[Ugnet] Thank you...

2007-08-14 Thread rwalker949
I wish to take this opportunity to thank the members of these two groups for the fine submissions that have become the hallmark of both. Thank you again...and I know that the majority of the two groups will never give up your commitment to Uganda and Africa.? This is a very big plus for

[Ugnet] Sample of media coverage of the AU Mtg

2007-07-04 Thread rwalker949
Below you will find three articles with different spins on the AU Summit.? The first is from Mathaba, a Libyan allied agency.? It takes the upbeat position pointing to the fact that the concept of United Africa was not shot down and quoting Libya's leader as stating that the way

[Ugnet] My two cent worth

2006-09-01 Thread rwalker949
You know I have always thought there were many intelligent, some absolutely brilliant, insightful people on this list...even those I disagree with demonstrate an overall intelligence that can not be denied. It struck me the other, while reading the many posts on the LRA-Government negotiations


2006-08-27 Thread rwalker949
(I am celebrating my first receipt of posts from Ugandanet in over a year...I am grateful to those individuals who expressed concern about my absence from Ugandanet and happy that whatever created the problem has been resolved. Roy Walker) Brother Mulinda, These are indeed perilous times...I

[Ugnet] FYI: ANSWER and UFPJ to unite for one Sept 24 anti-war demonstration

2005-08-26 Thread RWalker949
Subj: United Demonstration in Washington D.C. on September 24 Date: 8/19/05 6:29:50 PM Central Daylight Time From: UnityForSept24 To: UnityForSept24 CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], RWalker949, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL

[Ugnet] Reps. McKinney Lee host meetings related to the Bush-Blair war on Iraq

2005-07-26 Thread RWalker949
This weekend will see a lot of people addressing the fake evidence and general duplicity of the current administration (and implicitly and explicitly their possible criminal culpability), in their push to initiate the illegal war against the people and state of Iraq, and to put this country on a

[Ugnet] Reps. McKinney Lee host meetings related to the Bush-Blair war on Iraq

2005-07-22 Thread RWalker949
a chance to moderate the original message.) Subj: Reps. McKinney Lee host meetings related to the Bush-Blair war on Iraq Date: 7/22/05 9:08:23 AM Central Daylight Time From: RWalker949 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Taqdomeyeh), [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL

[Ugnet] Herald article, Africa Still Needs Revolutionaries

2005-07-16 Thread RWalker949
(Overlooking the tiny insignificant fact that the author makes a obvious psychological slip when he refers to a "Rhodesian" settler as "our own", this analysis is right on point...this was posted by Esdmond Topping...I am sending this separetly to this list as it may be a short time before the

[Ugnet] PM of Cape Verde to visit the US

2005-07-10 Thread RWalker949
(This press release is courtesy of Br. Manu Salah, he also recommends the following url for our consideration Cabo Verde Online - Amilcar Cabral, Pereira, Pires, Veiga and Mascarenhas - legends leve forever ... if you have any specific questions, please contact our brother directly at [EMAIL

[Ugnet] PM of Cape Verde to visit the US

2005-07-07 Thread RWalker949
, but this one is time sensitive. Roy) Subj: PM of Cape Verde to visit the US Date: 7/7/05 2:36:19 PM Central Daylight Time From: RWalker949 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], ugandanet@kym.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL

[Ugnet] Joint Forum on Zimbabwe July 14th

2005-07-07 Thread RWalker949
Pan African Forum Zimbabwe Will Never Be A Colony Again! Speakers Ambassador Boniface Chidyausika Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the United Nations Chaka Cousins All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party Viola Plummer December 12th Movement International Secretariat MC -

[Ugnet] Sis. Pheko of PAC-Azania on GAP-Radio tonight

2005-07-07 Thread RWalker949
If you have questions please contact Br. Spartacus R at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subj: Mohau Pheko on www.GAP-Radio.com Tonight Date: 7/7/05 12:48:27 PM Central Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GAPNet) Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Greetings Brothers

[Ugnet] A Native American (Indigenous) Scholar's view of the 4th of July

2005-07-01 Thread RWalker949
When I was growing up on the "rez," the 4th of July was a holiday. Nobody had to go to work. It was a time of picnics, great eating, and fireworks. I noticed that people, both Dakota and non-Dakota, flew a lot of U.S. flags. Later, I learned in school that "we" were celebrating

[Ugnet] EU and the Ethiopian elections

2005-06-30 Thread RWalker949
This article sums up the weakness of Africa, Ethiopia has election problems and the Europeans (the European Union) takes charge of the matter. This is why we keep saying that Pan-Africanism, real Pan-Africanism, not the little games the majority of the heads of state play to deceive the people(s),

[Ugnet] Will we fail to honor our historic responsibilities?

