Hi Friedel,

16/05/2011 07:04, sgrìobh F Wolff:
> Hi Michael
> Sorry for the delay.
Sorry about being pushy ;) I'm not normally but on WordPress it so 
happens that I'm collaborating with someone (which isn't normally the 
case) and I'm meeting him later this week and promised I'd show him how 
it works.
> With this in mind, I guess you will want to choose either VLC or Minimal
> VLC, not both. I don't think the WordPress template is up to date, but
> if we just get the latest POT file, it is easy to get it up to date.
> So if you indicate how we move forward, I can hopefully have you set up
> quickly.
> Friedel
Might as well go for the full VLC then, and WordPress.

By the way, is Pootle capable of doing a bit of magic to extract any 
matching strings from the translated Mozilla stuff?



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