If they want to be consistent with their statement that they would warm up
the Police Academy they need to have an industrial facility quite close to
it. There are not many other buildings that qualify.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

> At 08:25 PM 12/20/2011, Giovanni Santostasi wrote:
>> Go on the left of the academy and you see a symbol of a factory. If you
>> translate from Greek this what you get:
>> Former Factory Atmatzidis
> Defkalion says no :
> http://www.defkalion-energy.**com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=**4983#p4983<http://www.defkalion-energy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=4983#p4983>
> Xanthi's newspaper report was not correct and it was based on speculation
> of the journalist. Former Atmatzidis factory was one of our first turned
> down options due to its closeness to a kinder garden, making impossible any
> factory operations licensing.
> and then
> Our production fascilities (one factory in Xanthi already announced), will
> be presented to the public and the press when completed ready for
> production and licensed.

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