2005-06-30 Thread RWalker949
Corporate entities such as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, Barrick Gold Corp., Banro Resources Corp., Haliburton, and Anglo American DeBeers criminally controls the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital

[Ugnet] Globalization (Neo-colonialism), Ideology, Democracy and Quality of Life

2005-06-30 Thread RWalker949
This current phase of racist oppression and exploitation is the last throes of neo-colonialism. In the world as a whole it takes the form of what is called by the media academicians, journalists, economists, political scientists, pundits and others, globalization or globalism. What this means is

[Ugnet] Miss Africa Competition

2005-06-29 Thread RWalker949
If any sisters are interested, I received the following from the Miss Africa pageant. I don't ordinarily pass on stuff of this nature, but from all I have heard these folk are decent, for example they have eschewed the use of a swimming suit competition and they emphasize indigenous cultures of

[Ugnet] Re: Miss Africa Competition

2005-06-29 Thread RWalker949
I do want to make it clear that I DO NOT agree with the politics of the sponsors; I do not think Africa needs to fete monsters such as Bush; however, I understand that this event is essentially a function of the African diplomatic community in DC, so I hold my nose and ignore that part. As I said

[Ugnet] Africans in Germany protest the exhibition of an African Village in a Zoo!

2005-06-05 Thread RWalker949
Please pass the word. Let all Pan African voices be heard! Mz -Original Message- From: Papayemi To: Papayemi Sent: Thu, 26 May 2005 1:53:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time Subject: FW: USA/Africa Dialogue, No 732: Afro-Germans Protest African Village in the ZOO From: Norbert Finzsch

[Ugnet] Ghana: Snapshot of how imperialism works today in Africa

2005-05-23 Thread RWalker949
Ghana: 'Special dispensation' to violate the constitution In 2003 the parliament approved a new budget which included increases in tariffs on rice and poultry. The tariffs were to help farmers compete with subsidised imports and were fully consistent with tariff rates allowed by the World Trade

[Ugnet] US steps up plans to militarize space

2005-05-23 Thread RWalker949
(May 18) - The Air Force, saying it must secure space to protect the nation from attack, is seeking President Bush's approval of a national-security directive that could move the United States closer to fielding offensive and defensive space weapons, according to White House and Air Force

[Ugnet] The Nature of the Struggle Confronting Us

2005-05-23 Thread RWalker949
Brother Kwami Agbodza, dedicated cadre of the contemporary CPP addressed the following question to me: In a message dated 5/7/05 5:47:06 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What do you say to those who assert that "an African Union government within the context of a scientific

[Ugnet] Two articles from Sis Mohau Pheko of PAC-Azania

2005-05-23 Thread RWalker949
Subj: 1 million march for revolution in Venezuela Date: 5/18/05 5:40:28 AM Central Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Pheko's) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lester Lewis), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MOTSOKO PHEKO), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buti Chakache-FSRDA),

[Ugnet] Africans should seize the initiative...

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
As the A-APRP says, we should be "Forging Positive Action to Achieve Pan-Africanism..." Current events in the African world, the drive for a full permanent seat or seats on the UN Security Council, that is with veto power and everything else afforded to the US, UK, France, China and Russia; the

[Ugnet] Fundamental historical lies of the white supremacists

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
I think its abominable that people are still violating/desecrating the graves of our ancient ancestors...as in this recent incident in Egypt just south of Cairo. However since they have disinterred this mummy, I can find one unintended positive thing about the act. Note that the facial features of

[Ugnet] Ideological Struggle in politico-military struggle: the view of the US Marines..

