Andrea Selva <> wrote:

Jed please, for prcision sake, allow me to make a small correction to one
> of you sentences. You forgot only 2 words
> *If this is an elaborate scam, they are creating maximum props for it. *They
> said* they have:
>  * ....
>  * ....
> and so on.
> *

No, my contact said this.

My contact said Defkalion has hired many highly qualified professional
scientists. He can easily tell they are qualified. Therefore, if this a
hoax, they are all part of it. They are all playing along, pretending to be
doing research.

Okay, it is conceivable that they purchased millions of dollars of
equipment just to fool people, and they persuaded these professionals to go
along. Perhaps they paid these people large sums of money. I cannot rule
that out. But I do not take such scenarios seriously. I am a skeptic, after
all. Only a true believer who sees too many movies such as "Mission
Impossible" would believe such nonsense.

- Jed

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