On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Robert Leguillon <robert.leguil...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>  If LENR reactions are sufficiently branded as "dangerous", they could
>> easily be banned from personal use.
> They might actually be dangerous. I do not think extensive tests have been
> performed with rats and other species.

What are you describing here?  There is no need for animal experiments
unless some sort of radiation is discovered to be emanating from the
reactions.  And even then, the effects can be predicted from what is
already known about radiation exposure.  The purported devices don't leak
nickel or nickel and copper compounds.  What's the concern if they make, as
advertised, no external radiation?  How would animal testing be of any
value?  And by the way, it's expensive.

If the devices really work as stated, I would think the risk would be from
some sort of thermal runaway and meltdown, steam explosions and the like,
spreading the core materials and shrapnel from the metal housing out with
force.  That, I'd worry a lot about from the looks of the crude devices
Rossi has thus far produced.

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