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
(Keep in mind as you read this that it was developed in 1990, so there is no reason to assume that US military thinking and levels of preparedness today equate to the situation described in these extracts. However, it is sufficiently current to give us an idea of the importance that these kinds of

[Ugnet] African Food and Nutritional Security...

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
(This piece is a result of an exchange with Comrade Sister Mohau Pheko of PAC, in which both expressed the need to begin to render political information in a manner that speaks more to the day to day concerns of our people. By the way I have been informed by the Africacentre, that Comrade Pheko,

[Ugnet] Africa Day in Atlanta GA - featuring the Zimbabwe Amb. to the US

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
(This event may be of interest to you, if you have any questions or seek further information please contact our brother at [EMAIL PROTECTED] do not respond to me.) RELIGIOUS HERITAGE OF THE AFRICAN WORLD (RHAW) Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) Heritage, Action Advocacy Forum

[Ugnet] Fidel rejects US's plots against Assata Shakur

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
Castro defends fugitive sought by United States Wednesday, May 11, 2005 Posted: 11:36 AM EDT (1536 GMT) HAVANA, Cuba (AP) -- President Fidel Castro has rejected calls to hand over a fugitive who U.S. officials put on a terrorism list this month, saying she is an innocent victim of racial

[Ugnet] African Liberation Day site...please read

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
Subj: African Liberation Day Link Date: 05/14/2005 12:06:35 AM Central Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bandele Djassi) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] African, Please forward to your lists. Also we are trying to get information on any other African Liberation Day commemorations

[Ugnet] To Dr. Gamal Nkrumah

2005-05-22 Thread RWalker949
As you are a trusted confidante of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and other centers of Pan-Africanism on our beloved, but suffering continent, I would like to impose on your time and address with a request in re the upcoming AU Summit in Sirte; Please convey to our brothers

[Ugnet] Libya working to resolve Darfur situation in African context

2005-05-12 Thread RWalker949
Most of you know that the AU has approached NATO for logistical support in the Darfur situation. On the other hand there has been some diplomatic progress involving the Great Jamahirlya in the matter, in pursuit of the AU's assignment to Col. Muammar alGathaf to work on a resolution, see the

[Ugnet] US money fails to derail Zimbabwe democratic process

2005-05-04 Thread RWalker949
US confirms funding opposition, NGOs in Zim News Editor Farai Dzirutwe A TOP United States official has confirmed that his country is funding the local opposition and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working inside Zimbabwe to effect regime change and install a pro-Western leader as has


2005-04-20 Thread RWalker949
PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY: The All-African People's Revolutionary Party is organizing and requests your presence and participation at the 47th commemoration of: AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY 2005 Date: May 28th, 2005 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Loc: Howard University, Wash. DC, Blackburn Center

[Ugnet] Fwd: Africa Freedom Day celebration

2005-04-11 Thread RWalker949
---BeginMessage--- Greetings; below and attached you will find information on an Africa Freedom Day celebration being hosted at Howard University. Please share this information with friends. thanks, john t -- Commemoration of the 47th Anniversary of Africa

[Ugnet] UN's sexual exploitation of the people of the Congo, according the ABC news

2005-03-24 Thread RWalker949
Subj: Congo U.N. Sex Crimes in 4 Parts Date: 3/24/05 2:18:40 AM Central Standard Time From: Alaman5375 BCC:RWalker949 Investigation U.N. Sex Crimes in Congo By BRIAN ROSS, DAVID SCOTT and RHONDA SCHWARTZ NEW YORK, Feb. 10, 2005 Prostitution, Rapes Run RampantDidier

[Ugnet] The environmental rape of Somalia

2005-03-24 Thread RWalker949
Subj: Somalia Nuclear/Toxic Waste: Tsunami Uncovers Poisons Dumped Off Date: 3/24/05 2:20:07 AM Central Standard Time From: Alaman5375 BCC:RWalker949 You know and in the back of our minds wondered how long they have been using many African countries to dump expired

[Ugnet] Re: Minister shamed President, NRM

2005-03-24 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 3/24/05 1:43:21 PM Central Standard Time,[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It also demonstrates how the security is going to be easily used at will by the ruling party to carry out all sorts of electoral malpractices Brother Matek, In this they are emulating the practices of far

[Ugnet] [SOA] Message from Rep. Cynthia McKinney on Dr. King's birth anniversary

2005-03-24 Thread rwalker949
(If you have any comments direct them directly to the Congresswoman at her personal address, [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is noteworthy particularly because of her clear indictment of official circles in Dr. King's assassination. As you know this sister has always been focused on such matters, as for

[Ugnet] Re: Africa Makes Fine Films. Of Course, Projector May Fail.

