> "For years many African Americans and Minorites have been discriminated 
> against in your country and prevented from participating in
> the most desirable jobs and universities simply because of their race! 
> Even when this was declared unconstitutional the practice
> still persisted! (Beuchamp and Bowie,1993).African Americans in particular 
> still face a variety of institutionalised racism and
> racially motivated negative actions that their Caucasian counterparts do 
> not face.Some of the major problems are their being
> channeled into minority positions, lack of access to network and mentors, 
> promotion and advancement difficulties and emotional and
> psychological maltreatment (Queralt, 1996)"
> Those exist today.If you are against Affirmative action then what is the 
> solution?
> To say that no solution to that problem is necessary is to agree with 
> racism and to support it.

Wouldn't the solution be to the attack the people or institutions that are 
propagating the problems you cite? Wouldn't a more permanent future solution 
be to gradually educate young Americans about tolerance, and racial 
equality? Wouldn't this help to remove the cancers that currently exist, 
while preventing future cancers through education?

Where do Affirmative Action programs fit in with these solutions?

> I have shown data and excerpts from real research that has stood up to 
> peer review and those of the opposition to Affirmative
> Action. I have shown factual data that in California when Affirmative 
> Action in tertiary admissions was removed that the enrollment
> of minorities plummeted. The figures are there, the actual people being 
> discriminated and disenfranchised are there too. Why not
> bring some anecdotes from them?

You seem to think the problem is that without affirmative action, Whites in 
a position of power won't be forced to hire or promote minorities.

I tend to think the problem is that Whites are in a position of power who 
would think twice about hiring or promoting minorities. If AA programs fight 
the symptoms of racism, why shouldn't we fight the root of it?

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