Ciao Tobias

You are one bright spark.

I am very happy to reply because you make explicit what the stakes are.

I will do it in bits.

Josiah, x

On Saturday, 7 January 2017 14:34:11 UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Josiah,
> I hope you allow me to respond to your assessments from a more critical, 
> call it provocative perspective.
>> 1 - VERY difficult to gain leverage
> And what would you want or need leverage for? I like the humble nature of 
> how this project unfolds.
> 2 - Difficult to form sustainable sub-groups pursuing one thread.
> There are plenty reasons for (sub)groups not making "it", whatever "it" 
> is. Different or unclear, or mostly individual goals and ambitions and 
> divergent capabilities and perspectives. You see, it may be honorable to 
> have great ambitions, but there's a point when pushing an agenda really 
> isn't what people are after, and when that's more disturbing than actually 
> contributing.
> 3 - VERY difficult to form consensus on anything.
> When and where do you need concensus? Make decisions, do what you can and 
> want and for the rest of it, let go... or find someone who can and wills 
> it. And let it be manageable, actionable steps, not mere abstract ideas 
> with no practical leverage.
>> Some folk do make note of threads and go back to them. But there is NO 
>> reliable public way to form a KNOWLEDGE NETWORK other than, basically, your 
>> own powers of reading & memory.
> Precisely, so try your best at it, personally. Find your sweet spot, 
> things you like and know best. However, making everyone follow whatever 
> your potentially best way for everything is will hardly ever work, unless 
> that is something that practically works well for most people, processes, 
> environments, technologies that are simple and inviting enough for people 
> to join and keep participating.
> While it may not be easy to find everything, the google groups are an easy 
> environment to join and dive in whereas Github provides more formal, 
> advanced ways of participation.
> Google groups are not a knowledge base, we got that. You want one, to 
> cover all of the TiddlyWiki experience? Well, have your try, but try not to 
> expect too much. It's easy to see all the missing pieces to a puzzle you're 
> trying to solve. Well, the game is not about finding the missing pieces and 
> point out just how missing they are, but to solve the puzzle, if you care. 
> To me, it's really more of a narrative, of words spoken here and there, 
> tricks applied, methods learned, things achieved. I don't need a TiddlyWiki 
> for Dummies book to cover every topic I never needed, I'd rather be part of 
> a community that doesn't treat you like one and helps you meet your ends, 
> insofar as everyone's capable.
> At this point, TiddlyWiki is not the communication platform around 
> TiddlyWiki. There are places people talk about it and find useful 
> application for this little Swiss Army knife of atomic knowledge mgt. See, 
> if you want some Google for TiddlyWiki, to make it easy to find stuff,  and 
> also some more social chatter to have people talk and find solutions to 
> problems, answers to questions, like-minded people for projects, and what 
> not... perhaps TiddlyWiki itself isn't the right place to look for it, and 
> neither is this group.
> If you find a better environment for your own ambitions, that's fine. But 
> don't go around reminding people how much they're missing. If they think 
> it's worth a shot and compelling, then you better make it so. Should you 
> get there, telling others how much better that is and much worse it is 
> whatever they do... never works. Let me repeat: never works. Youtube was 
> successful because people liked to watch videos and it turns out to also 
> create and share those. Please do invent a TiddlyTube people find useful to 
> share and create rich content for. But just don't go to the google groups 
> and say how much better reddit is or go to vimeo to comment on how youtube 
> is so much more... who knows what.
> My point is that EMERGENT properties are become severely inhibited. And my 
>> overall impression is that if you are not a keen *bricoleur * 
>> <>it can be hard work.
> I feel no inhibition and I think that is so because I keep my expectations 
> as well as ambitions adequate. Why waste much energy on abstract, 
> theoretical ideas one thing perhaps doesn't cater for while igoring all the 
> brilliant ways you can make good use of it? You see, not sure what 
> everyone's ambitions are, but if you feel like you can't make it, there are 
> two options: either your ambitions are way out of your league or the steps 
> you take to get there are unfit, or too big, have you procrastinate from 
> one minute to the next, so you can't manage. So, chunk 'em up, do the 
> little steps and if it turns out you're not getting anywhere it's time to 
> let go.
> However, if you're serious about some TiddlyWiki marketing, have your try. 
> Find an ecosystem to work it and people who care to join. Possibly, 
> overloading this group with a bigger project like that wouldn't be a 
> meaningful approach. Some two years ago the *TiddlyWikiDocs* group was 
> created to provide a more focused entry point to topics around 
> documentation. There was some turnout to it, but it's nobody's fault if 
> there's nobody left participating in it. And I think it makes sense that 
> people rather learn the Github workflow to practically contribute, rather 
> than make all kinds of theoretical considerations that never see the day of 
> light, practically speaking.
>> IMO, if this situation were improved questions like Marketing, Mass Apps 
>> (e.g. e-pubs), Sub-project Threads (e.g. UI issues) etc would likely gain 
>> a  clearer place and likely to gain TRACTION.
> I never read an e-pub. So, do I want that? Who knows. If people think 
> that's what they want and realize TiddlyWiki as a great tool for that, 
> someone will come along and do it... otherwise, maybe neither "e-pubs" are 
> all too attractive to people or perhaps TiddlyWiki isn't the right tool to 
> create one, after all.
> If people build "Apps" around TiddlyWiki, fine. Does TiddlyWiki need that 
> (and all the added complexity)? Who knows. If you have some clear project 
> and goals that you are actually able to fulfill, work 'em, other than that, 
> I find it important not to burden the rest of the world with hopes and 
> wishes or even expectations that poorly resonate with reality. Not that 
> those are bad in any way, in themselves, but there's a point when a little 
> or big personal dream of someone else, constantly regurgitated, creates 
> more noise than sound or song ...and when I feel like I'd rather focus, on 
> one, small, specific thing I can do something about, rather than fit all 
> the knowledge of the world into a little box in my skull, somewhere between 
> those ears and behind those eyes. Things are messy, things get lost, things 
> gain and lose relevance, daily... it's the nature of the game.
> I welcome everyone's ambitions and I know quite well, that not everyone 
> else shares mine, whatever you or I might think they actually, practically 
> are.
> As it is, the history of THIS thread itself will shortly be lost.
> And why wouldn't it be? What is the practical value for it to reside in my 
> or your or even our collective memory? 
> So, to sum things up, to me "LIM" mostly stands for less is more 
> <>: *<=>* and 
> at this point i have little ambitions to rewire that acronym.
> Best wishes,
> Tobias.

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