As to the 'signal generator is always running in the background' claim look
at this message 318 on where Stiffler replies (also fig S1 and
S2 at lack any signal generator
connection or plate of any type to couple to):

>So the signal generator
>was always running in the background ?
>Also in this figure 14 case ?

>What did energize the coil-core  combination then ?

>Just some 60 Hz "noise" from the ground wire ?


Getting somewhat concerned about what you do not understand, or do not want
to. Where in this diagram do you see a parasitic plate or a signal
Please stop trying to change or put works in my mouth because I will not
just jump to the end.

On 11/2/07, Horace Heffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 2007, at 6:40 AM, Jones Beene wrote:
> > No! you are squirming to dodge the question of- did someone
> > intentionally insult the guy needlessly.
> Hey, people insult me all the time.   Just ask me.  Does that mean I
> should sue for defamation?
> Something taken as an insult doesn't necessarily constitute libel or
> defamation.  No one has called Ron a con man.  Many have criticized
> his work.  That is an inherent part of the scientific process.  This
> is a scientific list.  People have also criticized his behavior.
> When a person decides to behave far outside the norm for a group they
> have to expect criticism and insults.  That is in fact normative
> group behavior.  It is in fact *unreasonable* to not expect such a
> response to violating the norms.  A person with common sense should
> *expect* such a response.  It comes with the territory double where
> claims of free energy or over unity operation are concerned.  We have
> to assume Ron is not an idiot and thus *expected* the responses he
> has received.  The question in the minds of many then is why has he
> acted as he has, is acting as he is?  This is and has been a
> reasonable thing to ask - why is he acting this way?   What's the
> payoff?
> >
> > It may not have been you personally, but do NOT try to frame this
> > as an "innocent question" type of thing. It went way beyond that.
> Ron states through Jones Beene:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> To: Vortex Members On 11/1/2007
> From: Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler
> Although Free Speech is on of the foundations that built our America and
> still to some degree prevails, there is a fine line between Criticism,
> Slander and Defamation.
> I still maintain the 'Choice' on how, when and by what means to
> release Part or Complete Information on any or all devices or
> Research I have or am Performing. I do not march to the Vortex Drum
> or any other, I can be as Coy, Sly and Arrogant as I wish, just as
> you may and are displaying.
> For those of you in the US, rest assured that I no longer consider
> any of this to be constructive in any way and feel it has crossed the
> line. It does show the True Colors of You All.
> Rest assured my work is not going away, it will not be removed from the
> Internet or My Web Site, It will not be buried.
> I am so against a Litigious Society, yet often it has a side that is the
> only way to receive redress in cases such as this.
> The same people that advise me on the legality of my work are most
> excited to assist me in this endeavor.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> end quote of letter from Ron through Jones Beene
> This looks like a threat of lawsuit.  If there is no answer from Ron
> as to whether this is a threat of lawsuit then it seems we should
> take it as such.  If so then I agree with  Stephan that this is way
> over the line.   As far as I know, no one here has tried to stop Ron
> from either experimenting or posting, despite his implying that is
> the case: "My work is not going away, it will not be removed from the
> Internet or My Web Site, It will not be buried."  Criticism is not a
> suppression of freedom of speech.  Now it is *Ron* who is attempting
> to steal our first amendment rights by suppressing our criticism.
> Here is another bizarre and notable behavior.  Ron complains his web
> site has been denial of service "attacked".  Yet he still keeps huge
> amounts of text and photos all in one giant string of data,
> copyrights it, and threatens legal action if his copyright is
> violated.  Every time anyone needs to look at some small aspect of
> Ron's work they have to snooze idly while the huge glut of data is
> loaded by their browser from Ron's site.  When Ron internationally
> announces new material is on his web site he should *expect* it to
> get jammed.  It appears to be at least in part his fault. Whether
> someone is out to get him or not, keeping his stuff all in one long
> string is a disservice to his readers and to himself.  One has to
> wonder if he has a motive for such inexplicable behavior.
> It seems to me Stephan's question is the one needing an answer
