On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 06:42:28 pm Erik Nygren wrote:
> Is it worth having a poll (hate it, neutral, love it) on options to judge
> preference
> It seems like options are (I may have missed some):
> - TLS 1.3  (ie, the default if we do nothing)
> - TLS 2.0
> - TLS 2
> - TLS/2
> - TLS 4.0
> - TLS/4
> - TLS 4
> - TLS 34
> On the topic of "what does this re-open", I'm not convinced it does.
> The concept of doing a rename shortly before the last call goes way back
> and has been correctly deferred as bike-shedding until now.
> What color do we want our bike shed?

A few of us have specifically had discussions with people about how "TLS 1.3 is 
really TLS 2.0"; just relabeling it that should be fine. We risk 
over-complicating things by doing a number jump a la Windows 10. I don't 
particularly want to have to answer the question "what happened to TLS 3?" for 
the next decade or so.

To repeat what I said in a previous reply, I think TLS 2-2016 or something is 
an ok way to reference things (outside of the spec doc).


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