Yes some testers found the out of the box shaders a little lacking.

On 15 March 2013 23:08, Sebastien Sterling <>wrote:

> The are pretty paramount on consistency, its been a problem in the past
> and that was with just 1 renderer
> On 15 March 2013 23:06, John Clausing <> wrote:
>> One other item to consider.......we do a lot of product work as well.
>> Most we choose to stick with MR. Because of Arnold's transparency issues.
>> The point being, use the best tool, why not have multiple renderers if
>> one (MR) comes with Soft? They have different looks/capabilities for sure.
>> Pick what's best
>> J
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 15, 2013, at 5:55 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>>> wrote:
>> Ow and thanks John, i have been shown this prior by one of the color
>> keyers, most haunting, its a pleasure to see fresh things, and definitely
>> that is an incentive we are gunning for.
>> On 15 March 2013 22:52, Sebastien Sterling 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Thanks Steven, a fist full of people here, have been beta testing Arnold
>>> for the past couple of months, however they seem to have come down pretty
>>> split 50/50 half.
>>> pros -
>>>    - Amazing GI, catches so much more then 3Dlight
>>>    - can handle massive scenes
>>>    - Anything polygon renders really fast
>>>    - user friendly and intuitive (at least for basic operations)
>>>    - great feedback from previews
>>>    - sss is really nice too
>>> cons-
>>>    - it's seems to struggle with fur and transparency, and that's a
>>>    problem
>>>    - difficult to anticipate render times ( wild differences between
>>>    users ranging from 6min to 48min to past an hour per frame)
>>>    - and of course the GRAINZZ ! (nothing you won't have heard before)
>>> I am part of those who would like to see Arnold installed, however old
>>> habits die hard and there seems to be a fair amount of ill will on behalf
>>> of some of the testers, however things like fur we don't have the luxury to
>>> ignore; there are quite a few fur ballz in this feature, a few feathery
>>> ones too.
>>> it would be safer not to purchase it and  that is why we of the pro
>>> Arnold are looking for external  examples and observations. which might tip
>>> the balance.
>>> On 15 March 2013 22:16, John Clausing <> wrote:
>>>> We just finished this with Arnold
>>>> We love it,the integrated GI, and Final rendering are terrific.
>>>> It takes a bit of time to figure out the optimization, but we love its
>>>> very unique look.
>>>> John Clausing
>>>> Director of CG
>>>> Poetica
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Mar 15, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Good evening/day everyone !
>>>> The people i am working for are currently debating whether or not to
>>>> take on Arnold, as their official renderer on their next feature film. One
>>>> of my character fx friends has been Beta testing it to great effect, and
>>>> now has to make a case for the switch from 3DLIGHT to Arnold.
>>>> If there are any Arnoldites out their, i was wondering if you had any
>>>> test renders demonstrating Arnolds efficiencies\ deficiencies VS other
>>>> renderers; It doesn't matter if its softimage maya or modo.. or mental ray,
>>>> PR man, vray, maxwell...
>>>> The extra data would be very much appreciated especially with identical
>>>> scenes, written observations are equally welcome.
>>>> So if you've anything at all to share, many thanks ;)

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