At some point, before it even hit SI afaik, it was struggling with some of
the old paradigms for fur rendering. It's since earned this back alley talk
reputation of struggling with fur, despite the fact nowadays it's probably
the single strongest engine of its kind for it out there.

It's not unlike the myths that you need an RnD department to do anything
with renderman at all, or that you can't do topology work in ZBrush and so

It should be dismissed, but a rumor will have been around the world before
the truth had the time to put its shoes on.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Gene Crucean

> Say what?
> How on earth was fur/hair a problem for anyone using Arnold? Something
> else must have been very jacked up for this to make a "con" list. For me
> personally... I could give you a list a mile long about all of the pro's...
> and one single con. Interior rendering. Like the Classroom scene. Even
> then, you can make it look beautiful. It's just the main downside of it is
> that it takes a bit longer to render than all the other stuff.

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