Am 27.01.2010 um 22:27 schrieb Ondrej Certik:

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <> wrote:
I've been thinking about applying again, though I am not sure what the project should be. Are there any good algorithms that are not implemented that could make a good project? I have had Abstract Algebra and some Real Analysis courses since last summer.

I know about lots of "polishing" projects, e.g.

* Things with assumptions, even though given that the last project
involving this is still not finished, I would like to see detailed
plan for that.
* polishing series expansion (we have nseries() and lseries(), make
sure both work for anything and are fast, etc.), fix limits
* incorporate the cython core (that'd be a good project), speed up the core

as to new algorithms, well, there are some related to integration
(Mateusz knows more), then complex integration, definite integrals
(Mateusz knows more), then there are lots of stuff in quantum
mechanics, that we can have in sympy, etc. It really depends what
interests you the best.
Hi list :)

I would definitely like to participate as a student. Regarding Quantum Mechanics, as I have already written in an email to Ondrej, I have already implemented a basic Bra Ket algebra in python which could be extended so that it would integrate with sympy (at least for things like scalar multiplication of Bra's/Ket's or Ket-Bra type operators with sympy symbols, etc.). It is currently suited especially well for composite systems consisting of coupled finite subsystems, but I already have some ideas how to extend it to handle finite subsystems of in principle infinite systems such as fock spaces which would generalize it considerably. Of course due to the exponential scaling of the state space dimension with the number of subsystems / degrees of freedom it will always be somewhat limited.

I will try to clean up the code soon (i.e. this or next week) and upload it for you to check it out. I still need a little more experience with sympy to fully integrate it, but I am working on that as well.


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