JeffM wrote:
JeffM wrote:
those folks who are prone to complaining
*should* be the ones who point out shortcomings
**when something can more easily be done about those**
i.e. **early** aka **during pre-release**.

Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
All right , then where does the developer coouncil/
governing body publish the details of the planned
changes to be introduced in the next release,
so that interested users can make their comments known

It sounds like you are back on the *whining* track.

I'm **not** talking about people sitting on their butts
and flapping their gums.
I'm talking about people USING the pre-release versions
and FINDING flaws and REPORTING those
aka **earning** the right to comment.

People D/L and use stuff, if you want a full bore QA on a new versions, why not take a tip form Linux and have a test suite which finds basic missing functionality. Using a pre for normal use seems about all the testing you will get from users, maybe less now that that you have stated that we haven't earned the right to complain about any bug not found before release.

There seems to be a lot of
*looking a gift horse in the mouth* going on
without those folks lifting a finger **before** they grouse.

Bill Davidsen <>
  We are not out of the woods yet, but we know the direction and have
taken the first step. The steps are many, but finite in number, and if
we persevere we will reach our destination.  -me, 2010

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