Thank you for that text Perry. We each have our way of expressing
ourselves. I can't hold it back, I can't hold back the disgust I feel
towards the greedy bastards running this company, and how greed ruins

The only motivation left for me now is to make it LOUD AND CLEAR to the
scumbags who came up with this "course of action", how much they will lose.

I'm not a marketing genius, but it seems to me, just as with a person, if a
company doesn't have it's word, it has nothing.

AD now have truly nothing and are truly nothing.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Perry Harovas <>wrote:

> Mihai:
> My attitude is NOT "uh, lets try to make the best of it"
> My attitude is: "Goodbye, I am going elsewhere. If they treat me and my
> peers this way, then I will not be a part of their success."
> The fact that I am not personally attacking anyone should NOT be mistaken
> for a "Meh" attitude.
> I just chose not to react like that.
> Here at home, of course, I am swearing all the time.
> I just feel that after all my years with Alias PowerAnimator, then Maya,
> then Softimage I am tired of it.
> Learning more 3D software should not be ANOTHER thing that I have to do. I
> could switch right back to Maya right now, I co-authored a freaking 818
> page book
> about Maya in 1999 for God sakes, but I will not switch to Maya. Ever.
> For a time, I was the loudest supporter of Maya on the face of planet
> earth. Then it screwed me in production for too many years.
> so I moved on to Softimage. I was FAR happier there. Then Autodesk
> purchased them, and I was worried, but the product was all I cared about.
> Now they have removed that product.
> I want a great product and no worries that the company I am purchasing
> from is lying to me.
> So since there does not seem to be anything I can do about it, I am doing
> the only thing I can do, which is move on.
> I am voting with my wallet, the only vote in this I seem to get.
> This is possibly the WORST way to end a customer relationship EVER.
> Autodesk just alienated many people in one fell swoop, they planted major
> doubt in the minds of ALL their DCC customers.
> What a bad decision. I am angry, I am sad, I am *tremendously *pissed off.
> However, I am not  "uh, lets try to make the best of it".
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Mihai Iliuta <> wrote:
>> No Perry, sometimes, just sometimes you have to say enough is enough.
>> Your reactions make me want to ask you: what would it take to finally
>> make you say enough is enough? What would it take for you to say, I know
>> this isn't the most practical thing to do, I know it isn't the most
>> rational, but it's the right thing to do.
>> You allow yourselves to get fucked over and over again, and each time
>> have the same reaction...."uh, lets try to make the best of it".
>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:55 PM, Perry Harovas <>wrote:
>>> And to be clear, I agree with Mauricio too.
>>> I hate everything about this decision, but resorting to
>>> swearing and name calling won't help the situation.
>>>  Not to dismiss the anger that Mihai has, as I have it too, just saying
>>> that being
>>> less aggressive and insulting will more likely keep the discussion
>>> flowing.
>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Daniel Kim <>wrote:
>>>> Agree with Mauricio
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Daniel Kim
>>>> Animation Director & Professional 3D Generalist
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 10:46 AM, MaurĂ­cio PC <>wrote:
>>>>> Come on ... is not like he has the final say on things. Attacking him
>>>>> personally won't solve a thing.
>>>>> Let's all act like grown ups.
>>>>> I curse AD as a company ... but as a company it has employees and most
>>>>> of the time they don't have a fault on how things worked out.
>>>>> Anyway ... just chill out on the personal attacks.
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Mihai Iliuta <>wrote:
>>>>>> You are listening??
>>>>>> Ok, listen to your own bullshit:
>>>>>> "The first is to flatly call out that the rumor that the eol of
>>>>>> Softimage and 3dsmax is upon us is totally false."
>>>>>> "Cory Mogk is now also responsible for Softimage and we have been
>>>>>> working with the team on the future of the product with lots of key
