
> _endString will be _not_ configurable. 

I agree with this but ask if if it makes sense to be auto-terminated with 
\n or \n\n  
am I wrong to think *Typically inline does end at a line or paragraph 

So if we use the glyphs I suggested ⁽ this is inline⁾ this inline ⁽.coda at 
the end will be honoured

   - "coda" is a term used as in the finishing notes in music that end the 
   piece gracefully.
   - In this case it would be an end of line sequence
   - Arguable we may use 

´something ⁽ rest of line using inline
⁽ just reusing the inline to the end of line (from the beginning)

   - I suggest this only because there may be a lot of cases where inline 
   is used to highlight text
   - Not demanding closure may reduce incidental errors when closure 
   - This same highlight may be reused in lines as well
   - No need to define another all but identical line of paragraph 
   terminated custom wikitext just to use the same formatting as an inline 

This is a sentence ⁽.mark.yellow this text singled out⁾ but this text just 
sentence. Note no space proceeding close.

´something ⁽.mark.yellow rest of line using inline
⁽.mark.yellow just reusing the inline custom for a whole line.

*⁽.mark.yellow Item 1 highlighted
*⁽ Item 2 differently highlighted.

I think inline puts us on the "home run".


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