On Sun, 2010-07-25 at 11:12 +0200, Heinz-M. Graesing wrote:
> As this is a offer of mike I'd like to ask directly: If we choose some 
> generic projects which can be easily mirrored and don't have a "lock in" 
> effect, would you and anybody else like to run a mirror? This would be 
> help to avoid the "single point of failure" argument. As tehre is 
> defenitly know how on the list, we can offer some sites inside the wiki 
> for documentation (running a mirror).
We might be able to mirror.  We're running flat out for time getting the
new company up and running but, if someone can provide a simple how-to
to set it up, we can try to squeeze it in.  Are there any estimates on
disk/bandwidth requirements? Thanks - John

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