One other item to consider.......we do a lot of product work as well.
Most we choose to stick with MR. Because of Arnold's transparency issues.

The point being, use the best tool, why not have multiple renderers if one (MR) 
comes with Soft? They have different looks/capabilities for sure.
Pick what's best


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 15, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Sebastien Sterling <> 

> Ow and thanks John, i have been shown this prior by one of the color keyers, 
> most haunting, its a pleasure to see fresh things, and definitely that is an 
> incentive we are gunning for.
> On 15 March 2013 22:52, Sebastien Sterling <> 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Steven, a fist full of people here, have been beta testing Arnold for 
>> the past couple of months, however they seem to have come down pretty split 
>> 50/50 half.
>> pros -
>> Amazing GI, catches so much more then 3Dlight
>> can handle massive scenes
>> Anything polygon renders really fast
>> user friendly and intuitive (at least for basic operations)
>> great feedback from previews
>> sss is really nice too
>> cons-
>> it's seems to struggle with fur and transparency, and that's a problem
>> difficult to anticipate render times ( wild differences between users 
>> ranging from 6min to 48min to past an hour per frame)
>> and of course the GRAINZZ ! (nothing you won't have heard before)
>> I am part of those who would like to see Arnold installed, however old 
>> habits die hard and there seems to be a fair amount of ill will on behalf of 
>> some of the testers, however things like fur we don't have the luxury to 
>> ignore; there are quite a few fur ballz in this feature, a few feathery ones 
>> too.
>> it would be safer not to purchase it and  that is why we of the pro Arnold 
>> are looking for external  examples and observations. which might tip the 
>> balance.
>> On 15 March 2013 22:16, John Clausing <> wrote:
>>> We just finished this with Arnold
>>> We love it,the integrated GI, and Final rendering are terrific.
>>> It takes a bit of time to figure out the optimization, but we love its very 
>>> unique look.
>>> John Clausing
>>> Director of CG
>>> Poetica
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 15, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Sebastien Sterling 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Good evening/day everyone !
>>>> The people i am working for are currently debating whether or not to take 
>>>> on Arnold, as their official renderer on their next feature film. One of 
>>>> my character fx friends has been Beta testing it to great effect, and now 
>>>> has to make a case for the switch from 3DLIGHT to Arnold.
>>>> If there are any Arnoldites out their, i was wondering if you had any test 
>>>> renders demonstrating Arnolds efficiencies\ deficiencies VS other 
>>>> renderers; It doesn't matter if its softimage maya or modo.. or mental 
>>>> ray, PR man, vray, maxwell...
>>>> The extra data would be very much appreciated especially with identical 
>>>> scenes, written observations are equally welcome.
>>>> So if you've anything at all to share, many thanks ;)

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