
I'm sure everyone on this list will say yes to learning oop right away.
Well, almost everyone.  I'll point you instead to where you can download a framework called PLUM.
Plum is a framework that uses the best of what coldfusion was designed to
be...a quick, easy to  learn, scripting language that makes extensive use of
custom tags.

Download plum, work through the tutorials you'll be building scalable,
robust applications in half the development time as the more seasoned oop
developers do.  Plum makes extensive use of CFC's, but it also has a few
dozen custom tags that make development much faster and easier to learn and
creates a natural procedural/oop hybrid framework.  Not only will you be up
and running much faster, but as you delve into the framework's code, you'll
learn, by osmosis, best practices for coldfusion development.

When you are ready to learn oop, start with an oop language (oop +
coldfusion is a bit of a hack), like AS 3.0 or java or .net/c#.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC, YES OR NO

I am using CF for while now but I have no other programing background. I
used video tutorials to learn CF and some other online tutorials
like Several days efore I recieved two new CF8 tutorials from ColdFusion 8 Essential Training | ColdFusion 8
Beyond the Basics) but I got confused completely! David Gassner the tutor
has a complete plan to talks about many corners of CF but he starts using
CFCs very soon at the middle of the first tutorial. He mentions you can
never use CFCs and make all the application using simple CF tags but knowing
CFCs helps you make it more reusable and manageable. I found CFCs VERY
confusing for myself. I tried to learn it but I didn't get it completely.
Maybe because I have no programing background with other languages other
than HTML. What do you think? Should I learn it? Does it gradually become
the core of CF programing to use CFCs? Please write me your opinions,
knowledge and experiences about the subject.

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