> Jones.  I ask too, is this a threat to sue anyone on vortex?  If so,
> then Ron should explicitly state whom and why.
> >
> > And as for your juvenile repetition of "are we there
> > yet" ...Rightly or wrongly - he believes that the frivolous
> > question-after-question on the same issue were adequately answered
> > numerous times, and that the continuous harping and insinuation at
> > that point- goes to his honesty or capability.
> Hey, my honesty and capability is often questioned.  That doesn't
> mean (a) I shouldn't expect it, considering I'm a member of the free
> energy lunatic fringe, (b) that I should threaten to or actually sue
> anyone, (c) feel bad, or (d) stop anything I'm doing.   As long as he
> is claiming over unity devices Ron should expect extreme scrutiny.
> >
> > He said from day one that he eliminated ground looping and AM - and
> > to re-ask the same question twenty times since, then does give the
> > insinuation that you think that he is lying or incapable ... Either
> > accept his word, or move on to something else.
> We should never accept anyone's word for experimental proof of
> anything scientific.  Without replication and peer review it is not
> established science,  and thus open to critique and even derision.
> Throughout history  perpetual motion claimers in particular have been
> subject to this.  Calling it "free energy" doesn't change a thing.
> Scrutiny is essential and a service to the community.  Besides, I
> would not be surprised that even 8th graders would question your
> above remark.  You have a wire running to a device.  It works with
> the wire but not without it.  What remains without the wire is
> therefore not a self powering device!  Question the function of the
> wire.  Duh!  You then build a different gadget with a battery.  It
> works with the battery, but not without.  What remains without the
> battery is not self powering device (so far).  Question the role of
> the battery.  Duh!  You insult my intelligence by insinuating I
> should not be critical of this, that I or anyone should either accept
> Ron's word (or yours), or move on to something else.
> >
> > Geeze... get real. Are you so out to lunch on petty details that
> > you cannot see the forest for the trees? He does not owe you a
> > detailed accounting of how he eliminated these issues -
> If he's threatening a defamation suit then that's the least he
> owes.   Where is the proof Ron has eliminated the issues?  Where's
> the slightest evidence of slander or defamation?  As long as he or
> you repeat claims of the colossal achievement of free energy,
> perpetual motion in effect,  you can both expect criticism.  In fact,
> Jones, it is partially *your* outlandish unsupported claims that have
> stirred up a skeptastrophe.   All this strange behavior forces me to
> wonder if it is not a skeptastrophe  that is in fact the main
> objective, except I just can't figure out why that would be
> desirable.  What would be the payoff?  It all makes no sense.
> > Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> >> Jones Beene wrote:
> >>> Stephen,
> >>>
> >>> I don't know where you come from, but in Texas (so I have been
> >>> told) if you call someone a "con man" you better hope that you
> >>> are a better shot than he is...
> Nobody's called anybody a con man.
> >> You didn't answer the question, Jones.  Your response amounts to
> >> saying insulting someone will make them mad, and people in Texas
> >> carry guns.
> >> Is Ron seriously threatening to sue us all?  Please answer the
> >> question.
> >>>> Jones Beene wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> To: Vortex Members On 11/1/2007
> >>>>> From: Dr. Ronald R. Stiffler
> >>>>
> >>>>> [ ... ]
> >>>>
> >>>>> I am so against a Litigious Society, yet often it has a side
> >>>>> that is the
> >>>>> only way to receive redress in cases such as this.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The same people that advise me on the legality of my work are
> >>>>> most excited to assist me in this endeavor.
> >>>>
> >>>> Is Ron threatening to sue us all for questioning his circuit and
> >>>> objecting to his methods???
> >>>>
> >>>> That has REALLY "crossed the line".
> >
> On Nov 1, 2007, at 11:34 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
> > On 11/1/07, William Beaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I wrote my message about "cold reception" the day before.  I see
> >> that a
> >> day later Ron has gotten angry and left the forum.
> >
> > He's back and claiming that you called him a "con-artist".
> Such a claim itself could be libel.  Does this mean Bill Beaty should
> threaten a law suit?  Probably not.  Anyone got a spare shotgun? I'm
> lookin' to depart the Dime Box, but I'm afraid I'll get shot in the
> back.  8^)
> Horace Heffner

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