Re: [Vo]:DGT Continues Playing Dodge Ball

2011-08-12 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton wrote: After AR said he did not give them the sauce, it looks like: 1) DGT has no working Hyperions. 2) DGT has working Hyperions and stole the sauce. 3) DGT has their own receipe. You are saying these are the only three likely scenarios, right? They seem to cover all

Re: [Vo]:DGT Continues Playing Dodge Ball

2011-08-12 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote: Even if DGT can build a Rossi knockoff, their own testing has shown the knockoff to be potentially dangerous and hard to control. I do not know where you got that information. The Defkalion reactors appear to be better controlled and safer than Rossi's own prototypes.

Re: [Vo]:DGT Continues Playing Dodge Ball

2011-08-12 Thread Jed Rothwell
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote: FWIW, the one little itch that I can't ignore is why does DGT continue to behave in what strikes me as being distinctly conciliatory in their characterization of Rossi's recent actions. DGT claims they have developed more control

Re: [Vo]:more speculations on break-up

2011-08-14 Thread Jed Rothwell
pca wrote: Deploying one, let alone millions, of Hyperion units in unsecured places gives plenty of opportunity for competitors to acquire the device and reverse engineer its secret. Defkalion's attempts to add security within the Hyperions are not credible.

Re: [Vo]:more speculations on break-up

2011-08-14 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote: It's much better for Rossi to have licencee(s) build a few large electricity-generating units in well-garded places, and sell the electricity to resellers. The strategy would not work, and it would not be allowed. It would not work because security by obscurity for such a

Re: [Vo]:more speculations on break-up

2011-08-14 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan Fletcher wrote: Defkalion believes they will be allowed to distribute these things in Europe before the devices have been vetted by nuclear experts worldwide and before there is complete understanding the the reaction. But hasn't Rossi has always said that mini-eCats will

Fwd: [Vo]:more speculations on break-up

2011-08-14 Thread Jed Rothwell
Harry Veeder wrote: Governments and Corporations don't have to over rule public opinion, as long as they can shape public opinion to suit their own interests. (Noam Chomosky's concept of manufactured consent). No one denies that powerful institutions and people with money

Re: [Vo]:Dark matter may be an illusion caused by the quantum vacuum

2011-08-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
I know little about cosmology, but is it not the case that: If dark matter exists the universe is more likely to end in a cosmic crunch, relatively soon. If it does not exist the universe will end with heat death much farther into the future. Just curious about this . . . Freeman Dyson

Re: [Vo]:Swarmanoids

2011-08-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
That's nifty. The robots are working together like ants in a colony, with some specialization in roles. The capability of the whole swarm is greater than that of the individual. In my opinion, a colony of ants or bees should be though of as a single biological entity, like an animal body. An

Re: [Vo]:Swarmanoids

2011-08-15 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: But there is a crucial difference between dividing in organs and in different individuals which is the ability to reach resources. A colony of cells cannot do much other dividing tasks among themselves but it cannot reach anything beyond its volume or it must count on

[Vo]:Retail robots in action

2011-08-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Scroll down article for interesting YouTube video. See: - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Second Piantelli paper

2011-08-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here is an important link inside of Peter's web page, summarizing progress by Piantelli: - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Second Piantelli paper

2011-08-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: I really do not understand why people trust Piantelli if they do not trust Rossi. Some reasons: Piantelli has done better calorimetry than Rossi. Piantelli has better academic credentials. He has published peer-reviewed papers. He does not publish a blog with

Re: [Vo]:Second Piantelli paper

2011-08-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: But Focardi assited Rossi, just like he assited Piantelli. If people think Focardi could be fooled by a demonstration of huge power excess he could well be get wrong the measurment of a demonstration of low power excess. I agree this does not make

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote: (Working Draft) The hidden portion of the URL is wrong. This should be: (looks the same but isn't) -

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: I suppose there are also wasted energy to manage the operate the device. You mean, to power the electronics. I believe this is ~30 W. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: How do you explain the low velocity of steam at exit of E-Cat? No one measured the velocity as far as I know. There were some videos taken of it, but they do not prove anything. I recently borrowed a steam cleaner trying to fix bathroom grout. I looked at videos of

