RE: [Vo]:E-Cat vs. Water Heater for coffee/tea...

2011-06-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
es. Personally, I find bringing up such analogies to be the equivalent of an intellectual gimmick in which hide behind. But at least I gather you seem to be willing to wait for more convincing evidence. I'm content to wait for the show to start, or not as the case may be. Who knows, maybe s

[Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (1 of 4) - Introduction

2011-06-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
investigation. Apparently, it already has been in unexpected places - for decades. And now, on with the transcripts. Next Post: The Witch Doctor on Rossi (2 of 4) - Interview Transcript March 5 2011 Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson <>

[Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (4 of 4) - Personal Assessments & Conclusions

2011-06-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
turns out to have nothing to do with alleged state changes in the crystalline structure of alloys, I will consider these audacious Witch Doctor files to have done their job. So recorded. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson <>

[Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (2 of 4) - Interview Transcript March 5 2011

2011-06-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
27;ve noticed in previous conversations with the Witch Doctor that they have never been particularly impressed with BLP, and their lack of enthusiasm continues to puzzle me. They made it clear that the current Rossi e-cat process is extremely primitive and that few understand the actual phys

[Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (3 of 4) - Interview Transcript June 9 2011

2011-06-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
s of particles generated will help in better understanding the effect, which in turn will user in breakthroughs. According to the Witch Doctor Rossi still has another year of "futzing" to do before he is ready for prime time. On the surface this would seem to contradict Defkalion's claim that they will be ready by the fourth quarter in 2011. The claim is that as of June, sufficient funding to develop Rossi's e-cats has NOT yet manifested. It is allegedly causing development delays. Rossi is trying to generate a lot of noise (positive publicity) in order to get his funding. Basic R&D has been severely crippled across the planet. NASA and other science agencies are suffering the results. All current theories pertaining to the Rossi Effect are essentially incorrect. Back to the drawing board. ;-) Things that still have to be worked out: When the planet "...get[s] desperate enough for energy they will find it. And the question is whose going to find it... whose going to control it... Whose going to make the money off of it." Final Post: The Witch Doctor Files on Rossi (4 of 4) - Personal Assessments & Conclusions Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (2 of 4) - Interview Transcript March 5 2011

2011-06-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Rich sez: > Each of us exists always as all of spontaneous single entire > unified creative fractal hyperinfinity. > > In simple language, individual awareness-being is > God awareness-being. I see you have learned New Age-speak. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson www

RE: [Vo]:The WD Files on Rossi (2 of 4) - Interview Transcript March 5 2011

2011-06-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ally assessing the value of the information itself. Either the information is useful or it isn't, and that remains to be seen. Hope this clarifies any brand name misconceptions. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi conspiracy. Part III

2012-07-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Have you ever tried to herd cats? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:The Annoying Thing About Self-Driving Cars: They Obey the Speed Limit

2012-07-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ttlenecks? Who'll control the Web data that drivers see? Privacy concerns are also inevitable. But on the whole, the technology's positives will far outweigh the negatives. *********** Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Rossi conspiracy. Part III

2012-07-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
may not always be clear. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Another Solar Firm Shuts Down

2012-07-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
unately, what I am hearing matches what Richard said. And I've heard the DNR is being set to fail first. More profit in privatizing. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
of electric and magnetic fields" ...and whether protons are nothing more than EM pegged at frequencies higher than the highest gamma frequencies. That, BTW, is a fascinating premise! I wonder if there is a way to falsify it. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ar on that point. But we must learn patience. It's possible the shift towards a CF based energy technology may not end up happening that fast and/or disruptively. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
oey. I confess she has me on a tight schedule. I was thinking of heating up a couple of rocks, too. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
, a few in the Collective disagree with you... your belief on the AWG matter, but that's not the same thing as putting a shotgun to your head and saying it's my way or the hi-way. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-30 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
; lie to advance an agenda. And Koch founded climate skeptic think tanks don't have an agenda of their own? > My dog has more credibility than these experts, at least my dog does not lie. Certainly not to your face he/she wouldn't. Oh N! No way! http://ch

RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

2012-07-31 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
he answer to any question I might entertain is a surefire way of not just learning anything new - but not wanting to learn anything new. The latter matter is a devastating one. It's a path that leads one straight to dogma. Where's my kill file. Regards, Steven Vincent J

