                You are not alone in “wanting” true energy independence but I 
am sure home brew reactors will only be allowed in remote locations for “safety 
concerns” and politicians will work with big business to legislate and license 
these energy sources making them illegal for home owners in residential 
communities to tamper with. The only real savings we can expect to reap 
initially will be the procurement and transport of combustible carbons and the 
reduction in green house gases. Even this is a hard sell because the supply and 
refinement of oil will die off and many jobs will be lost compared to those few 
jobs gained in nano nickel processing – It is going to take competitive 
pressure from risk taking first adopters without certifications to force the 
new business model into place. Even military applications will displace 
existing power source suppliers and start this ball rolling.

From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 1:32 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:20 kW home E-Cat LCOE

They key word you used is "meter".  I think that it will be a big uphill run 
for us to finally become free of the energy producers.  Anything that does not 
generate a cash stream reliably to those groups will find it difficult to get 
past the regulations.  Even Rossi and Defkalion like the idea of recharging 
your unit every 6 months which is very similar to other forms of metering.

We the consumers need to battle hard to obtain true independence or in the 
worst case the ability to recharge our own units by buying new cores from 
competitive sources.  I want to determine when to spend my hard earned money 
and not be persuaded by the "power company".

Let Rossi or Defkalion or whoever build safe reliable units, but then allow me 
to choose when and by whom It is charged.  Forget the radio link back to home 
base as that is too expensive and intrusive.  How difficult would it be to have 
an indicator built in that demonstrates the remaining level of performance?  I 
can easily picture an LCD display that lets me know when I need to consider 

Am I alone in wanting to have true independence?


-----Original Message-----
From: Roarty, Francis X 
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>>
Sent: Wed, Jan 4, 2012 11:10 am
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:20 kW home E-Cat LCOE
                I think Europe will precede the US but it will actually be 
smaller,  poorer nations that first scramble to certify and demonstrate the 
worth of any residential system by Rossi, Defkallion or other entity. The 
poorest nations are least controlled by big business and have now a sudden 
opportunity to rapidly escape poverty – I can see these nations trying to 
rapidly industrialize and leverage their low energy cost into a significant 
Gross national product for export. Big oil has no way to plug all these little 
holes and is probably rethinking their future investment schemes to “join” 
rather than “beat”  LENR and will probably find some way to purchase and meter 
this new resource.

From: Energy Liberator 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:29 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:20 kW home E-Cat LCOE

OK, I thought he made mention of a COP 50 somewhere that I missed. I wonder how 
long after the US certification, it will be for Rossi to get certification for 
Europe and the rest of the World.

On 04/01/12 13:41, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:
COP 6 was for the original Fat Cat E-Cats as used in the 1 MW demo unit. I 
suggest the 10 and 20 kW home units, to be delivered in Sept 2012, will not be 
anything like the Fat Cats and they will run in self sustain mode or very close 
to it. I estimated the control electronics and the primary circuit circulating 
pump would consume 400 Watts. With 20 kW thermal output and 400 Watts 
electrical input, the COP is 50.


On 1/4/2012 11:25 PM, Energy Liberator wrote:
Where did you get a COP of 50 from? I thought it was 6. Rossi said in his 
interview that the running cost would be about 1/6th of a current conventional 
boiler running cost.

On 04/01/ 12 07:52, Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:
Based on the recently announced 20 kW thermal home E-Cat costing $1,500 and 
assuming it draws 0.4 kW (400 Watts) from the mains (COP 50), here is the LCOE 
and the individual item cost breakdowns.


What I find interesting is annual cost of the fuel and servicing is 4 times the 
Levelized Annual Investment Cost of the E-Cat hardware. Will home E-Cats become 
like ink jet printers that are sold near cost price to get the replacement ink 
business? But with a LCOE cost of $0.00456 / thermal kWh who cares? This is 
just about as close to free energy as you can get. No excuse for anybody on 
this planet to be cold again. With the E-Cat's thermal energy being so low 
cost, cleaning up dirty water and desalination of sea / brackish water should 
be low cost as well.

Well done Andrea Rossi, what a lovely New Years present to the whole planet.

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