2005-03-16 Thread RWalker949
Mr. Musamize, My compliments on the choice of article. May I suggest that the general African culture, as is the case with cinematography and the overall infrastructural problems; will persist in the continued absence of a common truly democratic (that is a socio-economic democracy, not just a

[Ugnet] More from Cynthia McKinney re: Sec. of Def. Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers

2005-03-12 Thread RWalker949
(as always I would suggest you write directly to Rep. McKinney directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you have questions and comments...Roy) Subj: 2nd Round: McKinney and Rumsfeld - Questions Answered Date: 3/12/05 2:17:21 PM Central Standard Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (HQ)

[Ugnet] I told you our people would reject the US war policies...

2005-03-11 Thread RWalker949
As I said some time ago, no matter how many house ni**ers the war mongers in Washington, whether it is that sleazy tramp, Capitalist Concubine Condoleeza Rice; or her predecessor, that cowardly, lying child killer, mass murderer, war criminal Colin Powell; the African people born in this country

[Ugnet] Power is international, we must think internationally, and act where we are

2005-03-10 Thread RWalker949
Brothers and sisters This is the richest country on earth and theres poverty, theres bad housing, theres slums, theres inferior education. And this is the richest country on earth. Now you know, if those countries that are poor can come up with a solution to their problems so that theres no

[Ugnet] Re: Power is international, we must think internationally, and act where we are

2005-03-10 Thread RWalker949
I realized that I neglected to put the source for the SNCC anti-war, anti-draft declaratoin. S there won't be any confusion, please note that the SNCC statement on the war against Vietnam should be referred to as SNCC STATEMENT ON VIETNAM, JANUARY 6, 1966 and it can be found in the book edited by

[Ugnet] ANC opts for a partial renaming of Pretoria

2005-03-08 Thread RWalker949
Once again the ANC has made a half step, voting to rename Pretoria Tshwane. But opting to keep the name derived from the racist settler Pretorius, who stole the land from the indigenous Africans, for the center city -- which, if consistent with typical European city planning methods, is the heart

[Ugnet] Re; UN is part of the Problem In the Great Lakes Region! (Matek Opoko)

2005-02-27 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 02/21/2005 20:05:08 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: BY failing to do anything against Tyrannts such as Museveni of Uganda and Kagame of Rwanda even as there is clear evidence to implicate Yoweri and Kagame in the suffering of our people in the Great Lakes Region , The

[Ugnet] From Cynthia McKinney

2005-02-25 Thread RWalker949
The following is from Rep. McKinney, she recommends that you view the short exchange between herself and the Chair of that committee, at the end at the Military budget hearings, in which she implicitly raises the issue of collusion (my interpretation, she did not say this in her email) on the part

[Ugnet] PAC's reply to SA Pres. Mbeki's State of the Nation Address

2005-02-24 Thread RWalker949
RESPONSE TO PRESIDENT MBEKIS STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS 15 FEBRUARY 2005 DR MOTSOKO PHEKO Madam Speaker, Mr President, Deputy President, Honourable Members, It is a mark of statesmanship on the part of the President in his state of the nation address to candidly acknowledge that the many

[Ugnet] Iraq and the Middle East VIETNAM REVISITED

2005-02-13 Thread RWalker949
Honorable Member of US House of Representative, C. McKinney, Honorable Member of Parliament South Africa (Azania), M. Pheko Honorable Member of Parliament Zimbabwe, C. Chimutengwende As the cutting edge in the US Congress, leading parliamentarian and vanguard Pan-Africanists in Southern Africa,