>>>>>> customers."
>>>>>> "We understand people make their living from this software and that
>>>>>> they make huge decisions about their projects and companies and we take
>>>>>> that responsibility very seriously."
>>>>>> "Again the door is open to contact us or challenge us. Please let
>>>>>> everyone you know their products are safe."
>>>>>> So today, we can safely say you are a lying piece of shit. You have
>>>>>> no dignity, you have no character, and you have no word. I can't imagine
>>>>>> any developer feeling any pride anymore working for you or this fucked up
>>>>>> company. What you have done here and HOW you've done it, is irreparable 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> you and your company is from now on going downhill. You expect anybody to
>>>>>> ever trust you or your company again? Is that worth anything for a
>>>>>> business? It's worth everything.
>>>>>> Nobody finds it in the least suspicious why SI was killed now? When
>>>>>> the whole community around SI and the nr of independent developers 
>>>>>> working
>>>>>> developing tools for it was at an all time high???
>>>>>> I don't know when you lost your balls and your word Mr. Vienneau, but
>>>>>> "good luck" regaining both.
>>>>>> Piece of shit.
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Perry Harovas <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> While Dan's heart is breaking (and so is mine), I still have (at
>>>>>>> least) one nagging question:
>>>>>>> Clearly this has been under discussion for a while at Autodesk, so
>>>>>>> why were the following comments
>>>>>>> from September 5th of 2012 made:
>>>>>>> *"The rumor that the EOL of Softimage and 3DS Max is upon us is
>>>>>>> totally false."*
>>>>>>> So, if I understand this correctly, what I get out of it is that
>>>>>>> when Autodesk assures customers that their product is not on the 
>>>>>>> chopping
>>>>>>> block,
>>>>>>> that statement is really only good for about a year and a half (less
>>>>>>> if you take into account that this EOL must have been decided a while 
>>>>>>> back).
>>>>>>> That doesn't imbue anyone with much confidence. I am not a 3DS Max
>>>>>>> user, but if I was, I think I'd be worried, and would take any Autodesk
>>>>>>> assurances that there was no reason to worry
>>>>>>> with a very large grain of salt.
>>>>>>> Can someone please, finally, address this?
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Tim Crowson <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Thanks Chris! And thanks as well for the update to the licensing
>>>>>>>> terms. That's a big deal.
>>>>>>>> -Tim
>>>>>>>> On 3/7/2014 2:14 PM, Dan Pejril wrote:
>>>>>>>> Good to know you are listening.
>>>>>>>> If you listen closely, you can heart my heart breaking....
>>>>>>>> On 3/7/2014 3:01 PM, Chris Vienneau wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>> I just want to let you know there are people from the maya dev and
>>>>>>>> pm teams coming online to this forum but we are shipping software and
>>>>>>>> answering a lot of calls but the mails you are writing are being passed
>>>>>>>> back and forth as they are coming at a furious pace. Stay tuned for 
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> answers and we plan on doing some private webinars under NDA for soft 
>>>>>>>> users
>>>>>>>> to ask questions direct to us. Anyone interested in such a thing please
>>>>>>>> write me a private mail at
>>>>>>>> <> <>.
>>>>>>>> Thx.
>>>>>>>> Cv/
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Perry Harovas
>>>>>>> 203-448-7206
>>>>>>> Animation and Visual Effects
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> -24 years experience
>>>>>>> -Co-Author of "Mastering 
>>>>>>> Maya"<>
>>>>>>> -Member of the Visual Effects Society 
>>>>>>> (VES)<>
>>>>> --
>>>>> - your source for bad fx
>>> --
>>> Perry Harovas
>>> 203-448-7206
>>> Animation and Visual Effects
>>> <>
>>> -24 years experience
>>> -Co-Author of "Mastering 
>>> Maya"<>
>>> -Member of the Visual Effects Society 
>>> (VES)<>
> --
> Perry Harovas
> 203-448-7206
> Animation and Visual Effects
> <>
> -24 years experience
> -Co-Author of "Mastering 
> Maya"<>
> -Member of the Visual Effects Society 
> (VES)<>

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