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: The Rossi machine, judging from what comes out of the hose is not producing any anomalous heat. You cannot judge what comes out of the hose. You have not measured it; not the speed, or the temperature, the dryness or any other parameter. You know practically nothing about

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote: If you mean my numbers -- Given 75% dry I just read off the wattage on the Nasa diagram. Steam quality on the T-h diagram is linear between points B and C. I grew up with REAL instruments, where one learns to read a scale to about 5% accuracy between tick

Re: [Vo]:Answering Krivit #3: eCat steam quality must be above 75% (above 4300 Watts)

2011-08-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote: No one measured the velocity as far as I know. There were some videos taken of it, but they do not prove anything. To anyone who has studied the volume of steam expected from full vaporization as claimed, those videos raise substantial

Re: [Vo]:Krivit's Levi video interview

2011-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
This one covers the Feb. 14-hour test with flowing water: Part 4)**v=0vYJIG3ymOk Continuing in part 5: Part 5)**v=LbDgeAz91VM He mentions

Re: [Vo]:A simple method for extremely accurate enthalpy measurement

2011-08-20 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: It is you who does not get it. Investing in a free energy scheme which supposedly produces excess or free heat is not sensible without expert independent calorimetry being applied which determines a total energy balance for critical demonstration

Re: [Vo]:A simple method for extremely accurate enthalpy measurement

2011-08-20 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: I stumbled upon in the internet a very simple method for doing extremely accurate (up to two or three significant digits, depending on insulation) calorimetric analysis for any water boiler. Method is simple and all measurements are accurate: –

Re: [Vo]:A simple method for extremely accurate enthalpy measurement

2011-08-21 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: If the results indeed were obtained and were positive and useful it is strange that Defkalion did not pay up according to its contract. Rossi said repeatedly that he will only be paid after he delivers the 1 MW reactor. He has not delivered it, so

Re: [Vo]:A simple method for extremely accurate enthalpy measurement

2011-08-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Originally posted by Angela Kemmler: The Licence and Technology Transfer Agreement (The LTTA) contains a mile stone payment arrangement. According to said arrangement, DGT's release of the first payment to EFA is pending on that EFA meet several technical requirements. As anticipated in the

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote: My attention was drawn to an excellent Rossi eCat simulator by a Rick Cantwell**v=yXTl8z_2Uqo (It's main deficiency is that he's measuring temperatures on the surface of the tubes,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan Fletcher wrote: - Percolator effect happens quickly (Lots of water at the outlet -- at 3:30 he empties the hose, and it refills in about 7 seconds.) This is operating as a TUBE Boiler. Do you mean it is overflowing? Water mixed with steam is pouring over of the

[Vo]:I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
I have been nonplussed by Levi the last few months, because I was expecting he would provide more details about the February 2011 18-hour test with flowing water. I still wish he would do that. As I said, I wish he would tell me the made and model of the flow meter. I asked; he did not respond. In

Re: [Vo]:Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: This does not happen with the eCat, as shown in the videos made by Lewan. How is it shown by Lewan's videos that water does not overflow from the E-Cat? In some of the videos he showed the hose removed from the bucket for a few minutes with

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: In krivit’s video the bucket is removed for around 30seconds, not few minutes. From 11:10 to 11:20 and from 11:26 to 11:46 (SEE KRIVIT’S VIDEO) That is correct, but I saw a longer video from Lewan. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: And the water flow can’t be 7 liter/h since the pump is pumping every 2.5-3 seconds, so the true water flow is lower than 3 liter/h LMI P18 pump has a maximum flow of 12 l/h at 100 strikes/minutes. With 25 strikes/minute is (maximum) 3 l/h. It can be lower than 3 liter/h.

