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Victor B. Gonzalez [VBG] wrote:'

VBG> [..] I would love to see more HTML support in the near future. A
VBG> built in RTF editor so I can at least bold some headings and make
VBG> italic others I feel need to be emphasized.

I'd certainly support this if it could be supported in a way that
doesn't take away my ability to read you message in the font size and
type I want to, and with the background colour I want to. I'm all for
emboldening, underlining and italicizing, using different font sizes
within the text etc. However, not at the expense of the loss of
control of what font size and face I read with. HTML simply doesn't
offer this across the board.

VBG> I love The Bat! and theres no argument about its current status
VBG> and my point to this whole thread and *every* community member is
VBG> if you see something *you don't* like, no matter how much you
VBG> don't like it leave it be...

If I didn't have so much problems with reading HTML mail then I'd
certainly leave it be. I have left the newsreader integration since I
can leave it be if I'm not interested in it. However, I cannot prevent
senders sending me HTML mail all the time.

VBG> I can almost bet my life that if HTML, RTF and a news group
VBG> reader was introduced this bat list would be flooded with new
VBG> members and the RitLabs team would have more money to develop The
VBG> Bat! further and faster than before which should be a good thing
VBG> right?

I think you're right on this and it's sad that this is so. I really
wish some other format to do what you wish had been popularized.
However, HTML was popularized out of convenience rather than it really
being appropriate. It's really a pity. So if an inappropriate
alternative format has prevailed to date, we should support its use,
right? :) I don't think so. It's not too late to change.

- -- 
  -=] allie_M [=-  {List Moderator}

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