PMario wrote:
> @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> P.S.: By the way the Pilcrow was originally used inline (often coloured 
>> red) in Medieval manuscripts to indicate a ceasura / hiatus / pause in the 
>> flow of a text. 
>> Vellum / parchment was very expensive so text is as condensed as 
>> possible. Paragraphs separated by lines evolved much later and was more to 
>> do with the development of printing and cheaper paper.
> Yea, I've seen that. I did find this:
> Scribes would often leave space before paragraphs to allow rubricators 
>> <> to draw the pilcrow. With 
>> the introduction of the printing press, space before paragraphs was still 
>> left for rubricators to draw by hand; however, rubricators could not draw 
>> fast enough for printers and often would leave the beginnings of the 
>> paragraphs as blank. This is how the indent before paragraphs was created.
>> [11] <> Nevertheless, 
>> the pilcrow remains in use in modern time in the following ways: 
> very interesting. ... I did ask myself for some time, where the indented 
> first line in paragraphs comes from. .... Now I know :)

TBH my background has helped me a lot in writing for the net. 
I see the content/structure issue totally differently than most people.

That is what happens when you are fluent in Middle English :-).

When you stand back and look at it---"blocks" in HTML/CSS have innovated 
brilliantly over print media. 
BUT "inline" HTML/CSS seems badly scared to *loosen the hold of print! *
Most websites read like newspaper columns.

We are barely using our available freedoms in writing for the net.

Sure this is part OT. But not totally. 
I have to test more, but I'm getting clearer your Custom Markup method will 
let me PLAY with writing forms viably in the way I want to really.

Best wishes

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