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-23 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: In this video: ? (lewan in april) Again, you can see it (removed from water) at 3:17 to 3:37, 20 seconds. And in this video you can hear that there is some (liquid water) since is very noisy. I believe I saw a longer one

Re: [Vo]:I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Susan Gipp wrote: Here the flow meter It's a simple house utility water meter like this Thanks. They said it was an ordinary utility meter. Why did you put the word flow

Re: [Vo]:I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: It is kind of sad that Levi refuses to admit that he did poor measurements with steam tests . . . 1. He does not think he did poor tests; neither do I; and neither does any expert I have heard from. People here who know little about calorimetry

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote: I believe I saw a longer one somewhere. Will ask Lewan. I stand corrected. Lewan said he has no videos of steam longer than this. Here is his entire response, with permission: Jed, I only observed the tube held upright once and did not study it carefully. There did come some water

Re: [Vo]:Re: I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: 2. Apart from the initial heat burst, the temperature was steady, as shown in the laptop photos they took. So the flow must have been steady. You have a terrible confusion in your head. The “laptop photos” doesn’t exists at all for the february

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: Again, if you write “7 l/h flow” you are talking about the test done in june, with Krivit. In june, there wan’t a weight scale . . . That is not clear. There may have been one. In any case, this same argument about how the pump works has been

Re: [Vo]:I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Susan Gipp wrote: Jed have you had any a chance to live in Italy for some time ? The test location is just in the middle of an industrial area. - At any time any business facility around could have drown an abnormal water consumption (there is a car wash nearby) At this

Re: [Vo]:Re: I was impressed by Levi in the video interview

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: Again, you wrote that “the temperature was steady, as shown in the laptop photos they took”. These photos are not pubblicated. So there isn’t “as show”, it’s again a “RossiLevi said”. It would be easy to make fake photos or a fake video. So even if they published photos,

[Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
I do not like to be argumentative. Perhaps I misunderstand Abd's argument here. But it seems to me he repeatedly claimed that in order to measure a mysterious source of heat from an unknown phonomenon, you must have detailed, time-sequenced data. It is not enough to have one number. Even if the

Re: [Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Sorry. I meant to say measuring the UFO speed does NOT call for modern methods, or photography. George Washington, who was well trained in surveying, could have done it with ease. (I suppose that training and tramping around in the wilderness surveying property must have proved invaluable to him

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: Yeah. There is a problem: in Lewan’s test, where the flow was accurately measured by an independent observer (Lewan), the noise from the pump is consistent with the water flow written inside the report. Which report by Lewan do you refer to? What


2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: Was this approach right or wrong, it can be debated. I think that it was just wrong approach. I agree. Plus I think a test of a 1 MW reactor is fraught with difficulties. It is much easier to test 1 to 10 kW. In my opinnion Rossi should have

[Vo]:I meant confidence that light has a speed

2011-08-24 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote: Scientific instruments and techniques hundreds of years old can measure temperature, the speed of an object, the speed of light and many other important values with as much confidence as the best technology can today; albeit with far less precision. Note that the speed of light

Re: [Vo]:Re: Rossi Steam Quality Updates

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: Report of 28 april: As you can hear, the stroke frequency is around 32 strokes/minute, which equals to a maximum flow of 3.8 liters/h (= 12.1 *

Re: [Vo]:The Percolator Effect

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: The correct thing to do is to do calorimetry on the output using a well calibrated professionally designed calorimeter independent of the device itself . . . Defkalion claims they have done this. Alarm bells should go off in your head when you

Re: [Vo]:The Percolator Effect

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: ** One should stay away from E-Cat calorimetry and instead perform calorimetry on the actual nickel-hydrogen reaction. What is the difference? An eCat is a reactor vessel, and so is a Defkalion reactor. You can only perform calorimetry on a vessel of some

Re: [Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote: The instruments prove that radium and the Rossi reactor produce stable, unvarying heat. That much we know. No, we don't know that at all. Jed, sometimes I can't figure out where you get this nonsense. We sort-of-know that the temperature in the reactor chimney is

Re: [Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote: You are perfectly aware that Rossi chose to use a method of measuring heat that was utterly inconclusive. You meant the steam method. I am aware that some people think it is inconclusive. As far as I know, experts in calorimetry and steam think it is conclusive.

