Grant: your so smart !
I wish I would have thought of that...:)  I did wonder whats the difference
if your place is full of dust and you breath it or drink it or both ?  Glad
your still thinking Grant.
Tel Tofflemire
Phoenix., AZ
Grant wrote:

> Seems to me a very simple test would indicate if foreign materials are
> being introduced into your c/s by the "Bubbler"..
> Just take u/s reading on your d/w.
> Then run your bubbler through the water for some time.(Don't Make c/s )
> Take another u/s reading. If readings are the same then you
> can assume that no contamination has taken place.
>                           Grant..
> With all due respect Trem:
> I have used stir  with a motor & bubble also no stir at all, and a chop
> stick stir