[Ugnet] News from Rep. Cynthia McKinney 1

2005-01-30 Thread RWalker949
A lot of us remember the concerted campaign against Harlem's Congressman Powell and his independent posture, the "untimely" death of Congressman Mickey Leland, after he adopted a strong Africa-first policy and openly aligned himself with Kwame Ture of the A-APRP, the smear campaign against

[Ugnet] News from Rep. Cynthia McKinney 2

2005-01-30 Thread RWalker949
I draw your attention to one particular quote from Rep. McKinney's speech found in this excerpt: "McKinney drew her biggest applause when she faulted "the corporate media and Uncle Toms" for not truly representing black Americans' plight." http://www.herald-sun.com/durham/4-568588.html

[Ugnet] Message from Rep. Cynthia McKinney on Dr. King's birth anniversary

2005-01-17 Thread RWalker949
(If you have any comments direct them directly to the Congresswoman at her personal address, [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is noteworthy particularly because of her clear indictment of official circles in Dr. King's assassination. As you know this sister has always been focused on such matters, as for

[Ugnet] The truth about Obama is manifested already

2005-01-14 Thread RWalker949
For all the Obama advocates, please note that he voted against the objection to the certification of the Bush election, the one Yea being Barbara Boxer of CA; this man didn't even have enough principle to abstain from voting as 25 other democrats did : The SENATE vote on the objection to the

[Ugnet] New Years wish from the pointview of the Indigenous people of this continent

2004-12-31 Thread RWalker949
This selection is from the [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you are interested in informative indigenous, particularly Native American, views it is an excellent site to join. -- Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 19:11:05 + From: andre cramblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: New year wish I would like

[Ugnet] Farrakhan - Jackson Unity Campaign.

2004-12-04 Thread RWalker949
I can recall how hard Br. Kwame Ture, and the A-APRP generally, worked to push unity among the Africans in this country as not only an important achievement for the African community in America, but for the achievement of Pan-Africanism. Thus, any time leaders such as Min. Farrakhan and Rev.

[Ugnet] Bits on The Ghana Election

2004-12-03 Thread RWalker949
1. Nigeria's Response to Rawlings' Aide's Attack On Pres. Obasanjo Accra Mail (Accra) DOCUMENT December 2, 2004 Posted to the web December 2, 2004 Nigeria High Commission Accra "The attention of the Nigeria High Commission has been drawn to comments purportedly made by

Re: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism

2004-11-28 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 11/28/2004 6:53:49 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Mr. Walker, you joined ugandanet which is a country specific discussion forum and I would have thought that you did so because you were interested in issues pertaining to that particular country. If, as

Re: [Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism

2004-11-21 Thread RWalker949
I generally try to avoid issues that are country specific, other than to advocate that the people of the particular state should be allowed to find the optimal democratic structures for their particular history and cultural subset. The question of federalism in a given country would have to factor

[Ugnet] Nature mandates Pan-Africanism

2004-11-18 Thread RWalker949
It seems that nature in the form of locust infestation, droughts, and other "Acts of God" is trying to convince us of the necessity of Pan-Africanism. How in the world can anyone continue to argue that Pan-Africanism, specifically a Union Government democratically constructed, and controlled by

Re: [Ugnet] The Greatest Political Scandal of Our Time, Iraq: The Unthinkable...

2004-11-16 Thread RWalker949
Excellent piece of journalism, all objective observers are in your debt Br. Vukoni for posting it. ___ Ugandanet mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM

Re: [Ugnet] From USA TODAY:Arafat: Flawed figure lacked courage to make peace

2004-11-13 Thread RWalker949
What else would you anticipate a zionist racist newspaper to say... ___ Ugandanet mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

Re: [Ugnet] International support for Iraqi elections essential : so says US ...

2004-11-13 Thread RWalker949
What ever the Democrats or Republicans say, they intend to continue the policy of unwarranted military aggression and intimidation around the globe; it is not Israel, Israel is just a mere surrogate for the US... a button man to use Mafia parlance ___

Re: [Ugnet] Omowale Malcolm X a symbol of Pan-Africanism andmaterialist logic

2004-10-20 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 10/19/2004 7:54:21 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I wonder what he would have thought of the Bishop Tutu's and other traitors of this world. Yes the guys who conducted the 'Truth Commission', and sent only two people to prison. Two convicts who were black.

