Should read works on my family & pets....sorry for the typo Q\
Tel Tofflemire
Phoenix, AZ

Tel Tofflemire wrote:

> With all due respect Trem:
> I have used stir  with a motor & bubble also no stir at all, and a chop stick 
> stir
> by hand.  I to use a laser light and a pwt tester....but what makes me assume 
> my
> CS is clean of dust as you believe, is I have three Clean Air Ozone 
> generators in
> my house running 24 hrs a day to eliminate all dust and charge the air with 
> extra
> oxygen, I have four generators most of the time, but one is lent out.  When I 
> make
> CS, once a week, I put a 3000 square foot generator in a 10 by 10 room and 
> turn it
> on and close the door.  It smells like a fresh rain and thunder storm had just
> passed over. very clean, my computer hardly ever has a film on it like before 
> I
> started using the Ozone generators.  PS  My silver tastes better with ozone 
> too,
> but I do not know if it IS better?  All I know for sure is that it works on my
> family and bets..     Peace !
> Tel Tofflemire
> Phoenix , AZ
> Trem wrote:
> > Here's my take on it.
> >
> > I don't like bubbling because of several reasons.
> >
> > 1.  Typically there are about 10,000 spores and dust particles in each
> > cubic foot of air near the floor.  That level decreases with height but
> > nevertheless one can see that air is NOT clean in an average room.  I do
> > not think it wise to pump those particles through the water.  I also think
> > that it will raise the conductivity of the water giving one the false
> > impression the mix is getting stronger.  Stirring doesn't have this 
> > downside.
> >
> > 2.  As Ivan stated, it also adds Co2 to the water.  Stirring does not.
> >
> > 3.  The bubblers most people opt for have tubing and diaphragms made of
> > some plastic which may or may not outgas into the water.  Not good.
> >
> > As to the other part.  I tell our customers that it isn't the PPM that
> > counts because that's only a measure of the weight of silver.  1 PPM = 1 mg
> > silver.  It's how many particles the silver is divided into that gives the
> > most efficacy.  So we say,  if some is good (PPM),  more is not necessarily
> > better.  I think many people fall for the idea that higher PPM is better
> > when the fact is, strong mixes can lead to agglomeration and less total
> > particles in a given measure of water.  We recommend not making CS over 10
> > PPM so as to get a clear mix.  If they want more silver particles in their
> > system, we tell them to drink more of the water, not try to make it
> > stronger.  It is self defeating to keep trying for the strongest mix 
> > possible.
> >
> > As to the SG6 Auto.  I have done quite a bit of experimenting with
> > different motors and stirring speeds before settling on the motor speed we
> > use which was 30 RPM but is now 40 RPM (different motor).  My observations
> > are that it only takes a very gentle movement of the water to move the
> > cloud away from the anode.  It does not take vigorous movement.  Slow
> > stirring accomplishes that quite easily.  I have watched the dispersion for
> > long periods using a laser pointer to see the movement.  I think vigorous
> > stirring can cause more agglomeration than gentle stirring.  That's only an
> > opinion...I may be wrong.  I had poor results when using a small higher
> > speed DC motor.  Maybe others have better results.
> >
> > Someone said that the generator is designed for a pint.  That's sort of
> > true.  It does work best in a pint.  However it also works in much larger
> > vessels.  It just takes longer and there is a bit of stratification if the
> > vessel is very deep.  However, the CS disburses over a few hours.  We tell
> > folks that there are 3 ways around this.
> >
> > a.  Set the dial a bit higher than you really want the end strength of the
> > mix to be.  It will average out to the strength you desired after shut-down.
> > b.  Wait a while for the mix to disburse and turn the generator back on to
> > add a bit more silver to the water.
> > c.  Make a smaller quantity at one time and combine the fractions.
> >
> > When making a half gallon at a time one has to expect to have some
> > differences compared to making a pint.  It's not the same.
> >
> > Immediately after making the CS, the PWT generally reads higher than the
> > next day.  That's because there is more ionic silver then than after some
> > of the particles have become colloidal.  The total amount of silver in the
> > water is the same.  Only the ratio of ionic to colloidal has changed.  The
> > strength hasn't decreased as some people think because the PWT only reads
> > ionic portions.  That's why we say in our instructions that the reading
> > will be lower the next day.
> >
> > As far as buildup on electrodes is concerned, if one insists on running in
> > large volumes of water and trying to make high PPM, there will obviously be
> > a buildup of elemental silver on the cathode.  That's to be expected.  It
> > isn't usually a problem if one is making lower PPM CS.
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> > Trem
> >
> >
> > At 05:47 PM 1/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > >I have the SG6-very happy with my generator.
> > >I have done some experiementing with the way I make my CS.
> > >
> > >I would like to compare my brew with stirring vs. bubbling and please
> > >comments as too the differences.
> > >
> > >I use a 64 fl. oz. coffee creamer container to make my CS.
> > >
> > >Some days...using the seems to take longer. Not observant enough
> > >to say why one day is different vs. another.
> > >
> > >Here are the comparisons of the last two batches made:
> > >
> > >--First brew:
> > >Stirred batch.
> > >Seeded, ppm per Hanna PWT 4ppm.
> > >I cleaned electrodes (with heavy build up) 3 x's during the brew.
> > >
> > >After 36 hours of generation...the ppm per Hanna was about 18ppm. Indicator
> > >light, indicating that the brew had not reached 20pppm (as dialed) was 
> > >still
> > >on.
> > >My stirred CS ALWAYS reads a lower number the next day, when retested. 
> > >Often
> > >I will turn the generator back on, let it run again until the indicator
> > >light goes off.
> > >
> > >Allowed the brew to sit overnight. A lot of precipitate in the container.
> > >Did not bother to retest the ppm. ( I expected it to be lower than what
> > >measured the night before)
> > >I gave up on that brew...used it in the bathwater....
> > >
> > >--Second brew:
> > >Bubbled batch-stirrer removed.
> > >
> > >Seeded DW ppm at start 4ppm.
> > >10 hrs. later: indicator light off.
> > >I did not clean the electrodes at all.
> > >I shut down the generator.
> > >Did not test the ppm.
> > >left til this AM, testing ppm with Hanna, the ppm is 26ppm. (set at 20ppm)
> > >
> > >Some, but little precipitate....electrodes with little build up.
> > >
> > >
> > >My observed main points
> > >
> > >-bubbled CS consistently more stable after brew sits (ppm's do not fall 
> > >from
> > >one day to the next)
> > >-bubbled CS consistently has less build up on the electrodes, less
> > >precipitate in the container.
> > >-bubbled CS consistently able to achieve higher ppm (per Hanna)
> > >-occassionally will get pale yellow CS with stir, never with bubbled
> > >-consistently stirred CS will turn ashen with even minimal exposure to
> > >light, bubbled does not seem to (I have not specifically ''tested'' this.)
> > >-brew time for higher ppm's consistenly quicker with bubbler. (this case 36
> > >hours for less than 20ppm stirred vs. 10 hrs. for 26ppm bubbled)
> > >
> > >I have no clue why such a difference. I know Ole Bob you do not like the
> > >bubbler, I believe also Trem that you prefer stir....
> > >
> > >Could someone explain some of these differences for terms I could
> > >understand....
> > >and if bubbling is not good, why....when it appears to make a better
> > >product?
> > >
> > >TIA
> > >Connie
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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