Re: [Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote: A single measure can be of interest, but rarely would it be conclusive. This may be a misunderstanding. They did not perform a single measurement. They measured repeatedly, and recorded the numbers. The numbers were about the same in all cases, ~5°C, so that is

Re: [Vo]:Lomax argument that detailed data is required to confirm unknown phenomena

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote: 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C 5°C If I saw THAT I'd yell FAKE. 5.01°C 4.98°C 4.98°C 5.00°C ... Yes, I was kidding. | Abd ul-Rahman Lomax said | .. and given the ubiquity of cheap logging devices .. Ah .. the cheap

Re: [Vo]:The Percolator Effect

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: I'm suggesting what I believe many others have. What should be eliminated is complications like anything flowing, anything shanging phase, heat leakage. Phase changes are a problem, although ice calorimetry has been around for a long time. The only kind of calorimetry

Re: [Vo]:The Percolator Effect

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: Hold on there! I assume you refer to the discussions and churning here, in this group. You assume wrongly. I refer in addition to Rossi's blog, the CMNS news list, Krivit's blog, public press, etc., etc. Ah, well these other forums are also

Re: [Vo]:The day after Rossi

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: Pretty much the total destruction of all confidence I have in LENR. If so many competent people in the field were cheated that easily by Rossi, I can expect much worse from everyone, even in the sense of self deception. Some questions: How many

[Vo]:People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: On Aug 25, 2011 5:45 PM, Mattia Rizzi wrote: In krivit’s video Rossi said that water flow was 7 kg/h. Rossi is lying. This is obvious. But question is why Rossi did lie in such a trivial way that everyone can see it? I do not find it so obvious. It seems likely to

Re: [Vo]:The day after Rossi

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: «LENR is another avenue. It's not just about Rossi. If the Rossi thing doesn't happen, then maybe something else will. Rossi has brought a lot of attention to the field. Any researchers who have a legitimate claim are going to benefit from this.» –Michael A. Nelson,

Re: [Vo]:The day after Rossi

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence wrote: If Rossi turns out to be a fraud, or hugely mistaken for some reason, the skeptics here will deserve no credit for predicting this. Getting a little defensive, are we, Jed? No, but I am sick of people who play it safe by predicting failure where failure is

Re: [Vo]:The day after Rossi

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: It is not primarily the people competent in this field that stand to be cheated if Rossi's device is a fraud or self deception. There are plenty of people with a lot of money who are scientifically clueless. These are the kind of people that can be suckered in by

Re: [Vo]:Re: People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mattia Rizzi wrote: Jed, what is your academic background? Japanese language and literature. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: ** The 3rd video refers to Levi shutting of the power to the E-Cat and steam production continuing for 15 minutes. This could easily be explained by thermal inertia. IE the metal and hydrogen of the E-Cat will still be at a high temperature when power is

Re: [Vo]:The day after Rossi

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Susan Gipp wrote: Jed, how many words wasted ! Just recall how Rossi reacted, time ago, when you proposed to make a test in Bologna using your own tools and what he said when you asked him to visit his Florida plant ! Didn't any alarm bell ring ? Yes, as I have said again and again, if we

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: Yes I honestly mean toward 100C. If the metal is below 100C to start we never get boiling so of course its above 100C (by alot) and will cool to 100C which is the temp of boiling water. I still don't follow what you have in mind. Take the metal at the bottom of a pot on

Re: [Vo]:Re: People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Finlay MacNab wrote: Since the January announcement at the University of Bologna sparked my interest in the topic, your library of CF literature has been an extremely useful resource for me. I value your point of view and in my estimation you have the mind of a true scientist regardless of

Re: [Vo]:Re: People such as Edison, Jobs, Whitman and Rossi are not always lying when they say things that are obviously false

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
I meant to say: I did not write all those papers, so the real credit goes to the authors. The researchers have done a terrific job with practically no resources. With funding the size of sparrow's tears, as they say in Japanese. People often say there has been no progress in cold fusion. I say

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
On 8/25/2011 5:36 PM, Joe Catania wrote: No, the metal is certainly 100C (I think alot greater). Electric heaters such as the ones in the eCat have an upper limit in temperature. It is much lower than a stove nichrome heating element, which goes up to about 1200°C. As for an experiment I

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Oops. 3 kWh in 15 minutes, not 4. 10,800 kJ. Assuming the eCat weighs 10 kg and it is mostly carbon steel the temperature goes up 2,200 K, not 2,930 K. I guess it has to go up this much starting at 100°C, in order to cool down to 100°C after releasing 3 kW. That's 373 K + 2,200 K which is

