Actually I've seen Soft (or any other non-hi DPI app) on a 4k display and it's like having a dual screen in one.

It's when it's 4k on a 15 inch screen where there are issues.

On 04/13/15 23:01, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
The main point of the new UI isn't to make it prettier, it's largely that it now responds to high density DPI properly. If you ever tried using older software, including Soft, on a 4k display or on an ultra HD 10-12" tablet you'll know what that's like.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Sylvain Lebeau <> wrote:
You point is still good Sven. 

Of course Maya’s Gui is far from getting to the point Xsi is… I profoundly think that Xsi got the best Gui in all softwares that ever existed.  The new aqua icons are not a revolution of course. Still good to the eye to paint the old car with a fresh clear coating. :-) 

We’ve had Autodesk at our studio a couple of times and I must admit they we’re very opened to listen to us softimage users. And they we’re taking good notes. I think they are doing good efforts to keep Xsi users happy in the transition while at the same time not frustrate good old Maya users.  It will take time to blend the two. 

About ICE.  Maya is node based all around and I cannot imagine AD to own these (ICE) pattents and not create the same workflow inside of Maya. With new operops, and merging all of it’s tools inside of a new unified workflow node UI. Of course this will take time to make everything talk togheter. But to me, it should be the priority for AD to implement this.  

I barely see any other futur ventures that could bring back Maya as the top contender in the 3D world. Houdini is pushing hard. And it’s doing just that at it’s roots.  So if they want to compete in the long term, it really should be in the oven.  Well I hope so for them. 

Does 2016 finally got the node based UI for Bitfrost? Would be a good start. I was on beta but never got the time to play with it. 

We’ll see in a week or two. But so far nothing about this in the videos. 


Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 
VFX Curriculum 03: Compositing Basics

On Apr 13, 2015, at 8:26 PM, Sven Constable <> wrote:

sry, didn’t want to adress the developers of course. But the company behind them. Marketing means something. The more overwhelming positive it is, the more it turns me towards other directions. Same with Newtek and lightwave years ago.
From: [] On Behalf Of Sven Constable
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 2:18 AM
Subject: RE: OT: Hypershade changes in Maya 2016
I had a look at the vids and must say the whole GUI looks as sturdy and antique like before. Besides this, if a developer says something is the "biggest thing ever"…I'll take it as a  warning sign.
From: [] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: OT: Hypershade changes in Maya 2016
looks like a biog step in the right direction, kudos to the devs
now, about ICE.......

From: [] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric Rousseau
Sent: 13 April 2015 17:11
Subject: Re: OT: Hypershade changes in Maya 2016

The node editor remembers the last graph when you reopen it.  Tabs allow you to remember multiple graphs.

On Apr 13, 2015 11:02 AM, "Ognjen Vukovic" <> wrote:
What irkes me is the fact that you need to create tabs to save your network graph lay out. This should just be default instead of drawing it out every time you decide you to graph it... Its not really that important, but its just shabby.
On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Simon Reeves <> wrote:
yeah it's much better, the node editor is much improved, responsive when making connections much more rendertree/ice like than the clumsy old version
They could have improved the horrible shaderball area though...

On 13 April 2015 at 10:47, Angus Davidson <> wrote:
Makes me somewhat sad that there will be no new features for  Si 2016, However must say while I am forced to use Maya I am at least excited about the hypershade finally getting some much needed love. 
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