Philip Chee wrote:

On 18/07/2011 12:50, Philip Chee wrote:

On 18/07/2011 10:46, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:

All right, then where does the developer council/
governing body publish the details of the planned
changes to be introduced in the next release, so that
interested users can make their comments  known
**early** aka **during pre-release**.
(and then how closely do they follow/stick to
these published plans?)
   :) :) :) :) ......

For the 2.1 development process:
< >

< >

< >

And the fortnightly Tuesday meeting notes of course.

< >

This looks helpful, thanks.

However, after v. 2.1 we see only a couple of new features added, nothing about modifications or deletions. Pretty sketchy stuff. A visitor to the 2.1 link gets a great big long list of changes already made, but looking forward to the v. 2.2 and 2.3 pages has very little to respond to. If you're planning to move or take away our cheese, we still don't know about it.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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