to run the ojb_blank projekt. If i configure it like the tutorial says, i get in eclipse

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