
Thanks for your patience, and all the helpful information.

> I did a completely clean extract of the 6.0.18 tar.gz archive

I usually use the .zip for Windows, but it should be the same thing.

Well, I've been counting on them being the same, but another post suggests that maybe there are line ending differences that create my problem. I think I'll try this with the .zip archive just to be sure. If the .zip archive works, I'll let you know. I've never had a problem with .tar/.zip differences in the past (that is, with apps other than Tomcat), but this seems worth checking. If using the .zip fixes my problem, it'll teach me to stop using tar on Windows, I guess.

> I notice that it does not start the service, so I take care of
 that manually.

You can, of course, set the startup mode to automatic in the Services snap-in.

Yes, of course. If it had worked after manual startup, that would be the first thing I'd do.

> 3. But if I visit http://localhost:8080/mytestapp the
> browser waits and waits forever.

Can you take a thread dump and see what's going on? Do JConsole or JVisualVM show anything interesting (e.g., a thread looping or stuck on a lock)?

What happens if you configure the service to run under the same account you use when running Tomcat with the startup.bat script? (Use the tomcat6w.exe program to set the account.)

OK, will do. Both of these are new to me though. I've seen the Tomcat doc page explaining tomcat6w.exe (it's just a rename of tomcat6.exe, correct?), so that part should be simple enough. I haven't used JConsole, or JVisualVM before; any advice or doc pointers? I realize this is really a java question, not a Tomcat question, but if it isn't too much trouble....

(BTW, other tasks are piling up, so I will probably have to put this issue aside for a couple of days. Please don't think I've given up.)

> 4. Note that if I stop the Tomcat service, and then start
> Tomcat from a console using startup.bat, everything works
> fine -- html, jsp, servlets, db connection....

By "everything", do you mean mytestapp?

Yes, *everything*. I started using Tomcat 6.0.18 (on Windows) about a month ago. During that time, I've built and deployed three webapps - two were pretty simple, but one was even a little complicated. I always used startup.bat, and not once saw a problem. (Looking at the docs, I figured that installing the TC service would be a piece of cake -- something I could do after things were somewhat stable.)

> Also, there isn't so much as a warning, much less an error
> message, on startup.

When running as a service, or as a regular program, or both?

Both. I get several lines printed in the java console when using startup.bat, but they all start with "INFO:" and appear to be completely normal.

> I did a completely clean extract again and tried to visit both
> http://localhost:8080/examples and http://localhost:8080/docs.
> I see the exact same endless wait.

But the Tomcat default home page works? Is this page possibly just being cached by the browser?

I've been bitten by browser caching so many times that I try to keep it turned off all the time. I really thought I'd double checked this, but I just went back and tried again, and it appears you are right. I now see the same wait behavior when visiting the default page. Sorry, kind of embarrassing since I certainly meant to check this. Don't know how I goofed. I guess I've been trying so many things...

> I could not find a file in the logs directory that gets updated
> at all when I hit the server from a browser.

You have to uncomment the AccessLogValve near the bottom of conf/server.xml. However, I don't think this logs anything until a response is sent.

OK; good to know.

> 2. Following the documentation, I uninstalled the Tomcat
> service and tried to run it as
> tomcat6.exe //TS//Tomcat6 --other-startup-params

I think you misunderstood the doc. You have to use //IS// first to install the service, after which you can run it with //TS// from the command prompt.

Ouch, another goof.  Sorry, I'll go back and re-read.

1) Is this a 32- or 64-bit version of Windows?


2) What JVM do have have installed?

1.6.0_10 (build 33)

3) When you run tomcat6w.exe, what does the Java tab show (all fields, please)?

As I mentioned, I need to catch up on other tasks. So I'll let you know as soon as I can get to trying this out.


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