Hello x2gousers,

to get back to this discussion... We've received a lot of ideas and concerns on the list and as direct emails (again - those would better be posted to the list too...).

Some words about BerliOS:
A number of people are registered to BerliOS because of the projects past (x2go was only hosted there). They would like to see the project there again, so they don't have to register to anything new. In their eyes, BerliOS has the same features as any other project hosting site and it is free of ads, trackers and such things.

As we received Pauls list-mail about his opinion on the topic, we thought hat it would be worth a try to "generic" tools which will give us a level of independence. So to carry on we need to ask some questions to make this possible:

Am 19.07.2010 00:20, schrieb Mike Gabriel:

Is it ok to use git as "version control and code publishing tool"

+1 from me

Git is - and that is what we like - really a good way to work with code as we do it (most of the time local on our mobile computers ). Sure SVN has some advantages, but maybe it is only that we've feel better using Git.

I like that Heinz mentions political aspects. I think we should take
this in to account. Regarding this it might be sensible to set up our
own VCS/tracker system. Actually, I think this is my favourite. Offering
my working power here...

As this is a offer of mike I'd like to ask directly: If we choose some generic projects which can be easily mirrored and don't have a "lock in" effect, would you and anybody else like to run a mirror? This would be help to avoid the "single point of failure" argument. As tehre is defenitly know how on the list, we can offer some sites inside the wiki for documentation (running a mirror).

By the way: ikiwiki is really a nice project - we've choosen dokuwiki just because of the possibility to give unexperienced people the chance of using it.

This paragraph is very interesting in my eyes:


o mails / mailing lists as information service offer a passive retrieval of
o use WebGUIs offer active search for information (i.e. active retrieval of

Mailing lists (software e.g. Mailman):
o x2go-c...@x2go.org (rw) - the core team
o x2go-...@x2go.org (rw)- real developers
o x2go-us...@x2go.org (rw) - people who are rather using x2go than
working on
o x2go-annou...@x2go.org (read-only) - announce releases, security
issues etc.
o x2go-b...@x2go.org (read-only) - carbon copies of the upstream bug
o x2go-...@x2go.org (read-only) - carbon copies of VCS check-ins

Whatever is used as platform, I think it would be a good idea to split the topics to some lists (even if I've written some months before "one list should be enough"):

Bugs and Announcements should be own groups and be filled reliable with the regarding informations.

A forum for communication gets a -1 vote from me... I agree with Heinz
that giving our list archives a nice frontend on the web is by far the
better approach.

Is Tobias still on the list? Maybe he can write some lines about his project (Forum for Newbies). Again: this is not the project's own service, but a often asked feature for first time users.

Code/Package development:
o code development -> master branch of x2go VCS, handled by x2go bugtracker
o code modularization (x2goclient related packages, x2goserver related
packages, x2gothinclient related packages etc.)
o branching code -> branches in x2go VCS are supported, but maybe not
by bugtracker (keeping the bugtracker simple)

Again this is a good structure.

o debian package maintenance -> Heinz, Alex; free choice of methods(?)
o ubuntu package maintenance -> Launchpad; Maintainer A
o SuSE package maintenance -> ..., Maintainer B
o Fedora package maintenance -> ..., Maintainer C
o GenToo -> ..., Maintainer D
o etc.

I'd like to announce that there will be packages for OpenSuSE and SLES very soon too (thanks to Mike K. - our new Maintainer for SuSE). They will be ready soon.

There was a time when I submitted quite some patches to bugs.horde.org
(Kolab Groupware). The horde tracker Whups is a really nice
ticket-tracking system.

Never heard of that - looks ok for me, but we'll have to try it.

It works together with GIT (Horde used CVS for a very long time, but the
project has recently migrated to GIT). And AFAIK Horde also has a VCS
frontend for GIT available.

This would be a good addition...

This also is just a set of ideas!!! I am open to anything that will work
smoothly for us all!!!

We just want to show you and the list, that this would be a way, we would like to try, because it is independed and can be easily changed in furture.

@Heinz: maybe someone should be responsible for collecting ideas in the
x2go-wiki. Will you do that? Or will you name someone? I agree with Paul
that someone has to extract the brainstorming from the list.

We just thought about a voting site with the help of our blog. Because not everybody has written his ideas/concerns about this topic to the list, it would maybe a good idea to invite the people voting on that topic.

So this is your chance again to write something about this topic. We've answered with our ideas which can't be realized without your help...


Off Topic:

There will soon be a new version of the plugin with 2 more bugs fixed:

* firefox crashing on plugin execution:

* x2goplugin (libjpeg version responsible for problems on mandriva)


Alex & Heinz

X2go-dev mailing list

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