RE: [Vo]:The Fallacies of Darwinian Evolution - Basic Definitions

2012-08-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
be a real hoot. Of course, as you might expect, not everyone is in agreement with the conclusions that have been presented: Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Obituary: Fleischmann, 85

2012-08-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
-podium and share a few fond memories, (and perhaps a couple of not-so-fond ones!) of interactions they may have had with Mr. Fleishman. Jed, I suspect you may have a few worth revealing. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:The Fallacies of Darwinian Evolution - Basic Definitions

2012-08-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
what one does unto others, one does just as much to one's "self". IOW, it's probably a good idea to follow the Golden Rule. Alas, I continue to mess up on that point, but I keep trying. PS: You state you are engaging in these off-topic posts reluctantly. That’s not the sense I get. This is probably enough babble for one post. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Obituary: Fleischmann, 85

2012-08-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Mark, > I hope karma comes back to bite them where it counts. ... reincarnated as teapots. Powered by... well, you know. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Back to Reality on Earth, my friends, please!

2012-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ascinated. Wouldn't it be cool if there really is something to the technology. Would appreciate some POVs on the matter. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Back to Reality on Earth, my friends, please!

2012-08-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
r if there might be a way to collect a series of rapid temperature measurements during the expansion and contraction phases. It's possible there might be some interesting surprises in store if that were don. This is just speculation on my part. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are crazy

2012-08-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
job of it. Granted, if given the chance many would probably not vote for Arnold, but I suspect many would. I think he ought to have the chance. At least he isn't black. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT Recent Conversations of the Scrappy Kind

2012-08-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ore than I on these topics. PS: My advice for the day - two-ply is always better than single ply. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:CNBC- Squawk Cold Fusion Mention

2012-08-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
fic article you cite? My searches over at CNBC.COM didn't immediately bring up anything. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine: inside piccy

2012-08-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ical energy displayed, in truth turns out to balance the energy equations in such a manner as to result in no actual O/U involved. I'm neither an electrical engineer nor a mechanical engineer. It's fascinating, nevertheless. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine: inside piccy

2012-08-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
deos, that tells me there must be something going on here really that needs to be taken seriously. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine: inside piccy

2012-08-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
w additional things out there. We'll see how it goes. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine: inside piccy

2012-08-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
plot an entire solar system. Looks like you worked more on the macro level whereas I'm currently working more on a micro/atomic level. More to do... more to do... scurry, scurry scurry! Regards Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Unsubscribe

2012-08-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
nfortunate decisions and actions. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:What is with Papp?

2012-08-12 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
e ok too. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Brillouin ICCF17 Presentation

2012-08-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
of dollars are at stake don't bet on the underlying technology remaining cloaked for very long. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Final response to Jojo Jaro

2012-08-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Abd, > Contrary to his [Jojo's] earlier statements, Jojo apparently does want to have > the "last word." So this is my last communication in response to him. > I'm adding his email address to a deletion file. What took you so long?

RE: [Vo]:UFO found on mars by new lander?

2012-08-21 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
aybe some of Curiosities' photos really will show us slew of fossilized sea shells! Now wouldn't that be fun! As Freud once said: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Re: Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed

2012-08-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jed sed: Regarding the enigma known as Rossi. > ...I learned a long time ago not to ignore intuition, but not to fully trust it either. ...and the wisdom to know the difference. Good komment, Jed. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Re: Existence of 1,200C E-Cat Test Report Confirmed

2012-08-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
;t think Mr. Krivit likes you. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:3D printing: Efforts to make them more affordable for the masses

2012-08-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
See: ces ad Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Curiouser and curiouser

2012-08-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez: > Whazzit? (From PIA16101_fig1) > His eyes are too close together to be very intelligent. By whose standard? ;-) Where are you and your spousal unit finding all of these interesting rocks? Can you supply some links? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson www.zazz

RE: [Vo]:Curiouser and curiouser

2012-08-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
g pool on what Curiosity might eventually discover in the layers. Don't drink the water! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Curiouser and curiouser

2012-08-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
overall color and shade of what the eye will see in the Martian landscape. The short description: What's natural coloring for Mars is not Natural coloring for Earth. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:I admire Mr. Andrea Rossi

