Bear with me here, I still can't say I find Maya enjoyable to use, but in
first place making the whole UI scalable is non trivial and with the
current move to high density display being well in effect more than just

On top of that they have, at this point, shown the addition of parallel
evaluation in the scene graph, sculpting and high poly handling in viewport
(probably about a third of the sculpting part of mudbox ported over),
revamped the surfacing considerably, the addition of gas solvers and guided
sims in bifrost, and a number of other things (some admittedly useless to
most or patching over until they can be replaced with less dead horses,
e.g. XGen).

How is that just a coat of polish?
Does AD as a company in general suck? Yeah, in the same way most of those
corps seem to these days.

Can I honestly say Maya 2016 is a shit release? No, you're being overly
emotional and have decided to hate it for the sake of hating it IMO. They
could have added another 15 features and my guess is you probably would
have still decided to give it crap on account of the facelift, despite the
fact it was actually a functional one.

I used 2016 beta a fair bit on a Surface Pro 3. I used it because XSI and
Maya 2015 were F'ing useless on 2.5k on that screen. You can pick on it as
much as you want, but there was strong request for it.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Sven Constable <>

> I never heard of a company that "blended" two 3D animation softwares
> successfully, sorry dude. That will never happen. What I was told the last
> 24 month talking to 3ds max users was: "Hell, they changed the GUI again in
> this release! WTF!"
> They (the ppl I talked to) did not even mention new feature or something.
> Ok, now ADSK says the icons are now good. But they did say this in the
> last release when they changed the fucking icons!
> It's all about cosmetics and polishing. It's of no use to change the
> coating on a dead horse every fucking single release. I would not have
> worked with softimage the last decade if they changed the GUI in every
> release just to distract from missing functionality.
> If you want to make sure you're working with a strong and solid software,
> the best indication is its not changing its look.
> Sorry for the f-words and beeing emotional.
> sven

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