I read the works of Linus Pauling and thought that since I had to do something or check out I would give it a try. Much like everything I do I jumped in with both feet. I went on later to go up o 20 grams but the diarrhea was to much to take so I dropped to 4 grams and have been there for four years now. No more breathing problems!

faith gagne wrote:

Hi Dave. Just curious, what made you start taking Vitamin c and l-lysine at 6 grams a day each? That seems like a lot but evidently it helped you. Thanks. Faith G ----- Original Message -----

    *From:* Dave <mailto:ddar...@centurytel.net>
    *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
    *Sent:* Saturday, November 03, 2007 2:53 PM
    *Subject:* Re: CS>Lung trouble

      I don't buy the the age aspect as I am almost that old and I
    took care of a very similar breathing problem.
    In 1980 when Mt Saint Helens blew it's top I was up there to help
    in rescue. I worked all day in the dust without any dust mask. My
    lungs felt heavy for years but I didn't have any breathing
    troubles at that time as well as being an auto Mechanic with
    breathing a lot of asbestos from brake work so you see abuse wise
    I've been there and done that except for smoking which I have
    never done.
      I ride a bicycle for exercise and there is a hill on my route
    that I would get so out of wind I would get dizzy when riding up
    it almost to the point of falling off the bike. I was also out of
    breath tying my shoes and when going to the bathroom in the middle
    of the night  I would breath so hard from the exertion that when I
    got back into bed I thought it would waken my wife.

      At that point I started taking vitamin C and l-Lysine at 6 grams
    a day each. On the third day I rode over the hill and didn't
    notice it was there as far as breathing was concerned. The other
    breathing problems stopped also. At the same time I took a course
    of CMO followed by Glucosamine  Chondroiten  and MSM to rebuild my
    joints which made it so I didn't have to hold my breath with
    exertion and exacerbate the breathing problem. I didn't have to
    groan when arising from my chair or getting up from the floor when
    working on a car.
      No intelligence here just my experiences.