Thanks Chuck. All good suggestions, but I _think_ I went through each one before posting my first message.

Why do you say "catalina.bat"?  Did you mean service.bat?

I'm sorry, you are right. Before posting, I stepped through the execution of BOTH "service.bat install" and "startup.bat". The former is the one that fails, and since the latter has worked flawlessly from the start, I hoped that I might find a clue to my problem in comparing the two. startup.bat DOES call catalina.bat, which is why it was on my mind. But I meant to type service.bat in my post. Again, sorry for the confusion.

Unfortunately, as I'm sure you know, I discovered that %EXECUTABLE% resolves to tomcat6.exe in service.bat, but resolves to java.exe in startup.bat/catalina.bat. So I can't directly compare the command line parameters. That said, all the paths, etc. in the batch file execution appear to be correct for my environment.

What are they?

Here is what gets invoked:

"C:\software\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\bin\tomcat6.exe" //IS//Tomcat6 --StartClass org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StopClass org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap --StartParams start --StopParams stop

I infer from reading service.bat that, in addition to the command line parameters, tomcat6.exe also reads a bunch of environment variables. I checked how each of these are set by service.bat (before calling tomcat6.exe); they appear to be correct.

Try commenting out the @echo off at the top of service.bat so you can see the path it takes through the script.

Hopefully you can see that I've already tried hard to get my answer by doing that.

Are you positive you're running as administrator?

I can't see why not. I'm logged in as Administrator, and everything else that requires Administrator permissions works. But I haven't confirmed this with a process monitor.

Do you already have Tomcat installed as a service? (The service name is normally 'Tomcat6'.) If so, try removing it first using the Services snap-in.

I did already check this carefully. I have no service running with the string 'tomcat' in either the Name or Description field. I do have a *wild* guess that this problem has something to do with userid that the tomcat service uses to "Log On As". Usually this is something like, "Local System" or "Network Service". Perhaps I am not granting needed permissions to some user?

- andrew

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