Ciao Dmitry

On Tuesday, 10 January 2017 02:08:56 UTC+1, Dmitry Sokolov wrote:
> Josiah, I know just one way of removing any scepticism. It's experiment 
> and practice.
> Here is the method of measuring "findability" of any topic on LikeInMind: 

I find it incomprehensible. WTF does "The task is finding the Findability 
page on LikeInMind <>. Total 
time of finding this particular page is measured." mean?

> "FYI, there are NO companies (corporations) HERE." - that's fine! I am 
> looking for a way of realising the P2PCI platform as soon as possible. 


> As soon as a map of intents and preferences is collected, we should be 
> able to decide what namely way to go.

Collected by whom? For what?

> Josiah, sorry for misreading your previous statements. Would you elaborate 
> more of your understanding and ideas on forums vs knowledge networks vs 
> personal memories. That was probably the topic I missed something critical.

The only thing I really thought important was grasping that Google Groups 
is inadequate because it lacks basic tagging. It lacks decent searching. It 
loses its own history rapidly. 

My analysis was NEGATIVE, not positive. I know what is NOT here that would 
help it if it were. I am less concerned about exact solutions. 

Right now there are TWO initiatives in play. One for Reddit. One for 
StackOverflow. IMO, either, either as additives or alternatives to here, 
would help practically improve things.

LiM is as messy as a human mind. What I know about my mind, for example, 
> that it can pull ideas from apparently nowhere, from the noise and mess of 
> my random associations and thoughts.

That is not yet a description of a system. That is what we all cognitively 
do, one way or another, all the time.

The point you are getting at, I think, is more about LIMINAL knowing. That 
is not so frequent. It is absolutely true that liminality---knowing at the 
edge---is not well addressed on most of the internet. 

New concept formation is a complex interaction between extant social, 
shared categories and emergent felt-knowing.

Articulateness, by definition, will be constrained by shared public 
language and categories. Its a push to change that. Especially when you 
don't yet quite know yourself what you are trying to say.


Your appeal to LiM is an appeal to engage with it, to help it. What I 
looked at is pretty unappealing to me at the moment. 

I think MY problem with it is it TOO REFRACTORY to my aims. Too much 
effort, for what?


Your talk of "mental states" I find confusing. 

I have a "mental state" as I write this. Once its on the net its "published 

The potential mapping between first person self-articulation and published 
words is, of course, a legitimate playground. But, as far as I can see, it 
leads nowhere without a FORMAT to engage through.

Best wishes

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