[Ugnet] Omowale Malcolm X a symbol of Pan-Africanism and materialist logic

2004-10-19 Thread RWalker949
"You cant separate the militancy thats displayed on the African continent from the militancy thats displayed right here among American Blacks. The positive image that is developing of Africans is also developing in the minds of Black Americans, and consequently they develop a more positive image

[Ugnet] Post from PAC's Sis. Mohau Pheko - Mail and Guardian Online ANCs burdens of free

2004-10-19 Thread RWalker949
(The message below is from Mohau Pheko of PAC-Azania, you might receive this a second time as I sent it to this list along with a few others, and because of the multiple recipient it has been sent to the owner of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] for approval. So, if he does send it our subsequently, please

Re: [Ugnet] Africa, Africans, and the Scientific Method

2004-10-15 Thread RWalker949
Br. Mitayo, Thank you; thank you for all your work. There is an excellent study in a book called Psychology Around the World, of how the racist settler organized the campaign to keep our people in that state -- with special emphasis on the nature of the mis-education to be given, indeed, this

[Ugnet] Africa, Africans, and the Scientific Method

2004-10-14 Thread RWalker949
In order to halt foreign interference in the affairs of developing countries it is necessary to study, understand, expose and actively combat neo-colonialism in whatever guise it may appear. They operate not only in the economic field, but also in the political, religious, ideological and cultural

Re: [Ugnet] Africa, Africans, and the Scientific Method

2004-10-14 Thread RWalker949
Brother Vukoni, You are welcome. Roy ___ Ugandanet mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://kym.net/mailman/listinfo/ugandanet % UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

[Ugnet] Neo-colonialism's arrogance

2004-10-07 Thread RWalker949
With the UK's Labour Party and Conservative Party beating war drums for EU war against Africa, using covers such as the UK's Africa Commission meeting in Ethiopia this week, coupled with the US military ACRI program, headed by the US Army European Command, which by the way officially considers all

[Ugnet] Excerpts from UN Addresses of South Africa and Libya

2004-10-01 Thread RWalker949
South Africa - Pres. Mbeki"We have a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and equity at the global level. As leaders we have a duty therefore to all the world's people, especially the most vulnerable and, in particular, the children of the world, to whom

[Ugnet] Excerpts from UN Addresses of Nigeria

2004-10-01 Thread RWalker949
Nigeria - Pres. Obasanjo Nigeria remains unshakeable in its commitment to, and support for the strengthening of the United Nations and the protection of its cherished ideals, in particular the maintenance of international peace and security as well as cooperation among states in solving

[Ugnet] Excerpts from UN Address of Zimbabwe

2004-10-01 Thread RWalker949
Zimbabwe - Pres. Mugabe Mr President, at the 58th Session, I spoke about the need to reform the United Nations and its related bodies so as to make them more democratic. I stressed the perils inherent in the status quo, particularly, with regard to the dominance of global politics by one

[Ugnet] Excerpts from UN Address of Namibia

2004-10-01 Thread RWalker949
(Because of the length of the initial post, Excerpts from UN Addresses of Zimbabwe, Namibia, Nigeria ,was too long for the capacity of the list, I have broken them up into three separate posts...) Namibia - Pres. NujomaYou will recall, Mr President, the renewed spirit and firm resolvefor change

[Ugnet] Africans are not guilty; the whites are ...(TransAtlantic Slave trade)

2004-09-28 Thread RWalker949
Subj: Fw: www.ghanaweb.com Regional News of Friday, 24 September 2004 Date: 09/28/2004 8:32:32 AM Central Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esmond Toppin) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Esmond Toppin) www.ghanaweb.com: Regional News of Friday, 24 September 2004 Africans are not guilty; the

[Ugnet] Pan-African Parliament news

2004-09-28 Thread RWalker949
From the African Union page ...AFRICAN UNIONUNION AFRICAINEUNIO AFRICANAAddis Ababa, ETHIOPIA P. O. Box 3243 Telephone : 517 700 Fax : 517844PRESS RELEASE NO 01/20042nd Session of the Pan- African Parliament Opens in Midrand, SouthAfrica.The 2nd Session of the Pan African Parliament was on

