AOL EmailThis is a CS site and your going to use pineapple? ((((((( GEE 
)))))))...????  What is wrong with CS ???
I have had horse's heal with hardly any scars, with a piece of flesh torn out 
by a steel post when a Mt. Lyon chased a heard .
I have before and after pictures.  If your new to CS site, Let me tell you 
about my experience.  CS can heal Epidermis tissue (top skin) with almost no 
scaring.  I have cut my own finger with a sharp knife and squirted on CS 
several times a day and no scar.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Raine 
  Sent: Monday, December 26, 2005 1:00 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CANSEMA Salve -- Pete

  Hi Pete,

  If you don't see any evidence of remaining tumor, I personally would not 
reapply the salve. Let it heal up. You can always re-test after a while if the 
area still seems suspicious to you. 
  Once my own skin is covered over, I'm thinking of rubbing pineapple on the 
sites to see if the enzymes will reduce scarring. 

  -Raine wrote: 
          In a message dated 12/25/05 6:09:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
          Raine et al,
          I am just repeating this msg as I know many are still and have been 
on vacation, and
          probably have let their 'puters rest for a few days. I am at a 
quandary rather to reapply
          Cansema to my nose, not knowing if I got most of the cancerous 
material.  I also wonder
          if the dents(pits) on the nose will ever smooth out.  Currently I 
have a 2nd shedding about
          to take place on the front top point of nose which had been purple.  
I would welcome any
          responses or experiences similar to mine if any.  Pete 

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