Esa Ruoho wrote:
its funny, i read that mail of his and saw nothing at all about suing anyone on vortex-list.

I pick nits for a living; sometimes the habit carries over to other places.

i think we live in different worlds. try and switch yours around to a more rosy one, see how things go.

OK, OK, ever since I was a teenager people have been telling me to "Calm down!". (Actually when I was a teenager they said "Be cool!" ... same thing.)

stiffler hasnt eaten your children or killed your great great grandfather. and this was NOT implying that i will. because i DONT do that type of stuff. and dont try and fill this in with "but hang on, maybe you do other things, and you IMPLIED that"..

No, of course not. I tend to get excited when somebody mentions legal advisers; maybe too excited.

i recommend some dr. david hawkins to you man :D

Thanks but I think I'll pass for the moment; too many nits to pick and not enough time...

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