[Ugnet] Report on the NYC rally in support of the ZANU-PF government's land policy

2004-09-24 Thread RWalker949
Support Rally for President Mugabe at the United Nations General Assembly By Amadi Ajamu "Mugabe is right! Free the land!" chanted the large crowd waving jumbo posters bearing pictures of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and at the support rally for President Mugabe and Zimbabwe African

[Ugnet] My view of our crisis

2004-09-20 Thread RWalker949
The Englishman Thomas Paine at the critical moment of the American Revolution (or if you will the American colonist Unilateral Declaration of Independence UDI similar to the UDI of the Rhodesian settlers in the sixties) wrote the following in his work The American Crisis THESE are the times that

[Ugnet] Africans in Caibbean create a Pan-African vehicle to interact with AU

2004-09-18 Thread RWalker949
(Note that our brother Chedmond "Cudjoe/Kudjoe" Browne is part of the directorate of the ground breaking organization. We congratulate brother Cudjoe and all the other African patriots reponsible for this vital step in our liberation; and thank him for this update and all his excellent work

ugnet_: Why Leonard Peltier is the BEST candidate for US President...

2004-08-25 Thread RWalker949
Platform Statement from Leonard Peltier Luther Standing Bear, a Sioux Chief, stated: "Out of the Indian approach to life came a great freedom -- an intense and absorbing love for nature; a respect for life. and principals of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guard to

ugnet_: Kenyan land struggle-Kenyan gov. uses violence to maintain settler's land theft

2004-08-25 Thread RWalker949
1. One killed, four wounded as land protests erupt in Kenya NANYUKI (Kenya). KENYAN police shot dead a 70-year-old Masai man and wounded four other herdsmen grazing their cattle on private land given to British settlers 100 years ago, a local leader said on Sunday. The shooting took place outside

ugnet_: US trying to pull together a front group to disguise aggression against Zimbabwe

2004-08-25 Thread RWalker949
US seeks 'coalition' to force Zimbabwe regime change By Basildon Peta, Southern Africa Correspondent, The Independent of London 25 August 2004 The United States has called for the building of a "coalition of the willing" to push for regime change to end the crisis in Zimbabwe. The new American

ugnet_: Neocolonialism's polite facade

2004-08-25 Thread RWalker949
Pan-Africanists have been warning for several decades of the sinister designs and machinations of neo-colonialism, and how we must organize to resist its mult-prong methods, incuding mass violence, cultural and psychological warfare, financial, commercial and economic domination. It is time for


2004-08-21 Thread RWalker949
Br. Mulindwa, Chomsky is very good, and often has some very useful things to say on the human condition.

ugnet_: The AU and Philosphical Consciencism

2004-08-19 Thread RWalker949
The AU vision and stated objective for Africa is A united and integrated Africa; an Africa imbued with the ideals of justice and peace; an inter-dependent and virile Africa determined to map for itselfan ambitious strategy; an Africa underpinned by political, economic, socialand cultural

ugnet_: AU latest pronouncements on Sudan situation

2004-08-16 Thread RWalker949
1.P. O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA Tel.: (251-1) 513822 Fax: (251-1) 51932E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Press Release No. 081/2004ON THE VISIT OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR POLITICALAFFAIRS TO SUDAN(15-17 AUGUST 2004)The AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Mrs. Julia Dolly Joiner, willlead a

ugnet_: War and politics...the work of Garvey and Nkrumah is still to be done

2004-08-14 Thread RWalker949
Point 16. of the UNIA Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World: The Principles of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, states "We believe all men should live in peace one with the other, but when races and nations provoke the ire of other races and nations by

ugnet_: The Cyber Colonization of Africa has Begun!

