On 07/25/2010 05:12 AM, Heinz-M. Graesing wrote:
Hello x2gousers,

to get back to this discussion... We've received a lot of ideas and concerns on the list and as direct emails (again - those would better be posted to the list too...).

Some words about BerliOS:
A number of people are registered to BerliOS because of the projects past (x2go was only hosted there). They would like to see the project there again, so they don't have to register to anything new. In their eyes, BerliOS has the same features as any other project hosting site and it is free of ads, trackers and such things.

Yes, a forge.  Any decent forge will suffice.  BerliOS should work.

Git is - and that is what we like - really a good way to work with code as we do it (most of the time local on our mobile computers ). Sure SVN has some advantages, but maybe it is only that we've feel better using Git.

Git is fine since you don't want to use Launchpad.

As this is a offer of mike I'd like to ask directly: If we choose some generic projects which can be easily mirrored and don't have a "lock in" effect, would you and anybody else like to run a mirror? This would be help to avoid the "single point of failure" argument. As tehre is defenitly know how on the list, we can offer some sites inside the wiki for documentation (running a mirror).

Are you referring to things like forums, wikis, bug trackers?
I thought that was what BerliOS was providing? Isn't that the whole point of a forge? To reduce the amount of administration work necessary for an open source project?

The source code:
All of the historical binary and source code package archive needs mirrored at a public mirror (a university would be good). The Git repository should have plenty of people mirroring it so the code should be safe.

This paragraph is very interesting in my eyes:


o mails / mailing lists as information service offer a passive retrieval of
o use WebGUIs offer active search for information (i.e. active retrieval of

Mailing lists (software e.g. Mailman):

One thing to be aware of is that there is a huge increase in the number of mailing lists being seriously spammed. The python-list has recently been swamped with a number of spammers. If the mailing list is to be unmoderated then it should be read using something like Gmane which does spam filtering of the posts. If moderated, then all means of spam control needs to be employed. And the spammers have gotten wiser. They now post 1 or 2 topical posts before they start spamming the list. Probably from some of the human spam farms out there. They're actually hiring farms of humans to push spam so they can get by captcha's and other mechanisms. I'm now convinced that the only way we are going to stop spam is through legislation worldwide to make it illegal. Otherwise we'll be playing this cat and mouse game forever.


Anyway, back to x2go.  This all sounds real good.


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