2012-09-03 Thread Charter - Steven Vincent Johnson
> Ever seen a locomotive? I have made this mistake as well. What many of us perceive of as "steam" is actually water condensation as H2O, as a gas, begins to condense back as into a liquid state. Real "seam" is invisible. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson www.OrionW

[Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Just got this from the Yahoo DNNY UFO group: Terry, what do you think? Looks like space jellyfish to me. ...all out of focus, of course. Fertile ground for the imagination. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Joh

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
deos of stationary objects or whether the objects were in near orbit around our planet. I suspect knowing just that little bit of info alone would probably tell us the high likelihood of whether these particular "ufos" were local or foreign. ... your tax dollars at work! ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Brillouin Energy- 20 Million funding

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
t would not alienate the user. Of course, it didn't go anywhere. Gopher was quickly eclipsed by Mosaic, and then by Netscape, and then by... Actually as far as turning pages goes, we are still doing mimicking the look and feel of flipping paper on many tablets. Old habits die hard. Reg

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
f Billy Pilgrim. The following link is another test of me revising the look and feel of my still-under-construction web site. Enjoy: Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO Fleet Starship Filmed on telescope

2012-09-07 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
tion convention. I still feel very scattered. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 7:47 PM To: Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: UFO

RE: [Vo]:Link to live stream from E-cat convention

2012-09-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
good view of him. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Save the Balloon!

2012-09-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
there may exist a controversial theory (or two) involving transmutation. BTW, how much residual radioactivity tends to exist in the surrounding formations? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

2012-10-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
may stay this low for possibly another year or so. This is the time to refinance. We just did. helping to redistributing "wealth" one household at a time. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
peak.htm BTW, dolphins and primates recognize their own image when presented with a mirror. That is another mark of sentience. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I forgot the mention the fact that is still under construction. Many of the links don’t work. ...Too little time... too much to do. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:OT: Video: political parody based on les Miserables theme

2012-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Clarke describes a future with unlimited abundance

2012-10-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
help remove excess currency from the system. Collectors might help dampen the inflation since there would be less cash in the Demand & Supply equation to buy the other necessities of life. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: Mars Rover Spots Small Bright- Metallic Object

2012-10-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jeff sez: > I'm shocked, shocked I say.  ;-) Thanks Jed. Yes indeedee. You'd think people would be smart enuf to look for the *MoM tag. * Made on Mars Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:November Popular Science- not kind to Rossi

2012-10-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ich is quite different from Kyoto. It > is similar to Appalachian English, with words hundreds of years out > of date, like the English "yonder." Sounds like a well planned retirement strategy, Jed. Just don't let your wife catch you listening in. ;-) Regards,

RE: [Vo]:November Popular Science- not kind to Rossi

2012-10-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
be associated with NET in any way. >From my perspective Mr. Krivit seems to have built his own unique world filled with his own unique facts and figures. Let the chips fall where they may. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Cracks me up

2012-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> Con"fusion" >> When I read vortex, Google is constantly trying to sell me a Ford Fusion. >> If only ... ;-) There is also this: It's a nice little convention. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson www

RE: [Vo]:[OT] Is Steve Jobs in Hell?

2012-10-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson The psychic did seem to have put together a plausible psychological profile on SJ. Who really knows! Nevertheless, it was fun to watch. Thanks, Terry. :-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Popular Science Article: Andrea Rossi's Black Box

2012-10-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
does appear to be happening as we speak), Rossi's initial flamboyant splash into the public arena is likely to be relegated to nothing more than a footnote of colorful LENR history. Fair enuf! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Sci. Am. comments on documentary "The Believers"

2012-10-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ness? Good for you! It pays to know someone who knows his way around that bush, as well as which axes are worth grinding and which aren't. OTHO, I don't expect that Mr. Krivit will be fishing in your pond. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:A Halloween scare for real

2012-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
t takes one to know one. BTW, my two kitties Zoey & Charm wish the channel the following message: "Boo!" Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:A Halloween scare for real

2012-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
perceiving the sentence of an intelligent network puttering about, doing its own thing. It also seems likely to me that the qualities of such an emergent network is still gestating on our planet. After all, it hasn't been around all that long. Give it time. It may surprise us soon enuf.

