On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 06:35:13 pm Nick Sullivan wrote:
> I am reluctant to endorse a name change from TLS 1.3 to TLS 2.0.

I was too, until we created a new cipher suite negotiation incompatible with 
previous versions.

> I see a few immediate issues with the proposal:
> - it causes confusion with SSL 2.0

I disagree. There is a perpetual confusion between SSL and TLS, but this 
doesn't really make it that much worse.

> - it implies wire incompatibility with TLS 1.2

SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 share compatible hellos. A TLS 2 only client won't be able 
to connect to a TLS 1.2 only server, but that's true with all version changes. 
I don't see how a major version bump implies any more wire incompatibility, 
especially when we bend over backwards to maintain hello compatibility with SSL 

> - it suggests there will be a forthcoming TLS 2.1 with only minor changes

There could be, if we wanted to. I don't see a problem with that.

> If we're dead set on bumping the major version for a mostly backwards
> compatible protocol change, we should just drop the minor version and go
> with TLS/2.

I don't have a problem with dropping the ".0", but I don't see the point in the 
HTTP/2 style slash. TLS 2 is fine.


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