At 17:47 16-09-2000 -0700, Steve Lamb kindly wrote:
 >On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 02:36:13AM +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

 >> 1. Why does my reply to Januk gets garbled in the Subject line and suddenly
 >> gets "Re[2]: etc" instead of your standard "Re: etc"?

 >    TB! loves to count replies for some reason.

Ouch. I was hoping that it was a glitch in the mailing 
list software, but since I read that the mailinglist 
was run through TB I feared that it was a TB habit.

 >You can turn that off in the
 >templates.  The exact macro eludes me at the moment.  Again, on Linux, not

I'm not going to switich OS in order to find the perfect mail client ;-)

 >> 2. How come that Ctrl-Z only works partially? What 
I added (new CR's) can be
 >> undone, but what I inadvertedly deleted cannot be brought back.

 >    That always annoyed me.  Call it a bug.

If I am correct in my assessment, it's a bug.

 >Of course, falls back to my whole
 >"should use an external editor in the first place" kick.

Ah, seems I touched a nerve ;-)

 >Already the editor
 >is annoying you in several ways.  If it were external you'd just continue
 >running the editor you'd always run.

Currently, for mail, I use the inbuilt Eudora one. But 
no, I wouldn't mind using Notepad as an editor, but I 
sure as hell don't want to need to invoke it myself. My mail client should.

 >> I severely dislike this feature. It is in itself a 
reason to give up The Bat
 >> (and explore other clients). But apart from my personal likes and dislikes,
 >> I don't think that your argument holds.  Yes, this is a nice feature when
 >> you make a table; but how often do you make a table as compared to you
 >> editing your message and moving up and down through it?

 >    See, another fine case for an external editor.

Don't use me for your own war, I'll refuse ;-)
        I'd rather that somebody address the overkill issue.

 >> I am growing more used to it, but I find all the extra keystrokes a hassle.
 >> And it _is_ non-standard.

 >    Tell me, what /is/ standard in editors?  :)

To not undo your CR and TAB? _That_ is what YTB is 
currently doing. I get kicked back to the previous 
line. I find that unacceptable.

 >    Exactly, there isn't a standard, at least not for the more advanced
 >features of an editor.

For advanced eatures: granted. But I wouldn't call 
allowing <CR> <TAB> advanced.

 >> That is more than just a matter of taste: it's a national habit. And I am
 >> not US or Canadian. To people I correspond with, it looks weird; and to my
 >> peers -- I am a writer -- it looks awkward. A tab is the marker for a
 >> paragraph, a blank line the marker for a new idea.

 >    On paper, yes.  In electronic mail, no.

Says you. Besides, national habits and styles 
notwithstanding, who is my mail client to tell me what 
_my_ mails should look like?

 >> Listen. I am demanding. I know that. And I am not trying to piss you off.
 >> But I _am_ desperate for a mail client that has lots of features and can be
 >> fine-tuned to a huge degree.


She. Pic at

 >says he is
 >looking for an email client which is tunable yet all 
his complaints, thus far,
 >have been with the /editor/?

Actually, this rephrasal fits me to a T. Thank you. 
There are quite some reasons why I like TB. The 
interface, threading, good filtering, nice 
personalised templates (so WTF can't I personalise my 
layout and my editor?), nice bonus thrown in (cookies 
allowing for a rotating .sig) and the one thing that I 
dislike is how I am forced to COMPOSE a mail.

 >> The reasons? I get heaps of mail (so I need good filtering and
 >> auto-replies), I type fast but with lots of errors (so they should be easy
 >> to correct and my cursor should be easy to focus), I use my mail client 10
 >> hours per day. I hate the bloatware that Eudora is becoming and I dislike
 >> the road that they are taking. I have been using Eudora for 5 years.
 >> Basically, I want all it had plus some bug-fixing and less new (stupid)
 >> features.

 >    Let me ask you a simple question.  If you could replace the editor with
 >something else, go out to an external editor so you could choose the editor
 >you wanted to use (personally, I'd use VIM but most people here don't want to
 >deal with a VI clone with tons of added features) would you take that route
 >and keep TB?

Yes. Notepad will do. I dont want fancy stuff. I just 
want to be able to set my line length, my tabs, use 
CR's at will, have Ctrl-Z and that is basically it. I 
don't want another word porcessor. I have one. In my 
mail I want a simple text editor, and I won't mind it 
at all if I can use the plain text editors that I already have,

- K -

"When I make a word do a lot of work like that," said
Humpty Dumpty, "I always pay it extra.'"
   - Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass

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