> I'm genuinely curious: How do people in Russia search for places that are
> not in Russia? If you search for London, do you search for London or do you
> search for Лондон?
> I know I am not searching for Москва, Новосибирск, or Владивосток when I
> need Moscow, Novosibirsk or Wladiwostok. I can't even type those
> characters. Wouldn't it be normal that placenames are transliterated?

People in Russia usually use russian names of objects.

Culturally, until google maps was invented, every family in xUSSR seemed to
have ~300-page world atlas, (
that has all the names in the world in Russian.

Not everybody can even read latin, at all. :)

Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski
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