its funny, i read that mail of his and saw nothing at all about suing anyone
on vortex-list.
i think we live in different worlds. try and switch yours around to a more
rosy one, see how things go.

stiffler hasnt eaten your children or killed your great great grandfather.
and this was NOT  implying that i will. because i DONT do that type of
stuff. and dont try and fill this in with "but hang on, maybe you do other
things, and you IMPLIED that"..

i recommend some dr. david hawkins to you man :D

On 01/11/2007, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jones Beene wrote:
> > No!
> "No" what?  No, you won't answer the question, or "no" he's not planning
> to sue anyone?  Spell it out!
> You said Ron said:
> >> I am so against a Litigious Society, yet often it has a side that
> >> is the only way to receive redress in cases such as this.
> >>
> >> The same people that advise me on the legality of my work are most
> >> excited to assist me in this endeavor.
> Note that he says specifically that people who "advise [him] on the
> legality of [his] work" are "excited to assist [him]" in "this
> endeaver".  That's present tense, Jones: they ARE EXCITED about this.
> That means he's already discussed it with them.  They advise him on
> legal issues -- that _implies_ they are lawyers.
> Has he lined up a legal team and discussed suing us with them, as he
> STRONGLY IMPLIES, or is Ron just blowing smoke?
> Spell it out!
> > He does not owe you...
> Ron doesn't owe anything to anyone here.
> You, however, have continued to be heavily involved in this group and
> have chosen to act as Ron's spokesman.  I think YOU owe us a clear,
> unambiguous answer to the above question, framed in a complete sentence,
> without weasel words.
> > Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Jones Beene wrote:
> >>> Stephen,
> >>>
> >>> I don't know where you come from, but in Texas (so I have been told)
> >>> if you call someone a "con man" you better hope that you are a better
> >>> shot than he is...
> >>
> >> You didn't answer the question, Jones.  Your response amounts to
> >> saying insulting someone will make them mad, and people in Texas carry
> >> guns.
> >>
> >> Is Ron seriously threatening to sue us all?  Please answer the
> question.
> >>
> >>
> >>>> Jones Beene wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> To: Vortex Members On 11/1/2007
> >>>>> From: Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler
> >>>>
> >>>>> [ ... ]
> >>>>
> >>>>> I am so against a Litigious Society, yet often it has a side that
> >>>>> is the
> >>>>> only way to receive redress in cases such as this.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The same people that advise me on the legality of my work are most
> >>>>> excited to assist me in this endeavor.
> >>>>
> >>>> Is Ron threatening to sue us all for questioning his circuit and
> >>>> objecting to his methods???
> >>>>
> >>>> That has REALLY "crossed the line".
> >>
> >>
> >


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