Gotta be careful here guys. When trying to
de-emphasize landings, we usually make some other
aspect of the task hyper-critical. 

John, you're right on the money. Tim, doesn't sound
like you're a contest flyer. Guys who fly to 9:46's
don't win contests where I'm from. 

Tim, in your scenario.... let's assume rounding: 

A 9:59.49 100 point landing loses to a 9:59.50 0 point
landing. Is this fair? You've overemphasized the
timer, his thumb, his ability to stop the clock right
as the plane touches the ground, etc....

I remember a contest up in No Cal. It was a huge in or
out landing. I hit the ground exactly as my timer said
0. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking at his watch as he
counted down, and I was off time. 

Another contest in Riverside. It was a 2 day. Same
deal, they tried to de-emphasize the landing. The
spots were super small, and the best you could do was
a 5 point landing bonus. The hit for time was more
than 5 points per second. I decided to never even try
for a landing. I won that w/e without ever getting a
landing. Or trying to.

Our contest formats have evolved I think to be a
relatively fair way of judging our soaring/energy
management skills. The only problem is we haven't
lengthened the tasks to keep up with the increased
performance of our models.

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