I almost hate to post this. In my opinion, to
eliminate the need for all that extra technology,
etc., you will need only to limit the launch line
strength. Make it 80 - 100 lbs. and zero the flight of
the second line break. That negates the wing strength
having to be so great. With a line strength of 80 lbs.
and a 600 foot line to start with, the launch
technique is much more important, but the emphasis is
on soaring. The last time I went to fly, I put the
turnaround at the max legal length with a measuring
wheel. Anyone that can't get 10 minutes from the
launch I got... well... I flew all over the place. 

The actual fact is that if you don't like the current
format, you're kind of screwed. Unfortunately, If you
have the nerve to speak against it, you get
stereotyped into the "landing whiner" category.
Fortunately for me, I am getting back into flying full
scale and, well, there are no landing points awarded
there. It's a race. While this is logistically
difficult to do with models, it's not impossible. I am
personally tired of 10 minute 100 point TD to the
point of quitting competition again. There are other
contest formats that can be logistically simple to run
that aren't so boring. Even running a woody contest or
a nostalgia event is more fun than the same old
thing... even if part of it is... the same old thing.

I can land and I can fly and I practice... but to what
end? Once there was a guy that was out flying a Nordic
and decided he didn't want to chase his sailplane down
wind any more. He thought that an r/c sailplane would
be nice, especially if he could land it at his feet...
What a whiner! He should be drubbed out of the hobby!
The very idea that there could be a change... give us
all a break...

HEHEHE! Have fun with that one! Nothing like stirrin'
the pot... I can see the veins bulging in the
foreheads now...

Jack Womack

Sorry, I'm in a rather strange mood following a family
tragedy... You guys are who I decided to pick on. I
feel better already. Yep, I'm a sick puppy... Flame
suit on!

--- "Stuart A. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am a newbie at this game, but I have assumed that
> if you shorten the 
> winch lines there will be even greater emphasis on
> energy retention 
> during the zoom and therefore planes will need to be
> even stronger, 
> stiffer, more aerodynamically slick which equals
> further development 
> which then equals dollar$$$.
> I was shocked to see the local guys getting 10
> minutes during very very 
> light lift with no circling in thermals. Certainly
> that then means that 
> the only way of discriminating these good fliers
> with their super 
> machines is by measuring to the thousandths and
> requiring more difficult 
> tasks. With all the technology in our machines,
> can't someone think of a 
> way to automate the timing and scoring? You *cannot*
> be accurate to the 
> hundredths, much less tenths with a stopwatch. Just
> ask any of our 
> dragracer friends what the typical reaction time is.
> Perhaps an 
> electronic tape that records when/where the nose
> hits (much like fencing 
> might do) and/or a timing system that senses a
> release from the towhook? 
> But then again, why complicate what is supposed to
> be a relaxing hobby? :)
> Jim Monaco wrote:
> > Good points Daryl,
> > Another example is F3J, where we are measuring
> time to the hundreths and nearly
> > every competitor lands 95+ (with no skegs :) ). 
> Check out the stats from the
> > Worlds. There is talk of dividing the points
> between 90 and 100 to provide more
> > discrimination.  Landings are the only thing
> discriminating the leaders.
> > 
> > There are lots of options to modify the tasks -
> shorter lines, longer times,
> > different landings, each of which has it's own
> warts.  The tasks as they have
> > evolved are generally fair and accepted.  This
> does not mean there is no room
> > for change, just that one needs to understand the
> effect of the change on the
> > game... and it is just a game...
> > Jim
> > 
> > 
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