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: No, its not out of the question at all. Since we don't know the flow rate of water (whether its flowing or not) and since it isn't particularly relevant I neglect it. The water is always flowing. This is a flow calorimeter. It is completely unrealistic to suppose that you

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: I've already prooven it. Furthermore I demonstrated it. Your demonstration employed roughly 50,000 times less water than the eCat, and nichrome metal heated to incandescence. The eCat never gets that hot. So your demonstration was so different from the December eCat test

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here are some comments by Levi about the video and the Heat After Death event. Not terribly important, but . . . Note that if you use Google to translate this, Rossi converts to Smith. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: The facts are in. There are no facts in this discussion; only speculation. As it stands it is a given that thermal inertia could easily explain the 15 minute boiling. Your arguments are unsubstatiated. And your arguments would require the metal to be

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: There certainly are facts involved namely could the boiling be caused by the heat stored in the metal, etc. of the E-Cat to last 15 minutes. Facts. H. . . . Okay then, tell us: How much metal? How hot did it get? Assume 3 kWh are stored, enough to vaporize 4.4 kg of

Re: [Vo]:The Krivit Videos Part 3

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: 3kW is not negligible- one of Rossi's E-Cat's only supposedly vaporizes 2g/s of water which takes less than 5kW. I did not explain that correctly. 3 kW is the most the reactor could produce in the absence of any anomalous heat. It is the maximum electric

Re: [Vo]:what do ypu think of this within the latest wave of UFO and the History Channel show

2011-08-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
I have a low regard for the History Channel. I have seen documentaries there occasionally. When they are about a subject I know well, even one that is well documented such as the Battle of Midway, I have seen that they are filled with mistakes. They are written by people who know nothing about the

[Vo]:Definition of heat after death

2011-08-27 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: When the power is cut the steam will still be produced according to thermal inertia. Thermal inertia isn't heater input and it isn't fusion. If it was thermal inertia the power would decline rapidly and total stored up energy would run out in a minute or

Re: [Vo]:Comments on separating water at exit of E-Cat

2011-08-27 Thread Jed Rothwell
Peter Heckert wrote: BTW, there is an elegant method to see if the steam is dry: Dissolve a marker substance in the water, salt or sugar or something else. When the input concentration is known, the concentration in output water can be measured and compared. When the

Re: [Vo]:Definition of heat after death

2011-08-27 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: ** Again thermal inertia is a fact- not an if. Thermail inertia does not run out after one minute as I have shown. You have asserted that, but in order to show it you would have to demonstrate that the specific heat of metal is much higher than the

Re: [Vo]:Where's Rossi and other simple questions...

2011-08-29 Thread Jed Rothwell
ecat builder wrote: With October fast approaching, I have some easy questions: Where is Rossi right now? Where is his lab/factory that is producing E-cats for the 1MW test? Wouldn't it be easy for someone to follow him from his apartment to the factory? Give an address, count cars in the

Re: [Vo]:Where's Rossi and other simple questions...

2011-08-29 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton wrote: You cannot sell commercial products in the United States, the EU or Japan without telling people how they work and without first submitting them to safety regulatory agencies for testing and licensing. In the US, approval will be required from the

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote: Compare the heat capacity of any metal with water and you will see that water can store 100 to 1000 times more heat per mass than any metal. It is a factor of 10 for most metals, per unit of mass. Not 100 or 1000. The eCat is mostly steel which is 0.49 kJ/kg

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: Ps. I do not know what model of E-Cat we are talking about. Does we have pictures? Or is it just some mythical test what was seen by nobody. The 15 minute heat-after-death event was with the large eCat used in the January and February tests. This produces 12 kW to 16

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton wrote: I concur, Nick. These are violations of forum rules. Perhaps, but let us not be too thin-skinned. Or politically correct. Let's not ban anyone. If someone irritates you, just add the name to your own auto-delete list. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: Oops! I assumed that there actually was outflow water at this stage but there does not seem to be evidence of that. You have an extraordinary imagination, thinking that people run flow calorimeters without a flow. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: As far as I know, this is the only eCat that Levi et al. tested in December, which is when the event occurred. The flow rate was typically ~300 ml/min I believe. Are you sure about that flow rate being present in the heat after death observation? How else could it

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: You are providing the input data so you should know which test you are talking about. Jed says the first test. No, I said it was the device used in the first public test. The large eCat, shown in many photos. As far as I know this was the only eCat they used in

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: Until I see the data you refer to all I can say is its seems like more of a guess. Okay. Ask Krivit to show it to you again. It was there before. It seems like a pretty good guess to me, since they told me they worked with the gadget for a month before demonstrating it.