2004-08-14 Thread RWalker949
(I apologize for any cross posting...) Subj: The "Cyber" Colonization of Africa has Begun! Date: 08/14/2004 10:10:58 AM Central Daylight Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lumas Kendrick) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] THe 21st Century "Scramble for Africa" is in full swing. Read

ugnet_: Br. Lester Lewis speaking in Michigan

2004-08-12 Thread RWalker949
IN CELEBRATION OFMARGUS GARVEYS BIRTHDAY LIFE COME MEET and HELP WELCOME Mr. Lester Lewis from LONDON ENGLAND Chairman of Hackney Black Peoples Association, London, England, UK. Mr. Lewis will be speaking at SANKOFA ACADEMY 4817 Bristol RD. Lansing, MI. 48911 AUGUST 17, 2004 - 5:30

ugnet_: An example of the UK political approach to Africa

2004-08-09 Thread RWalker949
(The following brief article from the UK's Royal African Society underscores the need for an All-African politial agency that is in reality African, and not corrupt parliamentarian from a former colonial, and now neocolonial country.) The Royal African Society in Parliament Africa

ugnet_: The USA and Africa

2004-08-09 Thread RWalker949
As you know, the UK is not the only state interested in manipulating Africa and African affairs for its interest, for example the United States Congress has two specific subcommittees, one for each house, dedicated to the furtherance of US interests vis a vis Africa. The Senate Subcommittee is

ugnet_: US and African Energy Resources #3

2004-08-09 Thread RWalker949
Statement of John R. BrodmanDeputy Assistant Secretary for International Energy PolicyOffice of Policy and International AffairsU.S. Department of EnergyBefore theSubcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade PromotionCommittee on Foreign RelationsUnited States SenateJuly 15,

ugnet_: Short and direct quote from a Red (Indigenous) Activist...

2004-08-08 Thread RWalker949
A quote from one of the Indigenous activists on the SayNoToMascots list "Whiteman's politics is death to the Redman..." A quote whose essential meaning is equally applicable to the situation of the world's African population. Politics is another form of war, just as war is another form of

ugnet_: More from Br. Lewis on the PAC - ANC story

2004-08-04 Thread RWalker949
PAC denies ANC merger reports August 01 2004 at 06:00PM The Pan Africanist Congress has denied a report that it was seeking a joint partnership with the African National Congress. "Nobody within the PAC has ever suggested the party join the ANC," PAC spokesperson Bishop

ugnet_: Faction of PAC proposes unity with ANC

2004-08-03 Thread RWalker949
This article on developments in Azania/South Africa is very important to all of us; we thank Br. Lester Lewis, one of the drivng force motivating the 2005 Global Pan African Congress meeting in Zimbabwe, for keeping us informed on such vital matters. -- Subj: PAC FACTION

Re: ugnet_: Counter point of clarity on Oboma's Speech

2004-08-02 Thread RWalker949
1. It was a typical Sharpton speech, and 2. as I have stated in a previous post there were some misconstruing of history, specifically as relating to Reconstruction and the respective roles of the two parties (Rep. and Dem.) Allow me to take this opportunity to re-emphasize my personal position

Re: ugnet_: Counter point of clarity on Oboma's Speech

2004-08-02 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 08/02/2004 3:56:09 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You are unlikely to get Mr. Walker to face reality. He seems to be most comfortable on assigning blame on the 'system', while absolving underperforming and non-achieving Black of any personal

ugnet_: Message from Leonard Peltier

2004-08-02 Thread RWalker949
CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT: IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER By Leonard Peltier Amendment VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The Eighth Amendment is supposed to be about dignity, humanity and decency.

Re: ugnet_: Counter point of clarity on Oboma's Speech

2004-07-31 Thread RWalker949
Let me start with a rhetorical question, "Why would any principled man or woman, why would any person with the merest bit of dignity or integrity, support racism and capitalism? " The answer is they would not, even if they kept silent about the actrocities they see around them everyday, in their

ugnet_: More from the original Americans -- the true people of this land

2004-07-31 Thread RWalker949
The Covert War Against Native Americans by Ward Churchill There is a little considered aspect of the covert means through which the United States maintains its perpetual drive to exert control over the territory and resources of others. It concerns, however, matters internal rather than

ugnet_: Essential Background on the Indigenous People's Liberation Struggle in US

2004-07-31 Thread RWalker949
Background June 1999 U.S. Department of Justice Report - American Indians and Crime "...findings reveal a disturbing picture of American Indian involvement in crime as both victims and offenders. The rate of violent victimization estimated from responses by American Indians is well above that

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