as of late, there is considerable interest in cansema salve, the
different techniques and uses. i was a lucky one and made my first
purchase of cansema from Alpha Omega Labs just prior to the fda shutting
them down.
the alpha omega people have kept their websist open, although on an
"information only" basis, but one can root around, studying, and get all
sorts of good information on the use of bloodroot salves for the
treatment of cancer.
also, here is the warning about this guy in montana, putting out
lookalike products that are apparently not the real mccoy.
i've seen this stuff used on a close friend, and it was 15 days, start
to finish, for the cancer to drop off.
jim wrote:
In a message dated 12/25/05 6:09:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Thanks Raine
I am also curious about the way Cansema works. Is it true that it
_only_ effects cancerous
skin? !My nose is now pitted, like a bad case of acne. Pete
Raine et al,
I am just repeating this msg as I know many are still and have been on
vacation, and
probably have let their 'puters rest for a few days. I am at a
quandary rather to reapply
Cansema to my nose, not knowing if I got most of the cancerous
material. I also wonder
if the dents(pits) on the nose will ever smooth out. Currently I have
a 2nd shedding about
to take place on the front top point of nose which had been purple. I
would welcome any
responses or experiences similar to mine if any. Pete
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