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: How else could it work? It would run out of water. Very little fits into the cell. You cannot do flow calorimetry without a flow. It would be like trying to do it without measuring the temperature. Obviously my question is are you sure that *precise magnitude* of flow

[Vo]:Let's consider inviting chatbots to participate here

2011-08-30 Thread Jed Rothwell
See the remarkable progress in fake artificial intelligence at Cornell (yes, that's what I meant): This chatbot, seen here in an illuminating debate with itself, should join the discussion here and also

[Vo]:Batteries for energy storage on the grid

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
See: QUOTE: The Electric Reliability Council of Texas Inc. (ERCOT) faced the renewable power industry's most critical issue in February 2008. With a

[Vo]:The 15-minute heat after death event was in Test 1, Jan. 2011

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: The 15 minute heat-after-death event was with the large eCat used in the January and February tests. . . . Ah, now I know exactly what is going on. Here is the premilinary report (Test1):

Re: [Vo]:Batteries for energy storage on the grid

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
On 8/31/2011 9:46 AM, Robert Leguillon wrote: That 1.21 Gigawatt drop in production could correspond to some kind of a flux capacitor being attached to the grid. Wouldn't that be an increase in demand? Not a drop in production. I don't think it takes long to charge up a flux capacitor. It

Re: [Vo]:1MW's test to last 2 months, with full access to cores.

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Two months is more like it. However, Rossi statement appears to contradict the title of this thread which is . . . with full access to cores. Rossi says with full access to all but the reactors which I take to mean the reactor cores. - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jouni Valkonen wrote: I am sure that Rossi was quite well familiar with the real power of E-Cat, because water inflow rate was adjusted in right level. I believe he does it the other way. He leaves the water inflow rate steady and adjusts the power output to vaporize all of the water. In the

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: Of course Rossi has perfect control operating in the range chosen. All he has to do is provide enough sustained power to heat the water flow to boiling temperature, call it Pb, or a enogh above that for a momentary steam demonstration. It isn't

[Vo]:Levi interview Part 3 is available at a new URL

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
The Levi interview Part 3 was originally here, I think: That video is no longer available. However, Part 3 has been moved here: The URLs for all interviews are listed here: - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Levi interview Part 3 is available at a new URL

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote: Now he also has a mnemonical domain that just redirects to his site!!! He installed that domain name a couple of months ago, I think. I added a link to it from - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: The public demonstrations to date prove nothing because the methods used are so flawed. That is incorrect. As Rossi and I have pointed out many times, if there were flaws in the steam test, the flowing water test would have revealed them. Since it

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Horace Heffner wrote: The flowing water test was not public as far as I know. Where is the report showing the data etc.? The data is in NyTeknik and If you do not trust Levi et al. to report the results of the flow test honestly and accurately, then

Re: [Vo]:Levi interview Part 3 is available at a new URL

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote: Rossi: The Scientific Verdict His summary doesn't exactly match the history that I recall ... but I don't feel up to a point-by-point rebuttal. Neither do I. Here is my rebuttal:

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: Not only have I been the subject of ad hominems for a presentaion that is obvious by the very nature of what is being discussed, there have been false allegations and insults to nature ahem Mother Nature has authorized me act on Her behalf, as Her

Re: [Vo]:Corrections to heat after death calculations

2011-08-31 Thread Jed Rothwell
Joe Catania wrote: ahem Mother Nature has authorized me act on Her behalf, as Her agent. I am authorized to forgive these insults. But also to warn you people to Watch Your Step. Next time She may not be so magnanimous. - Jed Jed appears to be pursued by demons. What else would induce a

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