RE: [Vo]:New publication on my Blog

2012-10-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Ah! I found the R-Rated version! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:I'm added Eff in my SPAM filter

2012-01-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
frankly I don't need any more of the kind of contribution you continue to bring to this group. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From B. Beaty > > Vortex traffic temporarily suspended. Getting everyone's attention. > > OK, back on. Thank you for your recent cleaning efforts, Bill. Much appreciated! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:The Garbage Collection of a Fool's Imagination

2012-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
lly become passive, to float along the gentle currents of the present moment for just a tiny spell. Give ourselves an opportunity to RECEIVE ideas in whatever form or shape they decide to reveal themselves to us as. Of course, what we end up DOING with what pops into our head remains a personal predilection of our own doing. Happy garbage collection! .and now, back to regularly scheduled programming! ;-) Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:PESN: Rossi's Relationship With University of Bologna Continues

2012-01-27 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
I was wondering who might be stepping up to bat. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Mr. Krivit continues to advocate for the W-L camp

2012-02-01 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
come out of the closet and clarify to his readers what kind of relationship he has established with the Widom-Larsen camp? I think Mr. Krivit's readership deserves to know his intentions. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Autonomous Quadrotor Squadron

2012-02-05 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ctical uses they could apply the devices to. I suspect tournaments will soon hosted where quadrotor pilots will attempt to show off their flying skills either in intricate formations, or perhaps in combat situations. Needless to say, DoD has probably already thought up a long list of tasks. R

RE: [Vo]:Self charging ?

2012-02-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
but I certainly would recommend trying to introduce a little more punctuation into such posts in the future. It helps the reader collect their thoughts on what you are trying to convey. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson > -Original Message

RE: [Vo]:Including nuclear degrees of freedom in a lattice Hamiltonian, PL Hagelstein, IU Chaudhary 2012.01.20: Rich Murray 2012.02.09

2012-02-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
scribe what they were trying to do. But who was asking them. How can you predict the early demise of what is nothing more than a place holder word? Who told you the "F" word is dying? Surely it wasn't Krivit, nor all those folks residing in the Widom Larsen camp. Cry "wolf" too many times... Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Sterling Allan / S-African Free Fuel Generator FFG trip

2012-02-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Terry sez: > Sounds like Mr. Allen came across some of the original ouzo flavored > with poppy pods. :) Allen is an evangelist of a different cloth! ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
lesson we all must eventually pass through - some more awkwardly and obnoxiously than others. It also explains why, IMO, Krivit is no longer an investigative reporter, or perhaps never really was. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
t Krivit was investigating and subsequently publishing, no more funding. It's a simple as that. So, who is backing Krivit? What are their motivations, their educational background? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Live stream with 22passi readers and Francesco Celani

2012-02-18 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
m time to time. This is fascinating. Damn! Wish I knew Italian. I hope someone will eventually be able to perform a reasonable translation into English pertaining to the high points. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Leonado Corp Ownership

2012-02-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
im peer over the ideological walls he seems to have shielded himself within. Unfortunately, IMO, Steve's BoD will be of no help, this based on my own experience as a former BoD. They certainly don't "direct". Steve would not have that! From what I witnessed none on the boar

RE: [Vo]:In vitro meat production

2012-02-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
t we will become accustomed to. Hopefully, the newer generation of food stock will be healthier for us to consume as well. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:100 years 1912 beep beep beep and aliens

2012-02-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
y left, content to let evolution once again grow to fruition. We discovered we were alone. __________________ C 2012 Steven Vincent Johnson Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Test day in Greece time

2012-02-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
e talking to a brick wall. All I can say is that I sure don't want to live by noone's principals. By my "religion" that would result in WAY TOO much bad karma that would likely take me several lifetimes to work off. But then, I would imagine that would be of little concern to noone's sense of personal principals... certainly not in this lifetime. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:DGT Testers Remarks

2012-02-26 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
own time frame. DoD? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:WIRED: Race for cold fusion: Nasa, MIT, Darpa and Cern peer through the keyhole

2012-02-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> our dream becoming reality? > can it really be? > > I'd like to see detailed accounts of independent replications of > anomalies, which then would have to granted the status of paradigm > shifting data... Me too, Richard. Me too. We shall see... Regards,

RE: [Vo]:defkalion post

2012-02-28 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
e defined. >> >> Tests continue with international Authorities in the >> coming weeks. >> >>DGT Sounds encouraging to me too. ...on the surface. However, as Prez Reagan was fond of saying: "Trust, but verify." Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Nature Editorial: If you want reproducible science, the software needs to be open source

2012-02-29 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ed. I'm sure nobody wanted to be associated with what he wanted to talk about. Some consider Mathis to be a "crank", but he DID give me some ideas! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Next Big Future interviews Steven Krivit

2012-03-02 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
himself as an "authority" on the subject. I suspect several other researchers who actually worked in the field and as such earned the title to be called an authority on LENR would beg to differ - big time. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
hank you for letting me bend your Collective ears. I'm am now all ears! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
assimilated into the Borg, so perhaps I should take his suggestion with a grain of salt and a fully charged laser pistol set on random modulation! ;-) Again, thanks for all the suggestions. I appreciate it! Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
econds. It sounds to me as like you still might not be using the MySQL ISAM function correctly. It definitely shouldn't take 7 seconds. The fact that it takes the exact same time either way is a dead giveaway that the indexing portion is not working - IMHO. Thanks for your insights, J

RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
genetic code. You might enjoy watching the episode. The episode describes what kind of correlations they are looking for. Therefore, it’s possible you could end up developing some kind of an algorithm that looks for the same kind of patterns. ;-) Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Kara

2012-03-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> I hope you didn't pay anything because Windows Media Player does it for > free. iTunes is free. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Florida Investigates Rossi

2012-03-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
ems to be favorably advocating in place of Rossi. How many of these news sources will take the time to notice how incredibly one-sided Krivit's "news" can occasionally get at times. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Florida Investigates Rossi

2012-03-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
of my favorites. ;-) Money Well, get back I'm all right Jack Keep your hands off of my stack Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Requesting recommendations on Web Authoring tools & animation generation packages

2012-03-11 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
current approach is fixing the problem with a sledge hammer. Are you aware of a less brutal way of shutting down the XAMPP server while leaving a home network unscathed? Just curious. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Krivit's new diagnosis: Rossi is a crazy cucko! WOW!

2012-03-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
s readership. That tells me everything I need to know about Krivit. It's also pretty much exact same approach Krivit has employed in the past when he has gone after other individuals he has investigated, individuals he personally felt were being untruthful or perhaps behaving in d

RE: [Vo]:E-Cat Horror

2012-03-14 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
esenting Rossi, and Marty Feldman representing Focardi. What I wanna know is who represents the character with the enormous schwanzstuker? Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:E-Cat Horror

2012-03-15 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
uggest that Rossi is in danger of committing suicide because of SK's relentless editorializations. Rather, as an analogy, I'm attempting to perform the equivalent of a same kind of guilt-by-association insinuation directed at SK for which SK's has attempted to insinuate concerning his relentless reporting on Rossi. I can't stand watching Nancy Grace, particularly when she goes on another one of her editorial rants. So, as "innocent" the insinuation goes: If the shoe fits. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Sterling Allan drops his support of Rossi

2012-03-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
we who reside in the honorable peanut gallery would receive the fruits of private investigations? We didn't pay for such services. Potential individuals who did pay for such “private” services are under no obligation to share what they have uncovered with the public. My two cents.

RE: [Vo]:OT (sort of): Woz one of the first to pick up a new IPAD Hi def

2012-03-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
the last manufactured packages of dye transfer print paper. Ctein is one of a rare handful who still can produce dye-transfer film. He keeps his stock of chemicals in a refrigerator. 0d-popup Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Wa-a-a-y OFF TOPIC Penguin living in Japan goes shopping

2012-03-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
rd's crop. Eventually the intern pulled the fish out of the penguin's crop and retrieved a slightly smaller one. Success! I bet that intern will remember that summer job for the rest of her life. Feeding penguins! What fun! Thanks, Jed. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Kiplinger reports on new ultrathin flexible battery technology, coming soon:

2012-03-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
l appear in enhanced credit and debit cards that display balances, in hotel keys, in subway and train passes, and in much slimmer, lighter smart phones. It also paves the way for slender flat-screen displays and e-readers that feel like paper. Regards Steven Vincent Johnson www.OrionW

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